Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 256 : Chapter 109 Xuzhou's Death

[Volume 31] Chapter 256: Chapter 1 Xuzhou's Death ([-])


Chapter [-]: Xuzhou's Death

On January 1938, 1, when Gao Fei led his troops to arrive at Xuzhou Station, the entire station was filled with densely packed troops with human heads. Looking at the designation, it turned out to be the troops of the Third Army?Gao Fei knew that this would be a great change in the senior leadership of the Third Army, because the commander of the Third Army was the chairman of Shandong Province who had given up the entire northern section of Jinpu Road a while ago, allowing the Japanese Isoya Division to drive straight in. Han Fuju!

Han Fuju was different from the usual old warlords. He fought bravely and was relatively "cultured" among the various domestic warlords. He was highly respected and trusted by Feng Yuxiang back then. ~~ Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 25609

After the Central Plains War, he was in power in Shandong for eight years and tried to make some political achievements. After Han Fuju took charge of Shandong, he quickly reorganized the provincial government and proposed four governance plans: clarifying the administration of officials, cleaning up the countryside at all, strictly prohibiting drugs, and popularizing education. In fact, Han Fuju is rough and fine, and he wants to crowd out the central forces by clarifying the administration of officials, clearing up the countryside, strictly prohibiting drugs, and popularizing education.

During the period of the Republic of China, due to perennial warlord melee, warlord leaders were generally very concerned about their own troops, and regarded them as the capital of life-saving.What's more, after the start of the Anti-Japanese War, he was still unwilling to let his direct troops suffer major losses, regarded the troops as personal property, and ignored the interests of the country and the nation to avoid wars. Han Fuju is a typical example.

There were also more or less personal conflicts between Han Fuju and Chiang Kai-shek. Less than a few months after Han Fuju voted for Chiang, Han found that the financial support promised by Chiang was almost a dead letter, and Han had a premeditated plan to oppose Chiang. When he was the provincial chairman, he repeatedly attacked Chiang Kai-shek's cronies in Shandong, trying to drive Chiang's forces out of Shandong. During the Xi'an incident, Han Tongdian supported Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng to force Chiang to resist Japan, which deepened the conflict between the two.

When the Tenth Division under the command of Rensuke Isoya of the Japanese army advanced to Shandong, Han Fuju faced the aggressive approach of the Japanese army. In order to preserve the strength of his direct troops, he almost retreated without a fight. He voluntarily gave up the natural danger of the Yellow River and Mount Tai. Within a few days, the Yellow River defense line, which was expected to last for more than February, was abandoned, which opened the door to the northern section of Jinpu Road.

However, Gao Fei knew that this day in history might be the day of Han Fuju’s execution, and the news of Han Fuju’s execution would probably be published in the Central Daily News in a few days. Deliberately preserving strength, another point is the big hole Han Fuju dug for himself, because after the July [-]th Incident, Han Fuju participated in a series of campaigns by Liu Xiang, Li Zongren, and Bai Chongxi to support the independence of Sichuan, reject Jiang's entry into Sichuan, and defeat Jiang in Japan. secret activities.

At the moment when the enemy is at hand, the movement of Han Fuju, Liu Xiang and others has long been annihilated by the surging public opinion and voices of the Anti-Japanese War. No one is a fool.

Han Fuju thought it was extremely secretive, but he had been noticed by the military command. If he hadn't held five divisions and one brigade in his hands, Chiang Kai-shek would have wanted to deal with him a long time ago. Now the enemy is still trying to get himself out of power by engaging in internal strife?This is what Chiang Kai-shek hated most in his life.

Gao Fei believes that the execution of a high-ranking official like Han Fuju will definitely do more good than harm to the future situation of the War of Resistance. If all factions are concerned about preserving their strength, then China may really be about to perish.

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