Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 257 : Chapter 109 Xuzhou's Death

[Volume 31] Chapter 257: Chapter 2 Xuzhou's Death ([-])


Gao Fei stood on the platform, looking at the troops who had already formed a circle of eight people and prepared to eat. A cordoned off zone was set up on the side, and the officers wearing sunglasses stood proudly by the side commanding the distribution of food. The fifth column The lunch is a can of American beef with biscuits per person, a can of peaches for two people, and a lunch box of brewed milk. Soldiers must eat well to have physical strength. Food is also a guarantee of morale. Gao Fei has done a good job in this , the most important reason is that Gao Fei has money in his hands. e

However, the lunch of the fifth column did not go well. A large number of refugees were watching nearby. The special military uniforms and high morale of the fifth column, together with the unique weapons and equipment, made people feel an eye-opener. The heavy machine guns and mortars made a long trip, and with the mountains of supplies, the troops of the Third Army on the side

The treatment of Gao Fei's fifth column made the No.20 Second Division of the Sixth Army Headquarters who was unloading the trucks greedy. The officers and soldiers of the No.20 Second Division did not have American canned food or milk powder to drink. Its commander and No.20 Second Division Gu Liangmin, the division commander, also got off the train at this moment. Since the main platform was occupied by Gao Fei's fifth column, Gu Liangmin and his party walked onto the platform.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 25709

Gu Liangmin, courtesy name Jingxuan, was born in Juye County, Shandong Province. On the recommendation of his third brother, Gu Liangyou, he joined Fengtian Xinmin Mansion's No. 20 Town of the Qing Dynasty's new army. Transferred to Feng Yuxiang's guard.Following Feng, he participated in the Luanzhou Uprising, defending the country against Yuan, fighting against Zhang Xun, the Zhiwan War, the first Zhifeng War, etc., and escorted Feng out of danger many times.

Gu Liangmin can be said to be an absolute veteran lieutenant general. Years of military service have also created Gu Liangmin's character. A lieutenant general has to walk over the embankment for 10 minutes?Can a major stop on the platform?Where is Xuzhou?Where is the headquarters of the commander-in-chief of the fifth war zone, if the people at the station have no orders?Who dares to make such an arrangement?Gu Liangmin saw that the people below were angry, so he said angrily: "Be honest, I am afraid Chairman Han's life is in danger now? What else do you want to do? Anyone who causes trouble will be severely punished!"

Gu Liangmin walked to Gao Fei's cordon and looked inside. Although the military uniforms of the National Revolutionary Army were different across the country, it was the first time he had seen such American-style jackets and windbreakers. The fifth column on the military flag The words reminded Gu Liangmin of the death squad that made a big splash in Nanjing. I heard that the column leader Gao Fei survived a catastrophe.

Seems like it's armed with some sort of semi-automatic rifle?The latest German-made submachine gun?Mauser's sniper rifle?A zb-26 light machine gun made in the Czech Republic?It seems that there is also a German-made mg34 general-purpose machine gun?What's the other big gun?Gu Liangmin really haven't seen it?Helmet with better protective effect, calfskin military boots, gas mask barrel, special ammunition carrier on your body, etc.?Gu Liangmin has almost never seen it.

But there is one thing Gu Liangmin can be sure of, that is, these soldiers are the elite troops who have survived hundreds of battles. Hundreds of them eat without making a sound, and no one moves around, they are all eating in silence.

Gu Liangmin sighed unceasingly. It is a great waste for such a concentrated veteran to go into battle at one time. The life of a veteran is even more expensive than that of a new officer. This kind of preciousness is reflected in the battle at the critical moment. Gu Liangmin naturally knows that the fifth The column is a military command team, and the appointment is its big backer, especially Gao Fei who was awarded the Lion Dance Sword. Would you be willing to award such a heaven-defying thing?Gu Liangmin even wondered if Gao Fei might be Jiang Zhongzheng's illegitimate son?

Gao Fei, who owns the Lion Awakening Knife, does not need to salute to a senior officer like himself. This is the so-called privilege of the Knife Knife. How many of the successful young people can be modest and prudent?Therefore, Gu Liangmin had no intention of approaching at all. He stood aside and used his own eyes to examine the real combat effectiveness of this troop that had been widely rumored. After seeing it, Gu Liangmin could only sigh helplessly. Hushi!

Gao Fei is also making a difficult decision at this time. He regrets letting the troops eat while waiting for the convoy, because some refugees near the station have gathered together, standing outside the cordon and looking eagerly at the big The officers and soldiers of the fifth column who are eating and drinking, no one can eat under such circumstances, many officers and soldiers are looking around?

As the captain of the column, Gao Fei also wanted to give some charity to the refugees, but there were too many refugees, how many could he help?Moreover, a large amount of weapons and materials are still on the platform, mainly to prevent the Japanese and puppet enemy agents from taking the opportunity to mix in the refugees and cause damage. Gao Fei's worries are not unreasonable. A large part of the smooth operation of the Japanese army depends on its effective intelligence department. Accurate intelligence enables the Japanese army to always attack Japan's weakness with superior firepower and troops.

However, after the child's hoarse cry, Gao Fei couldn't sit still anymore, and brought the milk powder brewed in his lunch box to the young mother. Looking at the sallow and emaciated mother and child, Gao Fei silently put his lunch box After handing it over, the mother who was holding the child immediately knelt down on the ground, murmuring not knowing what to say?I know that in this era of turmoil and chaos, it is a miracle that children can be supported under the upheaval.

Gao Fei handed the canned beef and biscuits he had eaten a few mouthfuls to the child's mother and said, "Eat it! If the adults fall down, the child will be finished!"

With water in her eyes, the young mother said, "I was looking for my man from the mountain, sir! Where is the last news about my man? He is a soldier in the Central Army! I also took his sister with me. "The woman pulled a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl with a face like a cat, and gave the girl all the food that Gao Fei gave him.

Gao Fei shook his head helplessly and said: "It's too difficult to find a single person in an army of nearly a million. Even if you have a troop number, it's hard to find someone with a name or surname. Tens of thousands of people disappeared after the war."

The woman seemed unwilling and said: "My man's name is Gao Laifu, from Pinggu, Shanxi!"

Gao Fei handed a can of milk powder to the woman and said, "I can't help you much, Xuzhou is about to fight a big battle, you should go to Chongqing!" Gao Fei guessed that the woman plus the child and the little girl would leave After arriving in Chongqing, how many hundreds of thousands of refugees died on the way?

The woman looked at Gao Fei with despair, but Xu Houde and Fang Guozhong walked over. Xu Houde said to the woman with a look of surprise: "Are you talking again? What is your man's name? Where is he from?"

Holding the last hope, the woman said: "My man is Gao Laifu, from Pinggu, Shanxi, and he has a big scar on the side of his face."

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