Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 262 : Chapter 111 Poor basketball team

[Volume 31] Chapter 262: Chapter 110 Poor basketball team (2)


Xu Tianpeng saw that Gao Fei was aggrieved, so he smiled and said: "Haven't you seen it? Pang Bingxun! The old guy from the Northwest Army, the old guy who is older than Han Fuju, is stubborn! He is just talking, but Han Fuju really gave the team every If someone served a ball, this group of people are all gods!"

This is Pang Bingxun?Gao Fei glanced at Pang Bingxun's back, Xu Tianpeng nodded and said, "I guess he came to beg Mr. Li. His Third Army Corps heard that it was going to cut a regiment, so it was in a hurry!"

Gao Fei hummed: "For a majestic regiment commander, it's a good thing to lay off a regiment and reorganize its combat power. Wouldn't it be over if we replenished other troops? That's why we have too many troops, sometimes it's really harmful Shallow waiting delays the fighter plane!" Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 26211

Xu Tianpeng looked around and said: "Pang Laizi graduated from the Northeast Surveying and Mapping School. He used to serve as a surveyor in the third town of the Qing army. He joined the Tongmenghui before the Xinhai Revolution. Because the old guy has been in business for many years, he has the shrewdness of a small businessman. His third regiment is said to be a regiment, but in fact it is only one army of the No. 40 Army, and the No. 40 Army has only one division and five regiments. If you want to reduce the organizational system of a regiment, doesn't that mean killing him? Pang Laizi is a veteran of the Northwest Army, and these five regiments are all hard-topped, so it's no wonder that he is responsible. Now all the troops are In expansion, he will disarm!"

Gao Fei was surprised: "It is said that Pang Bingxun's attitude towards the central government is very respectful? Moreover, he also opposed Zhang Xueliang and Yang Hucheng during the Double Twelve Incident. Why is that so?"

Xu Tianpeng curled his lips and said, "It's not as effective as saying something. Your brother doesn't know the old bones of these warlords. Why does Han Fuju dare to criticize the central government? Ignore Mr. Li? He Han Fuju has five divisions and one brigade in his hand Troops, if he doesn’t go to Kaifeng for a meeting, Chairman Jiang won’t be able to touch him. You are looking at Pang Bingxun, who has only five regiments of troops. If there is no territory, how can he challenge others? The team is over, and it is estimated that the first one to dissatisfy is the central government."

Gao Fei let out a sigh. It seems that many things are not as simple as they appear on the surface. It is hateful for the local warlord factions to preserve their strength, but the training and weaponry of the Chinese army is really far behind the Japanese army.

Gao Fei was absent-mindedly watching the basketball game, while the Japanese army was already sharpening their swords. After the Japanese army captured Nanjing, they changed the Central China Expeditionary Army to the Central China Front Army, with Junro Hata as the commander. Command, implement a north-south advance, plan to first capture Xuzhou, a strategically important place in East China, then take Zhengzhou to the west along the Longhai Railway, and then take Wuhan to the south along the Ping-Han Railway.

The Japanese army has learned through intelligence that the Chinese army is under the command of Li Zongren, commander of the fifth theater, and has successively mobilized 39 divisions to concentrate the main force in the area north of Xuzhou, preparing to fight the main force of the imperial army on the northern line at the northern section of Jinpu Road. A force was deployed on the southern section of the Jinpu Railway to prevent the offensive of the imperial army on the southern line, and defended Xuzhou with the tactics of dividing troops into multiple routes and combining internal and external lines.

The tactics of the Chinese army are not new to the Japanese army. Juichi Terauchi, who is dressed in military uniform, is sitting in Jinan at the moment, holding a strategic deployment meeting for senior generals of the North China Front Army. He is 59 years old. Greed and desire dominate him, delusional about the unattainable rank of marshal.

Terauchi Shouichi was born in a very prestigious and powerful hereditary aristocratic family in Yamaguchi Prefecture, Japan. His father, Earl Terauchi Shogi, was a founding father of the Meiji era.When he was born, his father was just a young sergeant, and the two fathers had the typical male physical characteristics of the Yamato nation, such as top-heavy, short stature, and they looked very similar.

Hata Toshiro made a special trip to take the special plane of the Naval Air Corps to attend this important meeting. Due to the launch of the all-out war of aggression against China, it turned out to be counterproductive. Not only did it fail to end the war in three months, but the war continued to expand and prolong endlessly. The entire Japanese government, army, and military department have been made to ride a tiger. The Japanese government has continuously increased its war expenditure by 35 billion yen. Within two months, it has recruited 24 new recruits to form ten new divisions. Sustained large-scale operations allowed by national strength.

Terauchi Shouichi glanced at Hata Toshiroku, who looked very shriveled beside him. Although the two were both commanders of the front army, their experiences and backgrounds were very different. He is a rare highly educated general in the Japanese Army.

Terauchi Shouichi's brilliance is that he never reveals his political views, hides his will and waits for an opportunity. When the young soldiers of the Imperial Dao faction in Japan created the February [-] Incident, they attempted to overthrow some important officials of the ruling faction through a coup.

Because the imperial way sent young and strong soldiers to kill important ministers indiscriminately, which had a major impact on Japan's international image, Emperor Hirohito was extremely furious and decided to give a firm blow, so the coup failed.

The army made a decision to clean up military discipline. At this time, Terauchi Shouichi was a descendant of a famous family, and he was detached from factional struggles. He had a complete career history, and was cheerful and open-minded, and he had the courage to take responsibility for his subordinates.Not only in the military, but also in the political and financial circles, he was very popular, and he became the best candidate for the Minister of Army to take on the important task of the Su army. Siuchi Shouyi came to serve as the new Lu Xiang, and after Siuchi Shouyi took the post of Lu Xiang, he immediately used his iron fist to purge the army.

Terauchi Shouichi, who was once in power, immediately exposed his true purpose and true colors. In the name of Su Jun, he arbitrarily arbitrarily decided all the personnel transfer arrangements of the Army Ministry, which made the meeting of the three chiefs useless. The form of meeting discussion was abolished, and one person had sole power over personnel affairs.

After cleaning up the Kodo faction, the mainstays of the ruling faction, Sugiyama Moto, Nishio Hiszo, and Umezu Yoshijiro were transferred to control the Army Central Committee, so the ruling faction began to really grasp the lifeline of the army, which actually meant that Japan was finally heading for China. path of expansion.

There are still some little-known conflicts between Shouichi and Hata Junliu in the temple, but generals at this level seldom put their emotions on the surface. Change is one of the most basic homework for the so-called Japanese imperialists.

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