Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 263 : Chapter 112 Xuzhou Strategy

[Volume 31] Chapter 263: Chapter 110 Xuzhou Strategy (1)


Chapter 110 Xuzhou Strategy

In terms of overall strategy, Terauchi Shouichi has always advocated quick battles and quick decisions, so he commanded the North China Front Army to aggressively attack the entire North China region. Since he took office, he has issued orders for mobile operations along the Baoding line. The main force of the Kuomintang Central Army relied on its superior firepower and mobility to make rapid breakthroughs. As a result, the Chinese army's front was repeatedly broken by the Japanese army before it was formed. The camp director Xu Yongchang could only do nothing about it. e

After the First Army of the North China Dispatch Army occupied Baoding, the Second Army led by Hisao Nishio took Cangzhou in the flood. Terauchi Shouichi, who followed the orders of the Army Headquarters, the Army Headquarters, and the General Staff Headquarters, continued to encourage the troops to go south. Enter.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 26312

It can be said that Terauchi Shouichi and Hata Shunroku are so-called experts in terms of strategy. Compared with Nishio Shouzo, who will be transferred back to the domestic staff headquarters, he seems to be strict. He has always carried out the orders of Shangfeng unconditionally. He is a quiet and good man, but whether it is Terauchi Shouichi or Hata Junliu, the so-called purpose of the two people's struggle is actually for the so-called commander of the Chinese Expeditionary Army, because in the organizational system of the Japanese Army, the front army Above all, there is the general army. Only those who have served in the military headquarters, staff headquarters, and military education director, who have served as brigade commanders, division commanders, army commanders, and front army commanders, can be the commander-in-chief of the general army. The post of commander-in-chief, and the commander-in-chief of the general army is a necessary condition for promotion to marshal.

But at this time, Toshiuchi Terauchi and Shunro Hata may not have the position of the future first commander-in-chief of the Chinese Expeditionary Force, Hiso Nishio. I know that when the senior generals of the Japanese Army meet, the seats are very particular. The official position is the first, followed by close relatives, and the military rank is the third. The general will even be slapped by the active captain. This is the old tradition of the Japanese Army to respect the old and love the young. The newcomers use bamboo swords to fight, and the old people in the reserve service can take care of the slap. The difference between the active duty and the reserve is so huge. Maybe those who retired in China are better than those who are active?Do you dare to slap the old general?His subordinates can beat you so that you can fly, but the Japanese don't talk about this.

Unless you stay honestly in the local area, if you still want to be unwilling to come out to earn extra money and cheat money, then I'm sorry, and if something goes wrong, you can call me right away.

However, as the first commander-in-chief of the Chinese Expeditionary Army in history, Nishio Shouzo did not go to the Army Junior School. He was admitted to the Army after graduating from Tottori Middle School. .40 Wing in service.Due to his good grades when he graduated, Hisao Nishio was appointed as the flag bearer of the alliance.Being a standard bearer is very prestigious, and you can always follow the captain's side to attract people's attention.During the Russo-Japanese War, Hisao Nishio went out with the No.40 Regiment, and was injured in the foot during the Battle of Shahe.Hisao Nishio was ranked second among the 51 students in the same period when he graduated from the Continental University. He was overwhelmed by Hata Junroku. Just like today, Hata Junroku is already the commander of the Central China Front Army, and he is the commander of the Second Army. It can be seen that Japan The randomness of the appointment of people in the Army not only pays attention to seniority, but also likes to overthrow their own arguments. Perhaps this is a concrete manifestation of the contradictions in the Japanese personality!

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