Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 264 : Chapter 112 Xuzhou Strategy

[Volume 31] Chapter 264: Chapter 110 Xuzhou Strategy (2)


Hiso Nishio is sitting obediently at the moment, with his head lowered. It is said that his habit was developed when he gave Tanaka Yoshito a song as a secretary during the Shaozuo era. However, Hiso Nishio has an extremely serious personality. He believed that soldiers should not interfere in politics. Hisao Nishio was the chief of staff of the Kwantung Army during the [-] Mutiny, and he was soon promoted to the deputy chief of staff of the General Staff Headquarters and the head of the Guards Division, all related to him.

However, Hisao Nishio can be regarded as a success, and Xiao He defeated Xiao He. Nishio Hisao, who was serving as a military councilor, went to inspect the Kansai area of ​​Japan. When answering reporters’ questions, he was very casual because he couldn’t hear what the reporter said. He said casually: "I don't know about this, you can ask that guy who rummages through the trash every morning!"

Nishio Hiszo and the reporters knew very well that this was actually referring to the then Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo, because one of Tojo’s hobbies was to check the garbage in the garbage can to see if anyone had eaten it. Big fish and big meat, extravagant and wasteful when the country is in trouble, Nishio Hisao's words angered the narrow-minded Prime Minister Tojo, so he immediately ordered his predecessor, General Nishio, to be included in the reserve. Nishio Hisao ended in a dismal end. His invincible imperial army of the Great Japanese Empire flew back to annihilate, watching the incomparably powerful Japanese Empire fall apart!Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 26412

Temple Shouyi put his hands on the table, looked around for a week, walked to the huge map, and said with a little map from the command center: "The imperial meeting of the base camp has approved my previous battle plan. I am very pleased, because I The officer decided to cooperate with His Excellency Commander Hata Junliu of the Central China Front Army to complete the plan of joining forces from the north to the south, capture Xuzhou, then attack Wuhan, and annihilate the main force of the Central Army under the cities of Xuzhou and Wuhan!"

Terauchi Shouichi's words made Hata Shunroku involuntarily frowned slightly. In Hata Junliu's eyes, Terauchi Shouichi was basically a guy who talked nonsense and didn't write drafts, because Terauchi Shouichi's previous strategic goal was to carry out the Xuzhou Battle to communicate the North and South battlefields and open up The Jinpu railway line, and then pursue the Chinese defenders along the Longhai line, and finally let the main forces of the North China Front Army and the Central China Front Army join forces to attack Wuhan.

However, the headquarters did not immediately agree with Terauchi Shouichi's battle plan, because the decision makers of the General Staff Headquarters at this time were determined to guide the war in accordance with the concept of a comprehensive and protracted war, because the domestic material reserves were not enough to supply the North China Front Army and the Central China Front Army at the same time. Large-scale battle.

Therefore, it is a principle not to launch new operations before January 1938. In response to the large-scale massacres in Nanjing, the new establishment, rectification and military discipline of the Corps were specially carried out.

It was not until a week ago that the General Staff Headquarters issued specific operational instructions to Shouichi Terauchi. The General Staff Headquarters proposed that the occupied line or other areas along the Jiaoji Railway should not exceed the Yellow River line for operations. The division was organized into the North China Front Army, and it was on standby along the Pingjin line as a general reserve for the battle to prepare for the base camp. For the Fifth Division of Banyuan, which belongs to the North China Front Army, it was quickly transferred to other areas by sea when necessary, so its position should be at Standby along the Jiaoji line.

Terauchi Shouichi may be very dissatisfied with the order that the base camp did not support his battle plan and that the Fifth Division might be withdrawn. Therefore, it is entirely possible that the specific orders he issued in advance did not fully follow the instructions of the base camp. Instead, the Second Army on the front line was required to actively defend. As a result, according to this order, the Fifth Division and the Tenth Division each sent a brigade to conduct a full search to determine the defense line of the Chinese defenders and the location of the main force. In the Linyi and Taierzhuang areas, the headquarters were stubbornly blocked by Li Zongren's subordinates Pang Bingxun and Sun Lianzhong's troops in the Fifth War Zone of China, and were counterattacked by Zhang Zizhong and Tang Enbo, and were forced to retreat.

For a while, public opinion at home and abroad was uproarious, and public opinion in Japan also began to condemn the government and the military. Why not take advantage of the victory and attack to expand the results?So that the squadron is reorganized and fights again?The imperial army suffered great losses, etc. Li Zongren, the commander of the fifth theater of the Chinese side, even said that the Japanese soldiers had exhausted their strength and the rise of anti-war. If there was another war, Japan would soon withdraw its troops. The Supreme Military Council also began to gather around Xuzhou An army of nearly [-] soldiers was raised, ready to fight the Japanese army to determine the outcome.

Terauchi Shouichi, who became angry and ashamed, played a trick of stealing the sky and changing the sun. The base camp had to allocate the [-]th Division from the Central China Front Army to the North China Front Army. In a good mood, Terauchi Shouichi thought the time was ripe, and decided to cooperate with Commander Hata Toshi of the Central China Front Army to adjust the deployment. The North China Front Army sent five divisions and Central China sent three divisions, totaling more than [-] people. The troops contained the Chinese defenders from the front, forcing the squadron to launch the main force to fight, and the main force surrounded Xuzhou from the west. Gather and annihilate the main force of the Japanese army.

Terauchi Shouyi wanted to take advantage of the adjustment of the squadron's deployment, and use the main forces of the Central China and North China Fronts to directly attack the Taierzhuang area and severely damage the main force of China's Fifth Theater.

Terauchi Shouichi was talking endlessly about his battle plan, while Hata Shunroku was absent-mindedly thinking about what benefits he could gain from this battle?There is no shortage of antiques and gold in China. What he wants to seize now is further opportunities. If it is not for the overall strategic needs, the Imperial Japanese Army must open up Jinpu Road and let the main force of the North China Front Army and Central China along the Longhai Road. The main force of the front army will join forces and attack the Great Wuhan, otherwise Hata Junliu will not bother to deal with the one-man show of Shouichi in the temple!

It can be said that not everyone agrees with Shouichi Terauchi's hyped-up battle plan. For example, Lieutenant General Itagaki Seishiro, the commander of the Fifth Division, the mastermind of the September [-]th Incident, received a letter from the Kwantung Army Chief of Staff. As the head of the fifth division, Itagaki Seishiro is not a guy who eats dry food.

Itagaki Seishiro saw the problem at a glance from Terauchi Shouichi's plan. His Fifth Division and Isotani Rensuke's Tenth Division went side by side?This is completely a kind of rash advance!Once the squadron stubbornly blocks one way, open the door and let the other way go deeper?The consequences are unimaginable!

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