Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 404 : Chapter 186 Oral War and Rape

[Volume 50] Chapter 404: Chapter 180 Chapter 2 Oral War** ([-]) ([-])


Dai Li pondered for a while and said: "You can say whatever you want! If there is a problem, the chairman will blame me, and I will bear it for you, understand?"

Gao Fei's appearance was very high-profile. The lion dance knife and a large row of medals, except for a slightly tired face, seemed to be full of energy. Gao Fei flicked the microphone with his fingers and said: "My friends from the press, You must have a lot of questions to ask me. There is plenty of time here today, so please ask questions one by one. In addition, friends from foreign journalists, please correct the meaning of your words when translating. You must know that my Chinese culture is profound and profound. Don't make any improper misunderstandings, I don't read much, so I won't be responsible at that time!"

Gao Fei's words caused a lot of laughter, but Gao Fei immediately found that the atmosphere at the scene was very strange. Among the many reporters, only Hu Lancheng raised his hand, and everyone was watching him. Gao Fei's first move seemed to have failed. It seemed impossible after drying it out, Gao Fei stretched out his hand and made a gesture of please. ~~e~~ Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 40486

Hu Lancheng was dressed in a decent beige checked British suit, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, and said with a smile: "Excuse me, Captain Gaozong, it is rumored that you were chased out by Chief Li Zongren of the Fifth War Zone and robbed you along the way." You have three wives? Now the civil and military laws of the Republic of China do not allow concubines? Why can you marry three wives alone? And Lu Yifeng is a giant wanted by the government for many years Bandit, is it possible that your military commander is a family of bandits? How can you explain?"

Gao Fei looked at Hu Lancheng, and he suddenly discovered a problem. All traitors are basically talented scholars with good facial features and clear thinking. It is not as fun to argue as it is to play hooligans.

So Gao Fei said in a very high-profile way: "My fifth column destroyed a large Japanese military depot behind the enemy, blasted more than 60 poison gas shells, and caused more than [-] Japanese casualties. In [-] hours, more than a thousand Japanese invaders were killed, until the No.[-] Eighth Army took over the defense, and [-]% of the officers and soldiers of the troops died in Chengren. Under the order of Chief Li Zongren, they returned to Chongqing to make up and fight again. Everyone, please pay silent tribute to the officers and soldiers of Chengren !"

Everyone present, whether they wanted it or not, including the two Japanese reporters also bowed their heads in silence, watching Hu Lancheng's reluctance. After the silence, Gao Fei changed the subject: "Just now everyone heard that Mr. Hu Lancheng used a Words, just rumors? What are rumors? It’s something that hasn’t been verified, it’s unfounded! Saying that my team members robbed people’s property? , but here, I can only say that you are farting, Hu Lancheng, you are farting your fucking dog."

Hu Lancheng's face turned pale, and Gao Fei said loudly before giving him a chance to speak: "Mr. Hu Lancheng, please forgive me. I, Gao Fei, are a motherfucker, uneducated, don't care about me! You said I have three wives, I admit it, but we really love each other. Besides Zhang Ailing, don’t you Hu Lancheng also have a nurse and a teacher? You use Zhang Ailing’s money to support the two of them, don’t you? It’s because you are a cultural person? This is soft food, Does the little boy know? I've seen shameless people before, but I've never seen you so shameless!"

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