Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 405 : Chapter 187 Oral War and Rape

[Volume 50] Chapter 405: Chapter 180 Chapter 1 Oral War** ([-]) ([-])


Chapter 180 Chapter [-] Warfare**([-])

Gao Fei looked around the audience and said: "The family members of my three wives were all killed by the Japanese devils. I have a sworn feud with the little Japanese. My wife is not married to an official matchmaker. They are all confidante, but I used I support them with my own money. I Gao Fei dare not say that I am an upright man, but I have never spent a penny from a woman. How can you swear by Hu Lancheng? Didn’t spend Zhang Ailing’s 400 yuan a month? Didn’t take her Emerald bracelet for the little nurse?"

Hu Lancheng's face was pale, he didn't expect that all his cunts would be dug out?Just as he was about to get up, his shoulders were suddenly held down. Fang Guozhong and Xu Houde smiled at Gao Fei on the stage, and Gao Fei immediately said: "A bastard who eats soft food and is full of lies, even the shit in the stinky ditch is more moral than you." , why don't you resist, don't look at you, Hu Lancheng, after you become an eunuch, you are not good at all!"

After being an official, after Gao Fei deliberately said that he was an eunuch, it immediately caused a roar of laughter. Dai Li behind him squatted in the corner with a smile. He had heard of Gao Fei playing hooligans. There is a grudge for digging graves, and only hatred for taking his wife. In addition, Gao Fei is too ruthless. ~~e~~

Gao Fei cleared his throat and said: "In addition, my wife Lu Yifeng is a bandit, but it is also true that she led the troops to fight against Japan. Now the whole nation is fighting against Japan. As long as it is fighting against Japan and the little devils, it should let the past go. I think it is cheap for her to smash a few newspapers. Yes, to smear the anti-Japanese soldiers, what is the intention? I, the anti-Japanese soldiers, counted the few bullets at the front, had nothing to eat, and used flesh and blood to build the last barrier of national production under the Japanese artillery fire. What is the intention of the anti-Japanese soldiers to smear them? They must be hidden Japanese spies. Can these people be counted? Impossible. They must all be arrested and interrogated, including their family and friends. Treat the Japanese puppets As for spies and secret agents, Dean Wang Jingwei is very right, it is better to kill a thousand by mistake than to let one go."

Gao Fei waved his arm vigorously, what is the military commander doing?What is the moment?At the critical moment of the nation-state, what freedom of the press?It's all about your mother's egg, the country is about to perish, why don't you talk to the Japanese?Talk to the Japanese about freedom of the press. Anyone who reports something that is not conducive to the overall situation of the War of Resistance is a traitor. The military command is to severely punish traitors.

Gao Fei stared at Hu Lancheng and said, "Mr. Hu Lancheng, seeing you reminds me of a big traitor, Pan Yugui, a bastard. Pan Yugui, the head of the army, immediately revealed all the plans to the Japanese army after attending the meeting of the 29th Army. Pan Yugui's rebellion directly led to the fall of Nanyuan and the sacrifice of the two generals Zhao Dengyu and Tong Linge.

Gao Fei paused for a moment and continued: "Some time ago, a newspaper in Tianjin interviewed this traitor, and Pan Yugui talked about it without shame, without any sign of guilt. He thought that he had a stand for being a traitor? The so-called betrayal of the 20th Ninth Army is to make the anti-Japanese forces in the No.20 Ninth Army fail as soon as possible, so as to avoid the spread of the war and harm the people, so that my great ideal can be realized. The so-called betrayal is for the sake of patriotism ? What kind of fucking logic is this?"

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