Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 416 : Chapter 195 Difficult Questions

[Volume 52] Chapter 416: Chapter 190 Chapter 1 Difficult Questions ([-])


Chapter 190 Five Difficult Questions

Dai Li's instructions to Gao Fei also made Gao Fei confused. Are they referring to the Japanese or the Japanese?Or Puppet Manchukuo spies?Just ask if you don’t understand?It’s okay to say this to elementary school students, but if you put it on Gao Fei, it’s a sign of extreme stupidity. You must learn to be good at understanding the intention of the leader. If you don’t understand, you can only guess by yourself.

Gao Fei knew that he was under a lot of pressure. The military command had a set of forged documents and disguise masters. He was going to set off tonight. Gao Fei had a lot of things to prepare. The military command's underground station in Beiping has been cracked, and we can only rely on the support of the underground Beiping Municipal Committee of the Communist Party. The well-trained military command and central command agents, several large-scale operations have also been thrown into the sand, and it seems that they only played the role of scaring the snake?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 41695

Gao Fei needs a detailed battle plan. Compared with the bloody battle of the big corps' strategic decisive battle on the frontal battlefield, Gao Fei also feels powerless and helpless.

At the beginning of the all-out war of resistance, Chiang Kai-shek chanted the slogan that all people, regardless of age, should be responsible for the war of resistance. Absolutely asymmetric contest between the kings, the Empire of Japan is the first-class power in Asia, the victorious country of World War I, wiped out nearly half of the fleet of the Russian Navy, invaded Siberia, occupied Taiwan and included Japan in the territory, its equipment It has a huge navy with a total tonnage of nearly 200 million tons of surface combat ships, an army and navy aviation force equipped with 30 all-weather aircraft, and a 400 well-trained and well-equipped standing army. Of the 170 million reserve soldiers trained, [-] million of them can be mobilized to the front line within three months.

As for China, an opponent that has been weak for centuries, the navy only has a gross tonnage of 200 tons, the air force has only 5000 old-fashioned aircraft, and the army has only 75 million uneducated soldiers and commanders who do not understand modern tactics. The disparity is even more astonishing. A Division A of the Japanese Army has more than 75 horses, [-] vehicles, and one rifle per person. In coordination, most divisions do not have artillery. [-]mm artillery is called heavy artillery in China. The extent of the Chinese army's lack of artillery can be imagined. Back then, Fengjun Shenwei relied on the arsenal built by the Japanese for Zhang Zuolin, which could produce [-] Type [-]mm gun and shells.

Many soldiers of the squadron are often stunned when they encounter Japanese tanks on the battlefield, and they are stunned to know that there is such a new weapon in the world?With China's strength, in the face of Japan's vicious, cunning and morally unscrupulous bandits, it is impossible to have any clever tricks that can make China immediately get rid of its strategic passiveness in a short period of time.

This can only be a long and arduous process. The Chinese nation, no matter how doomed, can regain its vitality only after going through hell-like ordeals. In order to integrate internal anti-Japanese forces, adjust external international relations, and step up national defense construction, some There is nothing wrong with making temporary compromises, making some local sacrifices, avoiding head-on and direct confrontation as much as possible, especially avoiding large-scale military conflicts, and not giving the Japanese bandits who want to make troubles an excuse to expand their aggression.

The Anti-Japanese War was not a bloody battle for the whole country, and it was not possible to sink the ax and sink the boat at every turn. It was easy to make a strategic decision when the preparation was not sufficient, and the life and property of the whole country were thrown into the war without the slightest hesitation, hesitation, and without going through the process. Thinking about it in detail, if this is the case, it is unimaginable, but now what Gao Fei sees is nothing but sacrifice!

Moreover, the Kuomintang system has not really achieved the so-called doctrine-led revolution. History has proved that the so-called revolution is just a group of speculators replacing another group of speculators. This is also a large-scale gamble. The king is named Marquis, and the loser will be cut to death by grasshoppers, civilian thieves and lone husbands.

When a dynasty was first established, the officials were all newly appointed, and there was no such or that kind of interest circle and unspoken rules among them, so it was easy to govern and use it, and the whole country could be fully governed with one order. However, the bureaucratic group will develop and expand by itself, and its internal ethical hidden rules will continue to strengthen and deepen. Any new official who enters this system will be assimilated, otherwise he will be an upright official, and the fate of an upright official is either To be discovered and reused by the monarch, or to be a solitary marginal man in the officialdom forever. After decades of development of the bureaucratic group, its internal ethics are deeply rooted and almost impossible to change!At the same time, since the bureaucracy is the administrative body that implements and implements policies, it holds considerable power, so even a monopolistic leader is powerless to change it.

Therefore, in the middle and late stages of a dynasty, it is often terminally ill. No matter how powerful the emperor is, he can only watch it decline day by day. There is no doubt that although the Republic of China did not last long, the Republic of China itself Not a healthy group, a large group of speculators jumping up and down, how many of them are really seeking health and welfare for the people?The purpose of most people's revolution is dissatisfaction with the distribution of the current system, and the privileges and classes are replaced by the revolution.

In fact, Gao Fei does not object to the so-called privileges, why don't you work hard with your head on your belt if you don't have privileges?For the future revival of the Chinese nation?Can the Chinese nation recover without you?What are privileges for?Privileges are to better seek welfare for the general public, win more resources for the country, make the country strong, and make the people rich, not just selfish interests!

The corruption within the Kuomintang has reached the point where it is about to be completely eradicated. There are also patriotic people with lofty ideals. Without them, China would have perished long ago.

But how to complete the great cause of the War of Resistance under such conditions and defeat the Japanese with China's own strength?It is simply unimaginable, and the painful price paid may be unacceptable to the entire Chinese nation.

At this moment, Gao Fei is not in a good mood. He sneaked into Beiping to carry out the assassination and steal the Japanese army's secret code template. If these two tasks are to be completed within the ten-day deadline, at least under the current conditions, it cannot be satisfied. , what can be done by others, the price is nothing more than holding my own head to try, I can die, but I must not fail!This is one of the many maxims of the Fifth Column.

Now Gao Fei is facing a deadlock!

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