[Volume 52] Chapter 417: Chapter 190 Chapter 1 Dude ([-])


Chapter 190 Six, Dude

Gao Fei returned to the base of the column. Although this task is called a strong attack, there must not be too many people. Two of his capable generals, Fang Guozhong and Xu Houde, were injured again, and they looked like tall and burly soldiers. It is even more difficult to mix into Peking, which is heavily guarded by the Japanese and puppets, so Gao Fei ordered the two to stay at the base and organize troops for training, especially the training of one specialist and multiple abilities and special parachute training. Don't be afraid of sacrifice for training, Gao Fei Fang Guozhong and Xu Houde were given [-]% of the training death quota, which is unimaginable in other troops of the Communist Party of China, but in the fifth column this is a normal thing that is not surprising. (e)

After careful consideration, Gao Fei decided to select Huang Tianxia and Xiao Glasses from all the combat personnel in the base as the leaders of the first and second action teams, because Gao Fei remembered that Xiao Glass said that he had a few very good classmates who went to school in Peiping.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 41796

Then, Gao Fei chose Huang Chao, an old chimney who is good at long-distance sniper shooting, Shen Guang, a mouse who is good at picking doors and pressing locks, Qi Feizhi, a fox who is good at cheating, kidnapping and stealing, Liu Kai, a hound who is good at blasting, and four others who are good at street fighting. The four brothers Liu Qingwen, Liu Qingwu, Liu Qingshuang, and Liu Qingquan were the platoon leaders of the Seventh Brigade of the Northeast Army. The four brothers served in the same company. They fired back despite orders on September [-] and were later dismissed Participated in the Northeast Volunteer Army. After the Volunteer Army failed, they entered the customs and defected to the old army. As a result, the old army was downsized into the Second Army because of the Double Twelve Incident. The four people who had nowhere to go happened to catch up with Gao Fei's recruitment, but they did not catch up with the previous Xuzhou enemy rear Raid war.

Gao Fei discovered the four brothers when he checked the roster. After the introduction of the big bowl of noodles, he realized that the four were quadruplets. They were notoriously sharp in mountain guerrilla and street fighting. Only a few people can take care of these four like-minded brothers. As the saying goes, if brothers are of one mind, their strength can cut through gold. From Gao Fei's point of view, this is true at all.

Gao Fei was dressed as Chen Xuerui, the third son of Chen Mantang, a wealthy Nanyang businessman. He returned from studying in the United States and went to Peking to check the family property. According to Dai Li's information, all the members of the Chen family had already retreated. The last stronghold of the military command in Peiping was in Chen The reason why the Japanese did not touch Chen’s company is also very simple. Chen’s business is spread all over Europe and the United States, and the family has a strong influence in Nanyang. Its transportation company has more than 70 large and small tankers, and 60.00% of the cargo transported by these tankers Oil is sold to the Japanese Empire in Hong Kong, so it is too late for the Japanese to respect the Chen family.

The Chen family is a businessman, but they can be regarded as enlightened businessmen. As soon as Chen Mantang heard about the military command, he immediately asked the third child to go back to the Nanyang old house to hide, so that Gao Fei could pretend to be him. Since Chen Xuerui had been in the United States for many years and was born to his second wife, There are not many people who pay attention. There is a photo in the information provided by Dai Li. It’s okay if Gao Fei doesn’t look at it. When he saw it, he was really shocked. He looks quite similar to himself?It's just a little more powder gas?The evil eyes make people very uncomfortable?

Gao Fei originally wanted to take Lu Yifeng by his side to cover, but the information said that once Chen Xuerui and the woman stayed overnight, they would immediately abandon it, just like changing clothes?He is a typical dude among the second-generation ancestors, and he spends money like water. What shocked Gao Fei the most was that such a ruthless bastard could graduate from the prestigious Virginia Military Academy?General Sun Liren's apprentice?

The Virginia Military Institute, founded on November 1839, 11, is the first state-run military academy in the United States.The mission of the Virginia Military Academy is to train young men of good quality who combine civil and military skills. The most important feature of the school is that it does not take the training of military officers as its first mission, and the young people it trains may not choose the army as a lifelong career.Because the Virginia Military Academy's mission is to cultivate high-quality, respected, and steady leaders, Gao Fei was surprised that someone like Chen Xuerui could graduate.

So Lu Yifeng couldn't cooperate to cover up her identity, which made Gao Fei more likely to be exposed, because the person who knows men best is women, and the most difficult time for a man to reveal himself is in sex, taking Chen Xuerui's As a human being and the attention of the Japanese side, the Japanese didn't send a dozen spies by Chen Xuerui's side to see the hell?

Gao Fei is really angry at this meeting, don't these idiots in the Military Control Bureau know what it means to be low-key?

The old chimney Huang Chao, the mouse Shen Guang, the fox Qi Feizhi, and the hound Liu Kai were all fooled by the refugee tide, because the four of them were either shriveled or wretched. , it’s better to sneak in quietly. Since it’s a raid, Chen Xuerui’s identity really confuses Gao Fei. Chen Xuerui’s identity is indeed an excellent cover, but the key is that time is tight, and there is only ten days to count. When will I go to Hong Kong by myself, and when Hong Kong will go to Peiping?

Probably less than three days are really available for action. Gao Fei took a deep breath and rushed to battle!Others are asking for money, but Generalissimo Jiang's order is asking for his life!A slight carelessness in such a major task, maybe even a look or an inappropriate word, all the staff can die for the country.

It's really the mouth on the top, but the life on the bottom!Gao Fei's battle plan is to stay in Shanghai for two days, and find a way to take a Japanese plane to Peiping. In front of everyone's eyes, as a playboy, Chen Xuerui must have the style of a playboy. Even if the time is tight, he must spend two days in Shanghai, waiting for the Chen family's electric meter to rush him on the road, which is extremely reasonable.

Since Generalissimo Jiang assigned him such a difficult task, if he spends it happily, how can he be worthy of the title of Chen Xuerui, a well-known playboy from a rich family in Nanyang?Such a dude can graduate from the Virginia Military Institute?The influence of the Chen family in American business and politics cannot be underestimated. Even the Japanese have to give them three points of face, which proves the power of the Chen family from the side. Through the meaning expressed in Dai Li's words, Gao Fei can be sure that the Chen family is here. Before, they didn't completely lean towards the national government. Now that the Chen family is willing to pay such a high price and not hesitate to turn against the Japanese, I'm afraid the military command has played some tricks?As for what he did, Gao Fei was not interested and didn't want to know.

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