Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 418 : Chapter 197 Competing in Shanghai

[Volume 52] Chapter 418: Chapter 190 Seven Competing on the Beach (1)


Chapter 190 Seven

Big Shanghai, Night Shanghai, you are a city that never sleeps, brightly lit!With the sound of cars, singing and dancing, she greeted her with a smiling face!Who knew that she was depressed in her night life!All for basic necessities!Alcohol is not intoxicating, people are intoxicated!

The promiscuous singing made Gao Fei fall into a kind of chaos unique to the great era. Shanghai has too many deep memories for Gao Fei, and many memories are even firmly engraved on Gao Fei's bones. During the Second Shanghai War, during the Songhu Anti-Japanese War, the No.19 Route Army and the Japanese fought a battle where both sides tried their best to restrain themselves, but the Songhu Battle was the first time that the proud and arrogant Imperial Japanese Army encountered in Asia. A German-style war.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 41897

The results of the war made the Japanese Army Ministry and the Japanese generals in the General Staff Headquarters rejoice. If the Chinese government really trained ten German weapon reorganization divisions, then the ones who were driven into the sea in Shanghai would be the Imperial Japanese Army. If the Chinese government trains sixty German weapon reorganization divisions, it will be a foregone conclusion that Manchuria will not be guaranteed, and the Kwantung Army will retreat to North Korea. It is a pity that there is no such thing in history. Under the cover, they won a beautiful battle in Shanghai, severely defeated the elite of the Chinese squadron, and then joined forces to capture Nanjing, the capital of the Communist Party of China. However, the battle did not end, and all this was just the beginning.

In Gao Fei's memory, Shanghai is full of Chinese blood. Although it has gone through World War II, Shanghai is still extremely prosperous?In fact, it is unimaginable for those who have not experienced it. Such a large-scale war has no end to the entire public concession. The bombs fell on the heads of the Chinese residents. The Concession is already lit up with lights, singing and dancing, and watching wars seems to have become a kind of pastime?There is nothing more sad than this for a country and a nation!

The four Liu Qingwen brothers in black Chinese tunic suits stood behind Gao Fei, and Gao Fei stood on the deck of Jia Te No. [-] of the Merrill Princess, looking down at the bustling sentient beings on the deck?In Gao Fei's opinion, the saying that all men are created equal is nothing but fart. People are equal, but their status, status, and class are not equal.

The names of the four brothers Liu Qingwen fit the phrase "both civil and military", and Gao Fei didn't let them change their names. He was afraid that they would not get used to it, so as not to show flaws. Be cautious in everything behind enemy lines, this is the key to life. where.

Gao Fei, who was wearing a white Italian hand-stitched suit, squeezed two cufflinks that were enough for three carats. When he was in Hong Kong, a captain intelligence officer from the Japanese General Staff Headquarters stationed in Hong Kong sent him a weapon possession certificate. Therefore, the four brothers Liu Qingwen, Liu Qingwu, Liu Qingshuang, and Liu Qingquan carried two submachine guns and eight pistols. In order to highlight the taste of studying in the United States, the submachine gun Gao Fei chose was the American-made m1928 Thomson submachine gun, equipped with a fifty-round drum , and the pistol is an American-made m1911 semi-automatic pistol.

The neat Zhongshan suits, lined with double-layer thin plate bulletproof vests, make the four brothers Liu Qingwen, Liu Qingwu, Liu Qingshuang, and Liu Qingquan appear unusually burly. Although the bulletproof performance is limited, it is better than nothing.

Liu Qingwen looked at the girls on the second deck in surprise and said, "Master, do the women here really dare to wear them? Arms and legs are exposed, what if we are not beaten to death in our hometown? "

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