Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 421 : Chapter 198 Shameless at all

[Volume 53] Chapter 421: Chapter 190 Eight Shameless at all (2)


A mere small army uses tactics to leverage strategic decisions?This was simply unimaginable in previous operations. [e]

Then Gao Fei led his fifth column to surprise the No. [-] military station, so that the tenth division was in trouble. The ship arrived in Busan, North Korea, and it could be transported to the front line in a short time through the Manchurian Railway, but all of this takes time, and what the Imperial Army lacks most at this moment is precisely time.

Kagiko Kagemoto threw away the newspaper with Gao Fei’s photo. As a graduate of the Hokkaido spy training school, her instructor Kitano Jiro was her first man. It can't be used more than three times during the period, but the daily ** lessons make these girls who are just getting to know the taste feel like water, and this rigid rule will inevitably be violated.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 42198

In fact, Kagiko Kagemoto is already the fifth generation of spies sent by the Japanese Empire to Japan. Compared with her predecessors who only sell themselves to make money to build warships for the country, Kagiko Kagemoto is more professional and efficient. At the same time, it is also responsible for counter-intelligence tasks. After the Sino-Japanese War of 1896, Japan and Tsarist Russia launched a fierce competition for the invasion of Northeast China. A language school was opened in Sapporo called the Russian Language Society, which was the predecessor of the Hokkaido Secret Service School. According to the regulations of the Japanese intelligence agency, half of the students in the school were generals, officers and civilians, and all students were strictly selected.The school mainly teaches Russian and Russian customs, and conducts various espionage skills training. Before graduation, the students have to sneak into Siberia for internships.Since then, the school has added Chinese courses, and the name of the school has been changed to Russian-Chinese language school, focusing on training female spies and training them to use beauty tricks to obtain information. They are collectively called Aju, and this school has also been nicknamed the first spy school.

While the Japanese government was sending spies into Northeast China, Japanese intelligence agencies also opened a large number of high-end brothels in Tianjin, Shanghai, Beijing, Hankou and other places in the pass, and sent a large number of female spies to these brothels to act as prostitutes. Mainland Achrysanthemum.These mainland chrysanthemums are young and beautiful, attracting many Chinese dignitaries, dandies, high-ranking military officers and leaders of secret societies to seek pleasure in brothels, and become the prey of Japanese intelligence agencies.The Ajus of the mainland gave full play to the skills they learned in the □□ spy school, fascinated their prey, and obtained a lot of important information from them, and earned a lot of foreign exchange for the country. The foreign exchange of the Great Japanese Empire relies on Whores make money by selling meat, which is admitted by the Japanese themselves, but this is a very honorable profession in Japan. Can a battleship be built by selling the ** of women of one's own nationality?I am afraid that there is only the Japanese family in the whole world without a semicolon.

The United Fleet, which the Japanese are proud of, was built with the help of the butchers. The soldiers of the "Great Japan" Empire still drive such warships all over the world to make troubles?I just don't know how to write the word shameless?Maybe the Japanese don't have the concept of shame at all, and they don't even know that "face" is a magic thing!

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