Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 422 : Chapter 199 Devil Ishii Shiro

[Volume 53] Chapter 422: Chapter 190 Nine Demon Ishii Shiro (1)


Chapter 190 IX Demon Ishii Shiro

The Chrysanthemum Restaurant was opened in the Japanese Concession in Hongkou, next to the Japanese Marine Corps Headquarters Building. During the Battle of Songhu, the Japanese Marine Corps Building was shot more than 75 rounds. Unfortunately, the Chinese Army was only able to use Fubo The 26mm field guns with 150 times the caliber have no effect on the Japanese Marine Corps headquarters built of reinforced concrete, but the "Panon Ten Regiment" equipped with 75mm German-made field heavy howitzers dare not open it because The range of the German-made field heavy-duty howitzers is no longer as far as that of the Japanese naval guns, and the Japanese army controls almost all air supremacy in the theater. The Chinese artillery can only use [-]mm field guns to fight short and fast.

Gao Fei looked at the renovated Japanese Marine Corps Headquarters, enjoying the fresh sashimi and sushi with a blank expression, while the four brothers Liu Qingwen, Liu Qingwu, Liu Qingshuang, and Liu Qingquan stood behind with their hands behind their backs, and Kazuo Tanaka was waiting for him. Accompanied by the guests, they also enjoyed the highest-level cuisine. You must know that the highest-level cuisine does not entertain lieutenants and assistant officers, but the generals of the army and navy. Because of Chen Xuerui's special status, he and Kazuo Tanaka are also honored.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 42299

Halfway through the meal, Gao Fei waved his hand to make the four brothers Liu Qingwen, Liu Qingwu, Liu Qingshuang, and Liu Qingquan retreat to guard outside the door, and then poured his own drink with some dissatisfaction and said to Tanaka Kazuo: "Is that what Mr. Tanaka means? Your enthusiasm Isn't it directly proportional to the shabby reception?"

Kazuo Tanaka smiled and clapped his hands. Immediately after the curtain door was opened, Guqin, Japanese Huxian and other musical instruments came in one after another. The most important thing was that five geisha stepped into the arena?

Gao Fei is not interested in geisha, because he knows very well that the orthodox geisha is not a geisha. A geisha is a kind of female performing arts in Japan. In addition to serving and catering for guests, a large part of it is dancing, dancing, etc. at banquets. Music, musical instruments and other performances add to the fun. Their trade is to satisfy men's dreams, pleasure, romance and possessiveness. Usually, they trade with rich and powerful men in the upper class, and geisha is a lifelong career. Inherit the mother's business.

The geisha business is a performing art, not a show of pornography, let alone prostitution. There are strict industry regulations in Japan. Geisha are not allowed to marry during their working period. Otherwise, they must retire first to maintain the pure image of geisha.

In fact, geisha are not unique to Japan. Geisha who serve wine, feast, sing and dance are not unique to Japan. Japanese geisha are very similar to Tang and Song official prostitutes and camp prostitutes. It is a common custom that in the vast Chinese poems and songs, there are many good lines about singing girls. At that time, the official prostitutes in China and the prostitutes in North Korea were similar to the geisha in Japan!But the ones in front of me are probably the evolution of the Japanese geisha, or the bitch who is a serious spy.

Sure enough, after a few so-called boring dances, Gao Fei even played hati, looked at Kazuo Tanaka with extremely dissatisfied eyes, Kazuo Tanaka clapped his hands and said: "Girls! Let Mr. Chen see your enthusiasm!" !"

Gao Fei waved his hand and said, "Can you wash your face first? I feel sick to my stomach!"

Kazuo Tanaka was taken aback, and nodded to the five geisha, who immediately filed away, but after a while, they reappeared in transparent gauze with lace trim, suspenders, stockings and high heels. The Japanese girls with big buttocks and radish legs in my impression are very different. They have a well-proportioned body and are tall and intellectual. Is this kind of Japanese girl a thousand miles in Japan or one in a million?

You must know that there is no U.S. military stationed in Japan to help the Yamato nation to improve the race, so there are not many Japanese who can find such a coordinated height ratio, and the style is so perfect. Obviously, they have received professional training. It is not a geisha in the strict sense of the Japanese.

Gao Fei was squinting his eyes to choose. Suddenly, the door was knocked open by a middle-aged man wearing the uniform of a Japanese major general. Kazuo Tanaka hurriedly stepped forward to help him. The Japanese major general pushed his glasses and said, "Baga! Beautiful!" All the women in the world have been occupied by you, what do you want to do? We have worked hard for the empire, is it too much to play with a woman? You are too much!"

Kazuo Tanaka helped the major general of the Japanese army and said in a strange voice: "Your Excellency Shiro Shiro, I am Kazuo Tanaka from the Consulate General of the General Staff Headquarters stationed in Shanghai. There are distinguished guests here, please respect yourself! Don't lose the Japanese Empire** human face!"

Kazuo Tanaka flicked the dust that did not exist on the shoulders of the staff officer's sash, and because the captain had no fear of the major general, Ishii Shiro was also slightly taken aback. The other party reported that his family was a military attache stationed in the Shanghai Consulate General of the General Staff Headquarters. Compared with himself It seems that only the military rank is the only advantage, and the chrysanthemum pattern restaurant is a place to receive VIPs from all parties. It seems a bit too much for me to act wild here, but how can a mere captain be so disrespectful to himself?Ishii Shiro is really a little bit embarrassed.

Gao Fei, who was sitting by the side drinking, felt as if a pot of boiling water was boiling in his heart at the moment. The name Shiro Ishii shocked Gao Fei like an atomic bomb. The Shiro Ishii in front of him was tall and burly, with a height of 180 cm, which is rare among Japanese. He is tall, if he only looks at his appearance, it is difficult to associate his name with the devil. During the end of World War II, Shiro Ishii led his brothers and fellow soldiers from the same village to infect innocent civilians with living bacteria in China and other places. , Anatomy experiments, resulting in incomplete statistics about more than [-] Chinese, Koreans, Russians, Americans, and British people were subjected to live bacterial experiments and then were dissected to death without anesthesia, committing heinous crimes.

Gao Fei said in pure English with a London accent: "Since the major general likes it, why don't you sit down and have a drink together? It's not like fun alone!"

Gao Fei played with the cup and gave Shiro Ishii a meaningful look. Kazuo Tanaka, who was standing beside him, also gave Gao Fei a grateful look. After all, he just embarrassed a major general. What did Shiro Ishii do? Naturally, there are many of these evil guys who use patients to conduct immoral and illegal experiments in hospitals in Japan under various names.

Kazuo Tanaka's younger brother died from such so-called "medical research". Due to the deliberate protection of relevant government departments, people like Shiro Ishii are not only innocent, but also have the opportunity to be continuously promoted, so Kazuo Tanaka hates this from the bottom of his heart I'm a nasty devil, but this is not an excuse or reason for a captain to conflict with a major general. Even if Kazuo Tanaka has the reason, he will suffer from the superiority and inferiority in his military rank. The staff can only say that Kazuo Tanaka is a An excellent imperial staff officer.

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