Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 423 : Chapter 200 Between Two Difficulties

[Volume 53] Chapter 423: Chapter Two Hundred and Dilemma (1)


Chapter Two Hundred and Dilemma

Ishii Shiro and the other three also sat close to the room, and Kazuo Tanaka came to Gao Fei's side very tactfully, and whispered: "Mr. Chen, please be careful, such guys are all devils who study bacteria, and there is no harm in staying away from them. God knows what they're carrying!"

When Gao Fei pretended to be surprised, Ishii Shiro said in English with a strong hint of alcohol, "You don't look like a Japanese? Are you from a diaspora?"

Gao Fei waved his hands and said proudly: "United States of America! Please don't associate me with China, a backward and ignorant country, and the Chinese people, thank you!"

After Kazuo Tanaka officially introduced Gao Fei to Shiro Ishii, Shiro Ishii hurriedly apologized to Gao Fei. After the five of them sat down with half-naked women next to them, a sex-themed eating and drinking conference officially kicked off. Originally, Kazuo Tanaka was not qualified to be accompanied by a geisha, but under Gao Fei's insistence, Kazuo Tanaka also chose a girl he likes to help him.

On the other hand, Gao Fei displayed the attitude of a rich man spending a lot of money in a nightclub after watching movies. More than 3000 ten-yuan dollars were thrown out by Gao Fei like waste paper. The geisha at the chrysanthemum restaurant also saw rich , I have seen the powerful, but I have never seen the dandy young master who treats the US dollar as waste paper. Looking at the banknotes like rain, the geisha fell into madness.

You must know that to be able to stay in a first-class kiosk, you also need to complete a certain share every month. This share is actually the commission that the Empire of Japan extracted from □□. I am also very happy, after all such high-quality guests are very rare.

Gao Fei didn't seem to care about Shiro Ishii and the other three, but in fact Gao Fei wished he could immediately draw his gun and kill these beasts who were also demons in the eyes of the Japanese.

People who have seen Black Sun 731 in later generations must be familiar with Shiro Ishii, **No anesthesia dissection, freezing test, poison gas test, virus test, etc., from infants to the elderly, almost every age group must have sufficient experimental consumption Shiro Ishii's task and responsibility is to find the most concise and effective way to exterminate the Chinese people in large numbers.

In fact, the 731 unit presided over by Shiro Ishii was the Kanto epidemic prevention and water supply department of the Japanese army that invaded China during the Sino-Japanese War. It was called the Ishii unit or the Kamo unit to the outside world. Biological weapons research, testing and production bases have been established in the Pingfang area, which has become the command center for the largest biological warfare in the world so far.

They inhumanely used the Chinese, Koreans, and Soviets to carry out cruel drug experiments, and committed horrific acts of brutality in concentration camps, occupied areas, and prisoner-of-war camps: massacres, perverted rape and humiliation, poison gas and bacteria Experiments, sex experiments, and more.

Unit 731 of the Japanese Kwantung Army is a special unit of the Japanese army preparing for germ warfare and occupies an important strategic position.The so-called small Harbin and big bungalows by the Japanese soldiers illustrate this point in a sense.In terms of its scale, it is actually the largest bacterial factory in the world. Unit 731 is under the dual leadership of the Japanese Army Ministry, the Japanese Army General Staff Headquarters, and the Japanese Kwantung Army Command. More than a hundred people, including five officers at the general level, more than [-] officers at the junior officer level, and more than [-] officers at the lieutenant level.

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