Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 426 : Chapter 201 Playing is a Heartbeat

[Volume 53] Chapter 426: Chapter 2 Playing is a heartbeat ([-])


When Gao Fei finally lost consciousness, he saw the four brothers Liu Qingwen, Liu Qingwu, Liu Qingshuang, and Liu Qingquan rushing towards him!

When Gao Fei opened his eyes again, Gao Fei's face was so swollen that it looked like a soaked pig's head?The four brothers Liu Qingwen, Liu Qingwu, Liu Qingshuang, and Liu Qingquan stood aside silently. Gao Fei found that besides Kazuo Tanaka, who was concerned, there was a Japanese female officer wearing the epaulettes of the commander?

The status of female soldiers in the Japanese army is very low. Almost all female officers and soldiers are substitutes for high-ranking officers. For example, the penalty for punishing female soldiers is generally rape or rape. Punishment of female soldiers is a kind of welfare for instructors. The first thing they teach female soldiers is to have no shame.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 42601

This is not a movie. Any woman in the intelligence system of the Japanese army can be assigned the rank of Major. As far as Gao Fei knows, the most outstanding female spy Yoshiko Nakajima in the mainland Aju is no more than the rank of captain, and even this captain is another After being assassinated by the military commander, the Japanese value intelligence, but not intelligence personnel. The Yamato nation that the Japanese are proud of is such an extremely contradictory nation.

So this young woman who can hold the rank of Lieutenant Commander must have a lot of background?Moreover, Gao Fei noticed that the female lieutenant officer of the Japanese army was probably not yet 30 years old, and she actually had a huge sapphire ring on her hand?The Japanese generally pretend to be very frugal in public. Only members of the aristocratic council and the royal family will wear some expensive jewelry. Now it seems that the origin of this Japanese female lieutenant officer must have a deep background, otherwise it will be regarded as a regular from the land. It is absolutely impossible for a high-achieving student who graduated from university to be promoted to major before the age of 30.

Kagiko Kageben is also looking at Gao Fei who is like a pig's head. The young master Chen Xuerui has a problem in his own land. Major General Ishii Shiro and his two extremely important researchers Fujita Osamu and Takahashi Nakassa were also poisoned. Fujita Osaku and Takahashi Nakazu were too old to be rescued in time, and only Major General Chen Xuerui and Ishii Shiro were temporarily out of danger.

The major general commander of the Kwantung Army's secret unit 731 was almost killed under his nose?This made Kakiko Kagemoto feel very shameless?

However, the entire investigation has entered an endless loop, because the scene was quite chaotic. According to the doctor's examination, it was puffer fish poisoning. At that time, only Kazuo Tanaka did not eat the five puffer fish, and he was the only one who was not poisoned. However, due to the chaos at the scene, He Pork meat was not well preserved. Although the Kikumon restaurant is authentic Japanese cuisine, the chef is an authentic Chinese. Knowing that the puffer fish he made ate the Japanese to death, the chef directly smeared oil on the soles of his feet. Yes, originally eating fugu was dangerous to some extent, but because of its delicious meat, Chinese people once had legends about eating fugu desperately.

Because eating puffer fish killed an important director and deputy director of cholera virus research, a senior officer and a lieutenant officer, Kagiko Kagemoto suffered from a headache. Thanks to Chen Xuerui and Shiro Ishii for saving their lives, what kind of puffer fish is this eating?Is it just playing with your life?

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