Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 427 : Chapter 202 Chess Difference 1 Move

[Volume 53]Chapter 427: Chapter 1 One move by chess difference ([-])


Chapter [-]

Seeing Chen Xuerui slowly waking up, Yingben Jiazi knew that there was nothing to be asked from the young master, so she just reassured Gao Fei that she would definitely arrest the murderer and bring him to justice. Only the chef who escaped can give the case a certainty. If the chef is an intelligence officer of the Central Command or the Military Command, then to a certain extent, Kagiko Kagemoto’s responsibility will be relatively small. To bear part of the responsibility, this is undoubtedly a good choice for Kakiko Kageben, as the saying goes, everyone has selfishness.

Kazuo Tanaka naturally understands the mind of his boss. Women can get to the position of lieutenant officer without selling their bodies. I am afraid that in the Great Japanese Empire, there is only Kagiko Kagemoto. It was said to be prominent for a while, in the several civil wars during which Emperor Meiji cut down the feudal clan, seventeen men from the Kagemoto family died in battle one after another. Among them, Kagemoto Shino had the highest rank of Lt. Commander, but there are also rumors that Lieutenant General Shino Kagemoto died on a woman's belly?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 42702

Gao Fei looked at Kazuo Kagiko and turned his head to Kazuo Tanaka and said with trembling voice: "I don't want to be hospitalized here, I want to return to Hong Kong immediately, I want to return to the United States! Return to the United States immediately!"

Faced with Young Master Chen's hysteria, Kako Kagemoto was still mentally prepared, so he comforted him: "Please rest assured, it's not someone poisoning, but food poisoning, the chef who handles the puffer fish is just inexperienced, please You believe it was absolutely an accident."

Gao Fei appeared to be panicked and scared on the surface, but in fact his teeth were itching with hatred. He almost took his own life, and Shiro Ishii, a real beast, deserved to die?In the end, Ishii Shiro, the devil who gave birth to a son and was destined to have no butthole and cut off his offspring, shouldn't die in his own hands?Or he was missing a move.

Kazuo Tanaka looked calmly at Kako Kagemoto, who opened his mouth to tell a lie. In the first 10 minutes, Kazuo Kagemoto vowed to report to the Central China Dispatch Army that this was an organized and elaborate conspiracy. The tragedy caused by the chef, and now he turned around and told Chen Xuerui that it was an absolute accident?It was hard for Kazuo Tanaka to imagine whether there would be a truth in this woman's mouth?

Gao Fei is playing a playboy, since he is a playboy, he must have the so-called "fan" of a playboy!So Gao Fei almost cried and asked to be discharged from the hospital immediately. He should not stay in Shanghai for more than one minute. Either let him return to Hong Kong and return to the United States, or go to Peking. Anyway, even if Shanghai beats him to death, he should not stay any longer. He also asked to fly to Peiping, citing that the train time was too long and unsafe.

For this dandy who cherishes his life like gold, Yingben Jiazi can be said to be extremely dismissive, but Chen Xuerui went to Beiping to take over the Chen family's property. This is an extremely important part of the North China appeasement plan of the base camp. The so-called business, then the empire's intention to establish a political regime in North China that can sing against the Nationalist government will come to naught, and the empire will inevitably become an invader and plunderer. In the event of a serious conflict, it is the national policy and plan formulated by the empire's headquarters to support war with war. It is precisely because of this that it is impossible to carry out unscrupulous and thorough plunder, which is very detrimental to the empire's continuation of the war.

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