Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 428 : Chapter 202 Chess Difference 1 Move

[Volume 53]Chapter 428: Chapter 2 One move by chess difference ([-])


Kagiko Kagemoto comforted Chen Xuerui again. She had the right to send Chen Xuerui away. To ensure his safety was Kagiko Kageko’s inescapable responsibility, but it was not enough to move the planes. Although the Imperial Air Force had control of the air in Central China, such an important person The passenger plane still needs fighter jets to escort, so Kagiko Kamemoto also asked the Central China Dispatch Army for instructions. The strict management system of the Japanese army and the fragmented situation of the military and arms have become extremely serious since the early launch of the Manchuria Incident by the Kwantung Army. serious.

Therefore, even if Yoshiko Kagemoto has a prominent status in the military and has someone to back him up, Yoshiko Kagemoto must ask for instructions and coordination for matters beyond her scope of authority. Japan is a resource-poor country, and almost [-]% of the oil it uses needs to be imported. Aircraft are a luxury for the Army, but commonplace for the Imperial Navy.

After Yoshiko Kagemoto reported Chen Xuerui's request to the chief of staff of the Central China Dispatch Army, Major General Ichiro Kizhong, Ichiro immediately approved the use of a 21-seat Kaolin Mitsubishi airliner and four Type 42802 attack aircraft. For the escort plan, Chen Xuerui's desire to leave Shanghai is good news for Ichiro Kisaka and the Central China Front Army, which means that the ball will be given to the North China Dispatch Army.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers [-]

Jiazi Yingben also learned from the doctor that Chen Xuerui's physical condition is very healthy, and it is estimated that the swelling will completely subside in two or three days. At that time, as long as one of them attends the reception, all rumors from the outside world will be self-defeating, but Jiazi Yingben was angry. It was the room in the base camp that asked her to accompany Chen Xuerui the whole time, and to meet all his requests.

All these requirements naturally have a very special meaning for a senior intelligence officer like Kagiko Kageko, but in Kako's view, how dare a dandy like Chen Xuerui do anything to him?I'm afraid I'll run away in fright when I stare at him, and besides, I'm a master of swordsmanship, seven or eight ordinary men can't get close to me.

When Kagiko Kagemoto appeared in the ward for the first time, Gao Fei had already put on his clothes. Although his face was ridiculously swollen, his timid character made Kagiko Kagemoto feel ashamed to the extreme. Minutes away sitting in a **-style armored car?Would you rather smell the pungent smell of engine oil than squat inside the car like a mouse cage and refuse to come out?

Kagiko Kagemoto really wanted to tell this young master who is an idiot to the extreme, that the **-style armored car is actually not comfortable, and the **-style armored car is actually an antique from the Taisho era. It was refurbished by the army for the sake of saving. The thin iron skin can't even block the bullets of heavy machine guns. If the 26mm steel core bullets fired by the zb-30 and zb-7.92 light machine guns made in the Czech Republic can easily hit the bullets at a distance of [-] meters. In comparison, the ** armored vehicle is a living coffin.

In fact, Kako Kagemoto is still a little curious about the young master Chen Xuerui, because Kako Kageko has always been paying attention to a person who is very important to her and the intelligence department of the empire, that is the fifth column of the Loyalty Rescue Army of the Central Military Statistics Bureau of the National Government. The major column captain Goofy.

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