Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 429 : Chapter 203 Slut's trick

[Volume 53] Chapter 429: Chapter 1 Bitch's tricks ([-])


Chapter [-]

The chief of staff of the Central China Dispatch Army, Major General Ichiro Kisaka, personally came to send Chen Xuerui, the unlucky guy. Everyone often eats puffer fish, but this is the first time to eat dead people at a high-end restaurant?As a result, all the Japanese restaurant kiosks in Shanghai are afraid to cook fugu dishes, and all the Chinese have been dismissed.

At the airport, Gao Fei was personally seen off by Major General Ichiro Kizhong, the chief of staff of the Central China Dispatch Army. Before boarding the plane, Ichiro Kizhong said to Gao Fei with a smile in Japanese: "You can meet all your requirements!" 42903

After Gao Fei waited for the translation, Gao Fei with a wretched expression lowered his voice and asked, "Is it really all the requirements?"

Kichu Ichiro also said in half-baked Chinese with malicious intentions: "Everything!" Then the two immediately burst into laughter!

Kagiko Kagemoto glared at the two wretches, one old and one young!She doesn't believe that Chen Xuerui, a dude, has the guts to try to trick her?

The plane taxied slowly on the runway and took off. Gao Fei, who was sitting firmly in the cabin, drank the French Raytheon champagne leisurely. From time to time, he glanced at the fighter jets outside through the cabin window. Eager to stabilize the situation in North China and Central China, and turn the strategic area into a ruling area that can provide blood transfusions to the Imperial Japanese Army, then it is necessary to stage a perfect Sino-Japanese goodwill.

The Japanese are not stupid, they are not the idiots who are vilified in later generations of film and television dramas, if the Japanese are really that stupid?So why did our war of resistance last for eight years?In the end, it was also because the Allied forces approached the Japanese mainland and dropped atomic bombs, and the Soviet Union sent millions of troops to take advantage of the fire, and the Japanese really put down their weapons and stopped resisting.

China is a victorious country, but it has lost more than the defeated countries such as Italy, Germany, and Japan. The reason is that although we are big, we are cowardly and weak.

Gao Fei squinted at Kagiko Kagemoto who was sitting opposite him. Speaking of which, this Japanese woman is really good, at least she is a top-notch girl, but to Gao Fei, the Japanese are the whole Chinese nation. Japan is a resource-poor island country, which determines that Japan will inevitably embark on the road of aggression and expansion. It must either fight out or starve to death. The Japanese do not have many choices, so the Japanese are like mad dogs in history. Biting the Koryo stick violently, trying to pinch a soft persimmon.

However, the luck of the Japanese in history was not good. First, they were taken aback by the Mongol expedition, and they lingered proudly on the typhoon. During the Tokugawa shogunate, they bullied Goryeo sticks and angered the godfather of the Goryeo people. In the end, they were beaten by the Ming Dynasty. After a violent beating, it was not until China was weak for a hundred years due to the decay and decline of the Qing Dynasty that the Japanese serfs stood up and sang. The jealousy and hatred in the hearts of the Japanese who have been bullied by the Chinese for thousands of years has reached its peak.

However, Gao Fei must admit that the Yamato nation of the Japanese is indeed very lascivious, shameless and immoral, and its characteristic is that it doesn't count, and it doesn't count. This is the only thing the Japanese have learned from the West after the Meiji Restoration!Combined with the shamelessness of the nation, the degree of shamelessness has developed to earth-shattering.

Gao Fei sat down next to Kako Kageko, his face was still swollen, but it was already a lot, so Gao Fei had to carry forward his nature of a dandy, gently sniffed Kako Kageko's long hair, and deeply She took a deep breath and said, "A beautiful woman is like an orchid, extremely elegant and lightly fragrant!"

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