Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 432 : Chapter 204 Staying in 6 Countries

[Volume 53] Chapter 432: Chapter 2 Staying in Six Countries ([-])


But things have already happened, do you want to report to the North China Dispatch Army or Beiping secret service?My rank of Lieutenant Assistant has caused dissatisfaction among many people in the Ministry of Army and the General Staff Headquarters. If I don’t want to be the target of public criticism, I’m afraid I need to know what restraint is. I'm going to explode.

Kako Kagemoto, whose face is as cold as ice for thousands of years, is still a little bit lost. Naturally, she will not eat this kind of delicious food delivered to her door for nothing. I will not be afraid of her at all, because Major General Kizhong Ichiro, the chief of staff of the Central China Dispatch Army, misled himself, and the female spies of the Japanese spy agencies are equal to the Japanese. Want to yell rape?This is obviously illogical.

However, Gao Fei can see the spark of hatred in the eyes of Kageko Kagiko. In fact, Gao Fei is also forced to help. This kind of low-handed method is not Gao Fei's style at all. It's for your face, chirp!Punch it!Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 43204

However, Gao Fei's Chen Xuerui in disguise is a dandy young master who has no power to restrain a chicken, so in order to avoid the entanglement of Kageko Kagiko, Gao Fei decides to impose "sanctions" on him!Both the method and the means are in line with the behavior of a standard lascivious dude.

Let Kagiko Kageben turn her suspicion and surveillance into hatred, because when a normal person is blinded by hatred, he is most likely to make wrong judgments, especially for a woman, and that method is the most hateful and shameful for women Yes, but in the face of this war that will determine the fate of the Chinese nation, Gao Fei can let go of everything, even his life, so why worry about his reputation?The buttocks are exposed, don't you forget to cover your face?Gao Fei is not a believer in Confucianism who has been castrated. In fact, the doctrines and doctrines he said are just tools used by the power group, and their own revision is also changing with time!

Gao Fei and his group were arranged to enter the famous Liuguo Hotel. In his previous life, Gao Fei had come here admiringly. The Liuguo Hotel was built by the British in 1900. It is a four-story building. The Liuguo Hotel is mainly for foreign ministers. Government officials, officials and upper-class people often stay, eat and entertain here, forming a gathering place for dignitaries and dignitaries.In addition, some military and political dignitaries who stepped down at that time also often took refuge here. Many major historical events in Old Beiping are related to this place in one way or another, such as the Eight-Power Allied Forces captured Beijing, Yuan Shikai assassinated Zhang Zhenwu, a hero of the Wuchang Uprising, Zhang Zuolin assassinated Shao Piaoping, Hu Die and Zhang Xueliang's fake rumors, as well as the traitor Zhang Jingyao were killed here.

Gao Fei knows a little about the Liuguo Restaurant. If you want to eat the most authentic British and French western food in Beiping, you must go to the Liuguo Restaurant. The Western food schools in Old Beiping include English, French, Russian, German, etc., among which The most authentic British and French style is the Liuguo Restaurant, because the Liuguo Restaurant does not accommodate the Chinese people’s eating habits and habits at all. Other second- and third-rate western restaurants will more or less do as the Romans do, so they are called British and French dishes. Desserts, etc. are also mostly unreliable.

Since it's the kindness and kindness of the **** bastard little Japan, Gao Fei will not be polite!

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