Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 433 : Chapter 205 The Scourge Killed You

[Volume 55] Chapter 433: Chapter 1 The scourge killed you ([-])


Chapter Two Hundred and Five

The abalone must have more than five eyes, the shark’s fin must have nine fins, and it’s just for gargling, the top caviar from the North Sea, the Fiery’s foie gras from France, and the wine must be top-notch collections, because Gao Fei paid for the whole trip in Japan , so Gao Fei is naturally not polite, watching the stingy Japanese feel pained Gao Fei feels very happy. There are many people in this world who love to drink, but not many people who really know how to drink. They can drink the most expensive wine in the world. There are very few people. >__

Gao Fei's income in the army belongs to the ranks of the three no personnel in later generations. He has no house or car. He has heard of the so-called best top wines, such as the 1787 Lafayette wine collection, and the 1775 snow engraved with the seal of the Russian royal family. Liquor, British royal family collection gold champagne, the high-flying taste made the British manager Brooke of the Liuguo Hotel, who is used to seeing big scenes, amazed, and praised Chen Xuerui as a gentleman who can enjoy life.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 43305

In fact, the main reason why Gao Fei did this was because he was afraid that the Japanese would put himself in the Liuguo Hotel to dry out first. Compared with the Japanese, Gao Fei was simply rich and handsome, and almost all Japanese men were included Among the ranks of **, I am afraid that even Emperor Hirohito has never drunk any of the three types of wine: the 1787 Lafayette Collection Wine, the 1775 Sherry engraved with the Russian Royal Seal, and the British Royal Collection Gold Champagne. and Gao Fei enjoys it every day.

When Jiazi Yingben watched Gao Fei's extravagant enjoyment, she really wanted to kill this bastard with one shot. She heard that the North China secret service wanted to integrate the Chen family's property first. When you are incapable of learning, give it a complete encroachment.

Obviously, the Japanese did not give it for free. They created a Manchurian Empire model, carrying out the concept of a so-called public-private partnership between merchants and the empire, allowing the original owner of the industry to become a hands-off shopkeeper and enjoy equity dividends. I didn't mention it at the end, so the Japanese were preparing to let Chen Xuerui hang out for a few weeks, making the Chen family in Nanyang anxious, killing the spirit of the Chen family.

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is just an even more shameless move by the Japanese. Because they are afraid of being accused of stealing and occupying other people's wealth, they changed their method and asked the other party to say that I am willing to give it to you. From the people's point of view, it is legal and reasonable, and it will have both lining and face. The idiot practice of the Japanese has no intention of deceiving their ears and stealing the bell.

In the end, it was only two days before Gao Fei spent all the standard one-year funding for the North China Secret Service?Kita Makoto, chief of the North China Dispatch Army's secret service agency, was in a daze for two minutes with his mouth wide open, and then the first thing he said was to immediately report to His Excellency Shouichi Temple to apply for emergency funding, and arrange for media reporters. The process of handing over the Chen family's property will be arranged within hours. Chen Xuerui must first sign for confirmation, and introduce Wang Kemin to his acquaintance. Then tonight, Seiichi Kita, the major general of the North China Dispatch Army's secret service agency, will have a banquet at the Liuguo Hotel Chen Xuerui.

From Kita Seiichi's point of view, if Chen Xuerui, the prodigal son, is really allowed to live there for a few weeks, I am afraid that the North China Dispatch Army will have to rely on selling weapons to survive. Is there really such a prodigal son in the world?In just two days, you can spend the normal quota of the North China Dispatch Army's secret service agency for a year?For Kita Seiichi, this is simply a lingering nightmare.

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