Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 442: Chapter 210 Snare, Snare

[Volume 55] Chapter 442: Chapter 210 Snare Snare (1) ([-])


Chapter 210 Trap Trap ([-])

Ishihara Waner glanced at Seiichi Kita in surprise, and said in surprise: "I didn't expect Kita-kun to be a calm and discerning person? Some people in the Tokyo base camp think that the Soviet army after the massacre of counter-revolutionaries is nothing to worry about, and they are even arrogant regardless of the occasion." It is claimed that one division of the Imperial Army can deal with three divisions of the Soviet Army? I really don’t know the basis for this kind of data? The militant sentiments of the various units of the Kwantung Army are easily aroused, and now almost all the Kwantung Army The officers and soldiers are eagerly looking forward to fighting the Soviet Army. Almost all of the officers above know nothing about the situation of the Soviet Army, but they despise their opponents for no reason? The entire Kwantung Army is in a state of morbid excitement because of the unfounded agitation of the General Staff Headquarters , Just around the corner, the arrogant Kwantung Army believes that the opportunity to show its strength to the Soviet army has come. I can assert that no matter when and where, if war is launched against the Soviets, then the cooperation of the European allies must be obtained. The empire itself Unable to stand up to the Soviets, a war would result in the most tragic defeat ever.[e]”

Makoto Kita was very surprised and said: "Ishihara-kun must be a little alarmist, right? Soviet Russia should really pay attention, but the degree of attention seems to have to be a certain degree?"

Ishihara Waner took a deep breath and said, "I hope my worries are overstated! But who can say for sure about the affairs of the Imperial Army?"

When Ishihara Waner and Makoto Kita were chatting, Gao Fei had already returned to the room. If Gao Fei knew that the Japanese drank two or two cat urine and talked nonsense regardless of the occasion, he would not leave no matter what!You must know that many extremely important information were not obtained by spying, but leaked inadvertently.

After Gao Fei ordered a few bottles of champagne and caviar in the room, he threw it to the waiter Fox Qi Feizhi to spend dozens of dollars.

Qi Feizhi lowered his voice while opening the wine and said, "Captain, all the weapons and equipment have arrived, and the old chimney Huang Chao and the others have made arrangements!"

Gao Fei nodded and said: "Tomorrow I will go to Mingxiao Villa, Wang Kemin's secret residence. You should prepare for deployment in advance! At [-] o'clock in the evening, we should cooperate with outsiders and kill Wang Kemin and Pan Yugui. If there is a radio station in Mingxiao Villa , then we will take the lead, let us seize the password template first, and the gunshot is the first action command, understand?"

Qi Feizhi nodded earnestly, because this mission was a dangerous mission without any preparations. For such a lack of intelligence analysis support, lack of support and detailed combat plan, these are the main reasons that may lead to the failure of the mission. He is not afraid of death, he is just afraid that his death is too worthless.

Qi Feizhi saw that the courtesans invited by Gao Fei hadn't come yet, so he said in a low voice: "That classmate of Chief Glasses looks like a **** to me. They asked you to meet at Desheng Building at 22 o'clock. Where is a famous Beijing family?" The place, Qing Yishui's upright officials, sell their bodies and not their art!"

Gao Fei glared at the fox Qi Feizhi and said, "When are you still joking? Have you been there? How is the surrounding environment?"

Qi Feizhi said softly while pouring wine: "The environment is not bad. It is safest to go directly to the third floor. The nearby roofs are all connected. There are two stairs in the north and south. The south side can be completely blocked with a pistol. It can be attacked. You can retreat and defend! The place is very good, but the girls inside will depend on your ability, captain, they are really good, and every one of them will be the best when they marry back!"

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