Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 443: Chapter 210 Snare, Snare

[Volume 55] Chapter 443: Chapter 210 Snare Snare (2) ([-])


Gao Fei found a few courtesans and messed around in the room for a while, then yelled that it was boring, so he called the four brothers Liu Qingwen, Liu Qingwu, Liu Qingshuang, and Liu Qingquan, and took the m1928 Thomson submachine gun and went directly to Desheng Building to have a snack and listen to a little song. Before Gao Fei left, he sent someone to deliberately notify Kita Makoto. Kita Makoto, who had already drank with Ishihara Waner, didn't think much about it. If Gao Fei slipped away without saying hello, he must send In the name of paying attention to safety, people were closely monitored, but Gao Fei sent someone to say hello in advance, and he went with an armed guard. Kita Seiichi, who was a spy and counter-espionage, would naturally relax his vigilance. *

Moreover, what Kita Makoto didn’t say is that as far as he knows, Desheng Building is a secret stronghold of the North China Secret Service, and all the girls in it are senior Japanese spies. Naturally, he can’t be at ease when Gao Fei goes there, but already After drinking too much, Ishihara Wanji began to yell at Hideki Tojo, a second-class soldier without a head, for being a big idiot. Only then did Seiichi Kita know why this guy Ishihara didn’t have many friends but a lot of enemies. It’s okay to be talented and smart, but you can’t be proud. It’s okay to be proud. You can’t knock others down. It’s okay to knock others down. His grandson usually scolds?It seems that Ishihara Wanji must have been under the idleness of Hideki Tojo on weekdays.

Sitting in the car, Gao Fei kept searching for the mystery of the origin of human beings on the two courtesans with both hands. On the other hand, he was thinking about the problem of small glasses. Obviously, Dai Li had already explained before that that he must be cautious when contacting the sex side. , Dai Li always thought that side was very unreliable, Little Glasses just mentioned that he had a classmate before, Gao Fei guessed that the other party might be a girl from his shy appearance, but he never expected that it would be ** ?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 44310

And behind enemy lines?If risky situation?The other party is also engaged in underground work, would you rashly propose to meet?This gives people a strong taste of conspiracy?Too reckless!This is clearly a trap, right?Halfway through the car, Gao Fei pretended to be bored and returned to the Liuguo Hotel. He casually threw away an empty cigarette box at the gate, and went upstairs with two courtesans in his arms. However, he directly gave money to Liu Qingwen and Liu Qingwu in the elevator. Send two courtesans away.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Gao Fei was surprised to find that Kako Kagemoto was standing at the elevator door with a seductive posture, the cigarette in his hand seemed to have just been lit, and the long black cigarette holder gave off a sense of restlessness.

Yingben Jiazi looked Gao Fei up and down and said, "Why don't you take the woman back to the room? Chen Xuerui, Mr. Chen? This is not your style!"

Gao Fei smiled disdainfully and said: "It's just a drinking companion. That bastard rumored that I can't sleep at night without a woman? What is a courtesan? It's just a man's broken shoes! Do I look like a broken shoe? If I take If a woman compares to a car, Ms. Kako Kagemoto is my Carl Holden, and those two courtesans are streetcars, and you can get on them for five cents."

Gao Fei’s analogy made Kako Kagemoto choke on his own smoke, Gao Fei looked at Kako Kagemoto with a smile and said, “Do you want to sit in my room?”

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