Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 468 : Chapter 226 Heartfelt and Passionate

[Volume 57] Chapter 468: Chapter 220 Six Hearts and Blood (2)


However, what made Gao Shuxun even more angry was not that the No. 60 Ninth Army responded to the attacking unit of the fifth column of Gao Fei and interrupted the general retreat. The army is a type-A system with four divisions per army, three brigades and six regiments per division. These units are nominally affiliated to the first theater and the fifth theater, but in fact neither Li Zongren nor Cheng Qian has the right to mobilize the third army. The Fifth Army, No.8 Army, No.11 Sixth Army, No.30 Fourth Army, No.70 Seventh Army, No.80 Eighth Army, No.80 Eighth Army, and the Hundredth Army. If you invest in a counterattack, let alone Shouichi Terauchi's strategic encirclement, you can directly attack the Japanese with a mechanized unit like the 90th Division as the vanguard. The field battle attack will not be weaker than the Japanese at all, but it is very It's a pity that these troops are like duckweeds drifting with the tide. The Japanese troops in the fifth theater counterattacked and advanced, and the Japanese troops in the fifth theater retreated after being rubbed, and they also retreated. Gao Shuxun's anger has no effect on China's affairs.

Fortunately, he received Gao Fei and others, and it was considered a fulfilling mission. When Gao Fei learned that there were more than 60 officers and soldiers blood-stained on the battlefield during the three days waiting for them, he was suddenly speechless in surprise. Gao Fei closed his eyes in pain, and let them go all the way at a leisurely pace, even a little leisurely. After all, the smooth attack killed Wang Kemin, Pan Yugui and other big traitors, and got the Japanese army's password comparison template. The action is unprecedented. However, I did not expect that the soldiers of the No. [-] Ninth Army who were in charge of supporting them were holding the retreat road for them with their flesh and blood under the continuous artillery fire of the Japanese army.

In fairness, Gao Fei led Little Glasses, Huang Tianxia and others to cross the enemy's theater and return to Chongqing even if they didn't respond. , they will all fly back by themselves, the only difference is the time and the degree of unforeseen danger.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 46826

Gao Fei took a deep breath and watched the wounded man who was carried off by the stretcher slowly kneel down on the ground. Only he could truly feel the guilt in Gao Fei's heart. This is no longer something that can be replaced by a military salute. The wounded man struggled and looked at the young officer in a strange military uniform kneeling on the side of the road. Many people realized that this was the legendary hero Gao Fei!The legendary martial arts star came down to earth to help us Chinese beat Xiaodongyang's Xingjun.

Some soldiers also struggled to salute Gao Fei. The respect and admiration among soldiers is completely sincere, without a trace of water. Only when you are injured, someone will desperately drag you off the line of fire, and carry you for dozens of miles. This is the love of brothers in life and death. If you can't save you, brother, I will die with you!

Gao Fei watched many dying officers and soldiers being carried over. Under this kind of medical conditions, this kind of injury is basically equivalent to being sentenced to death. It is probably unknown how many people can survive!These simple Chinese soldiers are sometimes so cute that you can't bear to let them go to the battlefield, and sometimes it will make you so angry that you want to strangle them with your own hands!

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