Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 469 : Chapter 227 The Road to Retreat

[Volume 57] Chapter 469: Chapter 220 Seven The Road to Retreat (1) ([-])


Chapter 220 VII The Road to Retreat ([-])

The reason why Gao Shuxun revealed to the officers and soldiers before that the troops would not retreat was that Gao Feizong, the captain of the fifth column of the Loyalty Rescue Army, who went to the enemy's rear to carry out missions, attacked the No. [-] station of the Japanese army. They were all silent, and the Japanese planes and tanks were all on the ground, so Gao Fei's reputation was once again shaken. For ordinary officers and soldiers, most of them had only heard of the bloody battle at Songhu Luodian, because they had experienced it. Few of the veterans are alive, and after the fall of the isolated city of Nanjing, it is more like a story to defend the Yanziji Fortress after the fall of the isolated city, and miraculously return alive after bombarding the Japanese army's entry ceremony. In the battle of dignity, there are many examples of people holding cluster grenades and dynamite packs and jumping at the Japanese tanks, rolling to the breakthrough of the position alive. You won’t let me live, and I won’t let you live. Tragedy and death alternate every minute. In the show, ordinary soldiers will not be moved by their dedication and defense. What they care about most is to live. Because Gao Fei is alive, he is their hero.

As a result, Gao Fei continued to go deep into the enemy's rear after destroying the No. 46927 Japanese Army Station. Gao Fei's deeds have been completely mythical. Fourth, Wang Ermazi's deeds will appear on Gao Fei, so it is not surprising.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers [-]

As a senior member of the Military and Political Department, Xu Yongyi doesn't have many chances to go to the front to pay for his death. This is the first time that he has met such a great hero as Gao Fei. He is a general with background, background, and status, and Gao Fei is an out-and-out civilian hero!From lieutenant to colonel, how many lives and deaths?Xu Yongyi couldn't imagine it!

Gao Shuxun prepared for Gao Fei and others a British Gies jeep equipped with double-linked mg34 anti-aircraft machine guns. The weapons and vehicles belonged to the fifth column, but they were transferred from the fifth theater. After many times of changing hands, without any loss or loss, it can almost be called the eighth miracle. You must know that even the taro named by Mrs. Jiang will be pulled along the way, let alone the weapons and ammunition that are more important than life to the troops. That's right, the commission letter posted on the car made everyone who thought about the vehicle weapon have a cold war. This is not a question of getting something, but of killing their lives!Level-by-level handover procedures, inspection by the military police!

When Gao Fei left Xuzhou City, the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth War Zone had already started to retreat, and the main force of the ** in the Xuzhou battlefield had already carried out a general retreat, but in many cases, the difference between retreat and collapse seems to be not that big?The wave of refugees, whose head and tail could not be seen, was moving slowly along both sides of the road, children crying, women screaming, mules and horses neighing, the sound of cursing and wailing of wounded soldiers mixed together.

The long mule convoy in the middle of the road is occasionally mixed with a car. It is a recognized fact that the squadron's mobility is low, and most of the officers and soldiers are not professional soldiers. It didn't matter to them at all, they just lowered their heads even lower. Didn't the Japanese burn, kill, and looting not get on his head yet?It was Li Si who robbed, and Zhang San's wife who was raped. When it was his turn, he would only cry and call his father and mother. Gao Fei had no sympathy for such a person.

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