Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 470 : Chapter 227 The Road to Retreat

[Volume 57] Chapter 470: Chapter 220 Seven The Road to Retreat (2) ([-])


In this age of war, sympathy, love, and human life are the most worthless things. Gao Fei always thought that soldiers did not need a high level of education, especially during the Anti-Japanese War, because there was no education. People with simple minds are relatively simple, such people are easier to be brainwashed and instilled with ideas and doctrines, but later Gao Fei found out that he was wrong, the more uneducated the more terrifying the person!Because many people have the so-called Chinese-style cleverness. This kind of cleverness is a manifestation of cunning and selfishness with a smell of earth. It is even more difficult for such a person to expect him to die for the country. How can you be reassured when someone like you is a colleague?

This is why college students are willing to give up their comfortable and affluent life to join the army, and 60.00% of the conscription is carried out in the mode of catching young men. The so-called "strong man" sighed helplessly. The country is facing an unprecedented alien invasion in 3000 years. Bloody men defend their homes and country and join the army, but this is not enough. The three-dimensional offensive tanks and cannons of the Japanese army all need ** Soldiers use flesh and blood to make up for the gap between weapons and training. What if there are not enough soldiers and no one is willing to serve as soldiers?The only thing is to forcibly capture the strong men to join the army. Even if they are the cheapest cannon fodder, they will consume the ammunition and edge of the Japanese army with their flesh and blood. This is the tragedy of a country and a nation.

When the country is ruined and the country is broken, they don't know how to stand up, but passively wait for the arrest by force. What benefits can their so-called patriotism bring them?I also don't know what the Japanese are doing in China?They have never seen the Japanese. Even if they go to the front line, 60.00% of them will die from the first round of Japanese artillery fire. If the rest can survive until the end of the battle, and the Japanese army just happens to be a good target to be assassinated, they To live to see the legendary Little Toyo!Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 47027

Such troops can only serve as cannon fodder to delay the Japanese attack. I don’t know when the people and even the soldiers stopped caring about the number of deaths. No one paid attention to the debate between China and Japan accusing each other of lying on the radio. It is for tomorrow, and no one will know what will happen tomorrow.

Gao Fei worriedly looked at the long flow of retreating people. If he encountered an air attack from the Japanese army, the consequences would be disastrous. The performance of the British Jeep is still very reliable, so Gao Fei ordered two jeeps to drive directly into the wilderness. It was a little bumpy, but it was much faster than the slow speed on the road.

From a tactical point of view, the harm of using troops is the greatest hesitation, and the disaster of the three armies is born of suspicion!Troops and refugees retreated together, which is a violation of tactical principles. First, it will reveal the whereabouts of the troops and the direction of movement of weapons and equipment. Second, it is easy to become the target of the enemy's pursuit and bombing.

However, the quality of the officers in the squadron is low, coupled with the tragic sacrifices in the war of resistance against Japan, the replacement of officers was promoted very quickly, many grassroots officers were directly promoted from soldiers, and had no formal training and education at all.

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