Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 474 : Chapter 230 The Road to Retreat

[Volume 57] Chapter 474: Chapter 230 The Road to Retreat (1) ([-])


Chapter 230 The Road to Retreat ([-])

The defeated soldiers nearby also used various weapons to join in the air-to-air shooting. The Japanese fighter planes were frequently shot, and the cabin was jingled!

Faced with the approaching Japanese fighter planes firing, Gao Fei didn't seem to notice it at all. He desperately raised the shoulder mount of the machine gun and fired violently. Suddenly, at the moment when the two shot at each other, the front bulletproof glass of the Japanese Type 47430 fighter It was shattered, and the Japanese pilot pulled up violently under the shock. As a result, Huang Tianxia's machine gun hit the connecting support of the two wings continuously, and the wing broke and fell out in a spiral shape!Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers [-]

Another Japanese Type 34 attack plane that had not entered the attack angle fled. Gao Fei heaved a long sigh of relief, sat down on his buttocks, and took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket with slightly trembling hands. A cigarette was lit on the drooping machine gun barrel, and the hot mg34 general-purpose machine gun could no longer be fired. After smashing the front glass of the Japanese fighter jet, the locking device of the mg[-] general-purpose machine gun was directly locked to death due to overheating.

Looking at the Japanese fighter planes in the distance, and looking at the corpses stacked on top of each other on the road, this is the huge gap between weapon technology and the country's comprehensive strength. Gao Fei is not an absolute weaponist, but he is very aware of the gap in weapons The damage caused will be large. Without sufficient artillery preparations and suppression of ground-to-air firepower, infantry repeatedly attack the enemy's solid positions in a dense formation. Under the projection of the enemy's dense ground-to-air firepower, a wave of Another wave of troops was like a turbulent wave beating against the rocks. This is the true portrayal of the Japanese army attacking the positions held by the Japanese army. A few years later, when we aided Korea and resisted the United States, we also used our will to fight against the United States. The firepower is not comparable to that of the Japanese army. The final result is just a strategic balance between the two superpowers of the East and the West. We have paid too much for international politics.

Gao Fei looked at the dead body of a girl scout on the carriage. They were the same age, but died tragically under the Japanese air strike?Japanese pilots strafing refugee teams?What kind of perverted psychology drives him to act so inferior to a beast?

Hundreds of dead bodies piled on top of the 50-meter-long road. The air defense awareness of the Chinese people is extremely poor. Even the soldiers are not strong enough. A little girl covered in blood was rescued from the corpse by the Girl Scouts. He came out and put it on the truck. The man who squatted beside a half-shattered female corpse watched his child being carried away but remained indifferent.

Gao Fei knew that the child's father's decision was wise. A two-year-old little girl who lost her mother and father might not escape death in the end. Being hugged by these girl scouts, the child may still have a chance of survival. There are too many, too many to the point where Gao Fei is numb, defend, fight, fight to the death, and retreat!Turning into has become a noun for failure. Turning in again and again, every city must be defended, the battle is scorched, the people are displaced, and the soldiers are shrouded in horse leather on the bloody battlefield.

This is the great disaster that the Japanese brought to China and even the entire Chinese nation. How can we talk about friendship and harmony with such neighbors?You may be friends when you are strong, but the Japanese invaders are the first to eat your flesh and drink your blood when you are weak!These intellectually uncivilized beasts!When will the Japanese perish, and when will the hatred between China and Japan be truly resolved.

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