Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 475 : Chapter 230 The Road to Retreat

[Volume 57] Chapter 475: Chapter 230 The Road to Retreat (2) ([-])



Gao Fei drove past the wreckage of the Japanese plane that was still burning. The corpse of the Japanese pilot smelled burnt like a charred steak. In fact, very few people had eaten human flesh, and no one could tell what it was Taste, in terms of ethics and morality, Gao Fei does not object to strong men eating Hulu meat hungry, and jokingly drinking Hun blood!For the Japanese, Gao Fei really wants to eat their flesh and drink their blood, because the Japanese have already left the scope of human beings, a bunch of perverts with serious mental illnesses, and they can only deal with such perverts in a violent way!

Dozens of refugee families who were killed used wooden sticks and shovels to pick out the corpses of the Japanese pilots, and they were smashed into dozens of pieces in an instant. Gao Fei was taken aback by the serial number on the Japanese fighter plane. Gao Fei still knew the two Chinese characters Haijian?Isn't this the Type 47530 biplane fighter of the Japanese Army Aviation?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers [-]

Gao Fei knew that the Japanese naval aviation also had a type of biplane fighter. The difference between these two fighters is not too big?So after a closer look, it really is a Type [-] carrier-based fighter belonging to the Japanese Naval Air Force?A Type [-] carrier-based fighter belonging to the Japanese Naval Air Force appeared near Xuzhou?what does that mean?Moreover, as far as Gao Fei knows, the performance of the Type [-] carrier-based fighter of the Japanese army is not superior to that of the Hawker III equipped by the Chinese Air Force, and even lags behind. Where did the three Type [-] warships that were supposed to serve as trainers come from?The ninety-six carrier with a combat radius of less than [-] kilometers is notoriously short-legged!

Gao Fei was confused when Xu Yongyi, who was limping, appeared in time. It can be said that Xu Yongyi, who had taken a big risk just now, was still in shock, so Gao Fei patted Xu Yongyi on the shoulder and said: "Xu Yongyi Gao Can is doing a good job, facing the Japanese fighter planes to the death, and helping me feed the machine gun, everyone can see it!"

Gao Fei glanced back at his subordinates, Little Glasses and others hurriedly agreed with him, Xu Yongyi was surprised at first, and then felt very embarrassed, but he did not refuse, after all, shooting down two Japanese fighter jets was a big deal Credit, the officers of many troops passing by are also jealous of this credit, but the other party is sitting in two Jeeps, all of which are German weapons, and the escorts are colonels and major generals, so they dare not claim credit easily!

Gao Fei pointed to the wreckage of the downed Japanese fighter plane and said: "Xu Gaocan, this is a Type [-] carrier-based fighter belonging to the Japanese Naval Air Force, why do the fighter jets of the Japanese Naval Air Force that have been replaced one after another appear in Xuzhou?" nearby?"

Although Xu Yongyi is very timid, he is very proficient in staff affairs, especially his ability to remember with a photograph, so he thought for a while and said: "Only the Japanese Army Air Corps No.12 and No. The 15th Aviation Team, both of these two units participated in the air battles against Shanghai and Nanjing. It is said that part of the [-]th Ship Battle, which was heavily refitted by the Japanese Navy, was used by the newly established aviation school of the Japanese Army in North China. These three may be the Japanese Army in North China. The trainer plane of the aviation school, but it still has the Navy logo painted on it, or has it not been changed in time? Then you can’t be sure!”

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