Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 476 : Chapter 231 The Wine Cooking Controversy

[Volume 57] Chapter 476: Chapter 230 The Wine Cooking Controversy (1)


Chapter 230: Wine Cooking Controversy

Gao Fei knew that there was a huge conflict of interests between the Japanese army and navy. The so-called friction had already begun since the Meiji Restoration era. The main leaders of the Japanese navy were generals Ito Yuto and Togo Heihachiro from the Satsuma clan. It was Changzhou Fan generals Yamagata Aritomo, Nogi Nozomi, etc. The army and navy were different interest groups from the beginning of their establishment, and this pattern has continued since then.Therefore, the discord between the two is related to their vital interests. Of course, when they agree to the outside world, this interest will temporarily give way to the national interest.After the Restoration, at first, Japan defined itself as a maritime country and its coastal defense was important, so it was collectively called the navy and army. However, Takamori Saigo’s rebellion made the role of the army more prominent, so it was renamed the army and navy. The navy has always been kept as an aristocratic force and has never been looked down upon The army, the army thinks that the navy takes up too many resources and military expenditures, which hinders its own expansion, so it is also unhappy with the navy.

The contradiction between the navy and the army has a long history. Since Japan withdrew from the Washington Naval Treaty, the Japanese navy has entered a period of no peace treaty.Surrounded by the sea on all sides, Hirohito paid more and more attention to the construction of the navy. He successively added large sums of money to develop the navy three times.This aroused the envy of the army. With the launch of warships and the transfer of batches of aircraft, the navy became larger and larger, and its ambitions expanded much faster than the development of the navy itself.He began to exert his own influence in the cabinet, the military department, the House of Lords, and all important departments, and fought against the army, and conflicts developed from this.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 47631

Therefore, in principle, even if the combat aircraft of the Japanese Naval Air Force are dismantled into parts, they will not be equipped for the army to use!The Ninety-five naval aviation carrier that attacked the refugee team this time seemed a little inexplicable, and, starting from September 1937, the Ninety-five type ship battle was gradually replaced by the Ninety-six type ship battle.

Xu Yongyi grinned and wiped the scratches on his face with alcohol cotton, and said with a little coquettishness: "It's hard for us to imagine the size of the Japanese navy. Our large fleet is like a small boat to the Japanese, and ** Several of the latest capital ships of the Navy were built by the Japanese in the 18th year of the Republic of China. The first fleet under the jurisdiction of the main combined fleet is a battleship force, the second fleet is a heavy cruiser force, and the third fleet is a blockade transport force. The Fourth Fleet is the troops in the occupied areas, the Fifth Fleet is the Northern Forces, the Sixth Fleet is the submarine force, the First Air Fleet is the Aircraft Carrier Force, the No.11 Air Fleet is the shore-based aviation force, and the Southern Fleet and the Chinese Fleet, totaling It has more than 230 major combat ships above submarines, including 38 aircraft carriers, 110 battleships, 65 cruisers, 90.00 destroyers, and [-] submarines, accounting for more than [-]% of the large and medium-sized combat ships of the Japanese Navy at that time. One of the largest combat fleets can be said to be invincible in the whole of Asia, and such a huge fleet is used to compete with Europe and the United States for hegemony, and it is basically useless in Asia."

Gao Fei glanced in surprise at Xu Yongyi, the so-called idler Gao Shen from the Military and Political Department. He didn't expect that there would be such a strategic visionary in the government?Can you see the biggest embarrassment of the Japanese combined fleet?And pointed out that Japan may invade the south?

In the evening, due to the influx of refugees, Gao Fei and the others were in a place where there was no village in front of the village and no shops in the back. It was a small village that could not be found on the map. More than a dozen families were scattered in a ravine. Bing Sanyong wanted to break open the doors of ordinary people to go in and rest, but saw a major general and a colonel chatting by the bonfire, especially the gendarmerie in weird clothes nearby with submachine guns on their shoulders, so they didn't dare to be presumptuous, what do gendarmerie do? It couldn't be clearer, if the gendarmes didn't bother them, they'd already be high-spirited, and committing crimes under the noses of the gendarmes was pure courting death.

Gao Fei fiddled with the fire with a branch, and there were canned beef cooked in several side-by-side aluminum lunch boxes, and several boxes of side dishes were cut and placed in front of Gao Fei and Xu Yongyi. The most rare thing was that Huang Tianxia got a piece of bacon. What are you frying?

Gao Fei took out a bottle of chrysanthemum sake to entertain Xu Yongyi and said, "This is something that has been seized seriously, it's not junk from the black market in Chongqing. If we brothers want to drink it, just hit the little devil and ambush him a few more times." You can get what you want! The Japanese is a good logistics team leader! Very interesting!"

Xu Yongyi took a sip and nodded, "Good stuff! It has a slight fragrance and a soft taste. Although the little devil's stuff is not strong and mellow, it's perfect for people like me who don't like strong alcohol. Yes, but the Japanese are regarded as a transport team, and they fight as soon as they say it. I am afraid that in the entire **** battle sequence, you are the only one in the fifth column of Gao Fei, the captain of the high column. It is too late for others to see the Japanese hiding That!"

After a few glasses of wine, Xu Yongyi's chatterbox was opened. Gao Fei counted him for shooting down the plane today, which made Xu Yongyi terribly grateful. As a high-ranking member of the military and political department, it is not easy to have military exploits. !Still shot down two Japanese fighter planes!Gao Fei's favor can be said to be great.

Gradually, the two talked about Japan's national strategy. Xu Yongyi said slightly drunk: "I'm drunk now, don't mind, Brother Gao! It's completely nonsense!"

Xu Yongyi drank another cup, took a deep breath and said: "The current battle situation is unfavorable. On the one hand, our army's equipment and quality are weaker than the enemy's. On the other hand, our army's command organization overlaps. The one above often directly commands divisions, brigades, and even the first-level combat units of the artillery regiment! As for the Japanese? The combat intention is clear, the strategy is properly deployed, and the tactics are sophisticated. The officers and soldiers at all levels are all desperadoes. Space is exchanged for time, but I believe that as long as the war enters a protracted stage, if Japan officially forms an alliance with Germany and Italy, then our current lonely resistance will come to an end. As long as the Japanese attack the United States for oil and rubber in Southeast Asia, the two countries As soon as the world's super naval powers in the Pacific Rim are at war, our situation will immediately improve! Compared with the Japanese, what we are most inferior to is weapons, and our soldiers are more tolerant and obedient in comparison The spirit of sacrifice and sacrifice is no worse than that of the Japanese invaders. If we are given weapons that are almost the same as the Japanese invaders, we will surely beat the Japanese so that they can't even recognize their mothers."

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