Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 478 : Chapter 232 The Wine Cooking Controversy

[Volume 57] Chapter 478: Chapter 230 The Second Cooking Wine Controversy (1)


Chapter 230 The Second Boiler Controversy

Gao Fei nodded and said, "Why didn't the Japanese choose to go north instead of going south? I personally think that if Germany, Italy and Japan formed a military alliance, Japan would use its powerful Kwantung Army to attack the Soviet Union with Germany in the Far East. A very good strategic deployment!"

This time it was Xu Yongyi's turn to be very surprised. Xu Yongyi looked at Gao Fei and said, "I didn't expect Brother Gao to do research on this? I was always criticized in the military and political department, saying that I was thinking wildly and not doing my job properly!" Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountain and River 47832

Xu Yongyi excitedly picked up the wine glass and said: "Don't say anything, come on! Let's drink this glass!"

Xu Yongyi drank the wine in the glass and said excitedly: "Actually, brother Gao, I have also considered this issue, but I believe that the Soviet Union will consider it more, especially in the face of Germany's increasingly aggressive posture and the appeasement of Britain and France. Therefore, I think that within one to two years, the Japanese are likely to conduct a certain degree of probing against the Soviet Union in the Far East. This probing may be a military adventure and attempt for the Japanese. However, the Soviets will definitely give the Japanese a fierce blow with the greatest rebound strength, and hit the Japanese at once so that the Japanese can no longer have any idea of ​​​​against the Soviet army, in order to achieve stability in the Far East. If the neutrality treaty is signed every day, then the Soviet Union's military aid loans to our country will be forced to suspend or reduce, and this is the last thing we want to see!"

Gao Fei stared at Xu Yongyi dumbfounded, because Xu Yongyi's so-called idea just now was actually the real progress of this war!Xu Yongyi's bold assumptions and inferences are too amazing!

And through chatting, Gao Fei found that Xu Yongyi seemed to be extremely talented in tactics, and Gao Fei seemed to be lacking such an excellent talent with a strategic vision. Gao Fei could think a lot and see far. The biggest advantage is that we are familiar with the trend of history. If we follow the trend of history, the Chinese people will undoubtedly pay a very heavy price, and at the same time lose the best opportunity to rise. Changing history is easy to say, but in fact it is even more difficult. The plasticity is too strong, a little change here may even trigger the butterfly effect and affect the whole body, so Gao Fei continues to use a reliable person with a strategic vision to help him judge. Xu Yongyi in front of him seems to be a good candidate?

Gao Fei filled the wine glass and handed it to Xu Yongyi, saying, "If Brother Xu is not doing well in the Military and Political Department, how about coming to me to help the Fifth Column loyally? I still need a chief of staff, I think you are good!"

Xu Yongyi stared at Gao Fei dumbfounded. The highest rank in the Military Control Bureau is a major general. Gao Fei is the captain of the colonel. He has already reached the end. The normal rank of the chief of staff should be a major or lieutenant colonel. A major general himself will be the chief of staff for the colonel?And it was transferred from the Strategic Intelligence Department of the Ministry of Military Affairs?Doesn't this make people laugh out loud?Xu Yongyi really didn't know what Gao Fei was thinking?The choice between chicken head and oxtail is really beyond the reach of ordinary people!

Gao Fei saw the puzzlement and surprise on Xu Yongyi's face, so he patiently enlightened him: "Brother Xu, I'm not talking about you. , It’s different in my fifth column. In the Military Control Bureau, except for Director Dai, all of us are buddies. What’s in short supply? Salary? Housing? Everything you need, my fifth column has it!”

What Gao Fei said was very domineering, and Xu Yongyi was also taken aback when he heard it. Gao Fei was able to count the credit for shooting down the Japanese fighter plane. It can be seen that Gao Fei has a heart, and his brothers have died and worked hard , especially when the Japanese fighter planes were strafing, they used their bodies to block Gao Fei's front. What does this mean?The meaning is self-evident. Normally, Xu Yongyi would laugh it off at most, but this time he was sent to accompany his death, which made Xu Yongyi seem to give up on the military and political department. The most important thing is that his ideas are not available at all. Recognition, even summoning, is all ridicule and irony. ~~e~~

Xu Yongyi is not completely without background, otherwise Xu Yongyi would not be able to go to Germany to study after graduating from Lu University. The word Cichen was born in Kuo County, Shanxi during the Guangxu period of the Qing Dynasty.

Enrolled in the General Camp of the Zuo Army of Wuwei. After graduation, he joined the army. He was stationed in Beijing during the Revolution of [-]. He was admitted to the Army University of the Beiyang State Government in [-]. During this period, he participated in the movement against Yuan. The commander of the first division and the commander of the Shaanxi garrison, and later led his troops to join the Shanxi warlord Yan Xishan and participated in the Northern Expedition. He successively served as the chairman of the government of Suiyuan Province, Hebei Province, the chairman of the Shanxi Provincial Government, and the director of the General Office of the Military Committee of the Nationalist Government. After the July [-]th Incident, he was appointed as the chairman of the committee and director of the Baoding Camp, responsible for commanding the anti-Japanese operations in the first theater of the Sino-Japanese War. Later in the same year, he returned to Nanjing to serve as the head of the military command department. Even Chiang Kai-shek, who was harsh on people, also called him Living in troubled times and possessing all the virtues of Chinese people!Never fail in everything, but keep a sense of proportion!He is one of the very few generals in the Chinese Communist Party who does not put the interests of small groups first, and is dedicated to the country, so Chiang Kai-shek dared to reuse him.

Xu Yongchang served as the Minister of Military Command of the Military Commission, in charge of operations, and He Yingqin, Minister of Military Affairs, Bai Chongxi, Minister of Military Training, and Chen Cheng, Minister of Political Affairs, are also known as the four giants of the Military Commission!But always keep a low profile!If you can bear it, you can bear it, if you can let it, you will let it go, so life is not easy even with Xu Yongyi and other former disciples.

Seeing that Xu Yongyi was a little hesitant, Gao Fei also smiled lightly and said: "Nowadays is an era of precarious wars. As a soldier, you must be loyal to your country. Is it a day of drunken life and death, or a heroic life of killing bandits and drinking blood? Blue blood and blue sky, The flag is always shining, and it is good to leave a name in history? Life is only a few decades, kill him to your heart's content, play with him is the most important thing, kill all the Japanese, sleep with the most beautiful woman in Japan, if my brother commands troops to land in Japan , how about the emperor's wife let you sleep first?"

Sleeping with the emperor's wife?Xu Yongyi seemed a little tempted by Gao Fei's proposal. Although he knew it was unrealistic, Gao Fei's words really moved him.In life, how can you be reconciled if you don't have a strong heart?

Compared with what he experienced in the Military and Political Department, Xu Yongyi actually wanted to be transferred to the Military Command many times, but was rejected by his mentor. Why can't he go through the path that others can go through?Sometimes Xu Yongyi can't figure it out?

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