Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 479 : Chapter 233 The Deceived Chief of Staff

[Volume 57] Chapter 479: Chapter 230 The Chief of Staff Deceived (1)


Chapter 230 The Third Deceived Chief of Staff

Looking at Gao Fei who was looking at him expectantly, Xu Yongyi took a deep breath and said, "Don't be Brother Xu, Brother Xu is calling you, you are the captain of the column, I am the chief of staff, just call me by my name, Guozhong!" Alright! My lord column leader! But the follow-up procedures are up to you.~~"

Gao Fei clinked a glass with Xu Yongyi and said, "Brother Guozhong! Welcome to join the fifth column!"

Gao Fei greeted the people next to him and said, "Come here quickly to offer a glass of wine to our new Chief of Staff Xu. From today onwards, I will announce an order. The order of Chief of Staff Xu is my order! Do you all understand?"

"Yes!" Little Glasses, Huang Tianxia and the others immediately stood at attention and saluted. In fact, Little Glasses, Huang Tianxia and the others were also paying attention to Gao Fei. In their opinion, the captain's work was useless. The fifth column under the Military Control Bureau as the chief of staff?A major general working as a lieutenant colonel?is it possible?But what made them dumbfounded in the blink of an eye was that Xu Yongyi agreed?

Little Glasses, Huang Tianxia and the others looked at Gao Fei with extreme admiration, and they were able to recruit a Major General Gao Can from the Ministry of Military and Political Affairs to be their column chief of staff?Is this really too face-saving?

Xu Yongyi, who was so drunk, went back to sleep in the temporary tent set up by the jeep, and went to arrange the sentry duty and guard with small glasses. Suddenly a thin figure appeared in front of Gao Fei. It's a small depression. If someone approaches the sentinel, they will definitely be able to find it, unless the little guy waits for at least a few hours?Was it attracted by the aroma of the thick soup?

Gao Fei took a flashlight to the little girl in front of him who looked like a dirty but delicate doll?The little girl looks like four or five years old at most?Wearing a worn-out big suit, but it can be seen that the fabric of the suit is quite exquisite. Almost all the white stockings are holes and the color cannot be seen, and the red leather shoes with exposed toes?This is definitely not a child from a poor family. Although the little girl looked very hungry, she politely and tremblingly took out an equally dirty lunch box and said to Gao Fei: "Thank you, Uncle Soldier, please Give me some leftovers, thank you for your kindness!"

Gao Fei is even more sure that this is not a little girl from an ordinary family. Leftovers and great kindness without saying thank you is something that a child of this age in an ordinary family can say?

Gao Fei looked at the contents of the lunch box, and found that it was a bit small, so he said, "What about the adults in your family, little sister?"

Speaking of adults?The little girl looked very alert, looked Gao Fei up and down a few times, turned around and left?Although he couldn't bear to look back a few times, he still left with firm steps?

So Gao Fei was extremely surprised, why is it that he is still a beast with malicious intentions written on his face?So Gao Fei gave a look, Huang Tianxia immediately followed, Gao Fei unscrewed three cans of beef, opened a can of peaches, a bucket of pickles, and then put a few pieces of sour bread on the fire to roast, and the can of beef I made a hot soup and scrambled the last two eggs, waiting for the little girl to come back!

Gao Fei also knows that facing more than tens of millions of refugees, he can only be considered powerless, and he can only count as one if he can help one!Living in such a world is a crime, otherwise there would be a saying that he would rather be a dog in a prosperous world than a man in a troubled world. Gao Fei was cooking the thick soup wholeheartedly, but in the end, he heard women crying and children screaming in the direction Huang Tianxia went to?And then the gun went off?Immediately afterwards, the sound of continuous firing from the P30 nine-mm submachine gun was hoarse.

Gao Fei immediately dropped the *pan, picked up a p30 submachine gun and rushed over with the seven of them wearing small glasses. Under a tree, a woman leaning against the tree grabbed an unsightly dirty Out of the colored cloth sheet, the little girl from before was crying in the woman's arms. The woman's cheongsam seemed to be torn to pieces. Gao Fei saw the white edge of the silk petticoat?The woman seems to be wearing suspenders on her legs?It's just that his hair is messy and he doesn't look good, but judging from his figure, he seems to be between 27 and [-] years old.

Gao Fei looked at the dozens of rout soldiers kneeling on the ground and the guy who looked like a ruffian, and then at the furious Huang Tianxia. Huang Chao was bandaging Huang Tianxia's shoulders. Huang Tianxia pointed angrily at the kneeling man and said, "Run away!" Two, and the other thirteen are here. This group of guys usually rob refugees, but just now they want to rob again. A few people held down the woman with evil intentions. Seeing that I came over, they fired black guns. I am the one who fired black guns. Clean it up, I didn't lose the lottery in such a big battle against Japan, and let these bastards win the lottery here, I can't swallow my bad breath!"

Gao Fei glanced at the hound Liu Kai and the fox Qi Feizhi, and said in a cold voice with no expression on his face: "In 5 minutes, catch the one who ran away, and I will die to see the corpse!"

Gao Fei lifted the holster cover of his m1911 pistol, and first looked at the little girl, who conjured up a plate of American almond chocolate like magic with empty hands. The little girl was a little surprised and said: "US big almonds!"

Gao Fei could tell from the little girl's expression that the little guy had eaten it before, and he still ate it often. Could it be ordinary people who can eat this stuff?A single woman with a child among the refugees, trying to pretend to be someone?This seems a little too unusual?

However, what was very surprising was that the little girl didn't take the chocolate, instead she turned her eyes to the woman who was holding her, and asked tentatively, "Mom, can I have the chocolate from this soldier uncle?"

The woman said weakly: "Then you have to thank him!"

Gao Fei took a step closer and handed the chocolate to the little girl, and put his hand on the woman's forehead, but the little girl jumped up and bit Gao Fei's wrist fiercely. He said: "Uncle is a doctor, your mother is sick, can uncle treat your mother?"

The little girl opened her mouth slowly, and even bowed slightly to Gao Fei in embarrassment. Gao Fei immediately ordered: "Shen Guang immediately help this lady to our camp! Take care of the child! I will stay Let the rest of those who are dying of illness also see a doctor!" Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountain and River 47933

The four brothers Liu Qingwen, Liu Qingwu, Liu Qingshuang, and Liu Qingquan stood behind Gao Fei. As soon as Shen Guang heard it, he knew that Captain Zong was really angry and was about to kill him!Because anyone who knows Gao Fei knows that Gao Fei can take you to rob tobacco, kidnap traitors and extort money, but you are absolutely not allowed to disturb the people, especially those who have unruly intentions towards his fellow women and rob refugees. Gao Fei basically One kills the other, no mercy!

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