Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 480 : Chapter 234 Punish the villains

[Volume 57] Chapter 480: Chapter 230: Punish the villains (1)


Chapter 230: Punish the villains

Gao Fei cleared his throat, and looked around at the refugees gathered nearby by constantly lighting the torches. The fact that Chinese people look at the excitement is a temper. lively?How much leisure and courage is this?If you have the guts, don't learn to go to the front line to fight against Japan, even if it is possible to counterattack Japan today!

Facing the indignant Huang Tianxia, ​​Gao Fei slowly pulled out his m1911 pistol, pulled the slide and pushed it into the chamber, and then said to the surrounding crowd: "The duty of a soldier is to defend the country, and the mountains and rivers will be broken in the face of foreign invaders." , Our soldiers should fight against the enemy with death and show our ambition with blood. How can we rob our fellow soldiers? Bullying and robbing our compatriots? Raping and plundering are both capital crimes!

As soon as Gao Fei's words came out of his mouth, the crowd suddenly burst into applause. The thirteen people kneeling on the ground turned pale, and some even collapsed on the ground, wailing and begging for mercy!

Gao Fei handed the pistol to Huang Tianxia and said, "Since they dare to hit you with a black gun, you can just smash them all! Let me relieve you!"

Huang Tianxia stared at Gao Fei dumbfounded and said in a low voice, "Captain Zong, these people deserve death! Didn't they do anything to that woman? I think it's fine to punish them, after all, they are all anti-Japanese soldiers!"

Gao Fei's face darkened, and he took back his pistol and said, "Are you killing them if you let them succeed? Didn't you see the public opinion when they said that they should be severely punished? Such a soldier deserves to be called a soldier? It's just discrediting a soldier!"

Gao Fei walked in front of the No. 1 rout with a pistol in his hand and said, "Name, position, unit number!"

The broken soldier stuck his eyes and hesitated for a moment, and said: "Kong Ergou, Xuzhou Garrison Headquarters training and supplement No. 20 Seventh Regiment, First Battalion, Second Company, upper class soldier, I just haven't seen a woman wearing that thing, I was tempted for a while, sir I don’t dare to do it anymore, I don’t dare anymore! Please forgive me once, my lord!”

Gao Fei naturally knew that what Kong Ergou was talking about was women's garter stockings, and together with the dozen or so broken soldiers who smelled of alcohol, Gao Fei took a deep breath and said, "Military law is ruthless, brothers, I am the military commander." Gao Fei, Colonel and Captain of the Fifth Column of the Loyalty Rescue Army, in troubled times, heavy codes are needed, sorry everyone, you hit the muzzle of Lao Tzu, and you will be a soldier in your next life, do you want to remember it with dignity?"

boom!Gao Fei beat Kong Ergou's brains apart with one shot, followed by Gao Fei's footsteps!boom!boom!boom!boom!boom!Screams, begging, shooting, Gao Fei mechanically finished shooting eight bullets with a magazine, and eight corpses fell in a pool of blood. Killers, I have never seen such a happy killing, usually killing the enemy is so ruthless. (e)

Who is Gao Fei? Anyone who can read and read newspapers has heard about it. The storytellers in the teahouses and restaurants in Xuzhou, Wuhan, and Chongqing talked about Gao Fei's jokes more than Yue Fei, who served the country faithfully.

Gao Fei changed the magazine once, and killed the last rout. The hound Liu Kai and the fox Qi Feizhi also came back with two corpses, threw them on the ground and piled them on the ground. Killed directly!"

Gao Fei nodded and said to Qi Feizhi: "They are all soldiers, so it is natural to punish them severely, but I can't bear to let them leave their corpses in the wilderness. Their behavior is disgusting. Please report their names and troop numbers as missing persons. Give 20 yuan to the people around you." The common people buried them directly, let them die in the ground for peace!"

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