Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 483 : Chapter 235 Escorting the Beauty

[Volume 57] Chapter 483: Chapter 230 Five Escorts (2)


After Nangong Li injected penicillin, took a hot bath, ate something, and changed her clothes, she realized how precious the clothes were. Gong Jin is indeed rare, but it is not as good as the pair of black suspenders and silk stockings. This thing is absolutely in short supply, and ordinary idlers can't get it, but what is a soldier doing with stockings?Could it be a smuggling business?Gao Fei is the fighting hero of the National Government!Could he also go with the flow?

The extremely exhausted Nangong Li looked at the back of Gao Fei, who was making the fire, and slowly fell asleep. Gao Fei's back gave her a very safe feeling, just like his husband Huang Mingrui, who was always worried about the country Concerned about the people, the fight against the Japanese invaders finally involved himself, leaving their orphans and widows to flee, and the entire family of the guards who rushed out with the army is probably only her and Yaoyao, what will happen to the rest?Nangong Li didn't dare to think about it, nor did she want to think about it.

Nangong Li is undoubtedly a very smart woman, she knows very well that this is a world of equal exchange, why didn't Gao Fei save others?He just saved himself?I'm afraid the military family is just an excuse, right?The husband is dead, and the child can't make any mistakes. What is the body of a woman in this era of war and chaos?I'm afraid I can't even exchange a piece of corn cake. Nangong Li naturally doesn't have the alluring beauty, but she still has the charm of a woman. Is Gao Fei implying something by giving her stockings?Anyway, as long as he can let their mother and daughter arrive in Chongqing safely, what if the body is given to him?Thinking of those rout soldiers who had bad intentions towards her last night, Nangong Li couldn't help but fight a cold war. Thanks to Yaoyao's sensibility to beg for her, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 48335

Nangong Li took a serious look at Gao Fei, she was still handsome, but the evil spirit between her brows was too heavy, which made her and the child feel very uncomfortable. Her husband Huang Mingrui, who was also a soldier, did not have such evil spirit, but to be honest Gao Fei didn't have the slightest plan for her. Nangong Li didn't believe it herself. If she really wanted to, shouldn't she resist properly?Nangong Li realized why she thought about these shameless and irrelevant things?The husband has just been martyred!But reality is reality, and reality is cruel. In this dark and troubled age, it is not easy to survive. What are shame and morality?How much is a catty?Can I eat it?

However, to Nangong Li's slight disappointment, Gao Fei didn't say a word to her since that night until he arrived in Wuhan three days later. The appearance is almost exactly the same as her husband, and Gao Fei took good care of her mother and daughter along the way, which also made Nangong Li feel grateful. Nangong Li met the old housekeeper at home in Wuhan and brought a car to pick her up.

When saying goodbye, Nangong Li discovered that there was a beautiful woman in military uniform beside Gao Fei. After asking, she found out that it was Gao Fei's wife. What shocked Nangong Li was that Gao Fei had three wives who were more beautiful than the last?No wonder Gao Fei didn't give any hints to himself on the way?Nangong Li is also very surprised that she is so entangled in the mentality of cutting and cutting constantly and still messing up?Why do you still expect people to have bad intentions against you?

Maybe it's because she has developed a sense of dependence on Gao Fei over the past few days. As long as Gao Fei is by her side, there will be no evil eyes flashing, and the poor can only bow their heads and walk away!Security is the most important thing a man can give a woman.

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