Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 484 : Chapter 236 Chen Cheng Summoned

[Volume 57] Chapter 484: Chapter 230 Six Chen Cheng Summons (1)


Chapter 230 Six Called by Chen Cheng

Nangong Li also seemed to find that the woman beside Gao Fei was also very hostile towards her, as if she had violated her territory. Gao Fei is an excellent man, a responsible, upright, and responsible man, Yaoyao also likes him very much, but can he leave the army and go to the United States with him to avoid the war?

Nan Gongli knows the answer without asking. Gao Fei and Huang Mingrui are soldiers who are full of patriotism and concern for the people, and are full of loyalty to the country, and they are accompanied by their husband and wife who are also soldiers!Nangong Li sighed slightly, maybe this is the arrangement of fate, what I like may not be able to get it, and what I get may not be perfect!Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 48436

Her beloved husband left, Nangong Li also wondered why she put her feelings on a stranger who was almost a stranger so quickly?Maybe he was frightened by the pursuing Japanese army and those lawless soldiers, so he urgently needed a support?Nangong Li also couldn't understand what was going on with her?Anyway, Gao Fei inadvertently broke into her sight and heart. e

Looking at the more than 200 soldiers who can be called tiger and wolf teachers beside Gao Fei, Nan Gongli knew that her late husband Huang Mingrui also had a wish, that is, to bring one hundred thousand tiger and wolf soldiers to step on Mount Fuji. Isn't it the team song of the fifth column?What Nan Gongli didn't know was that Gao Fei and Huang Mingrui were just acquainted with each other for drinking, and Gao Fei taught Huang Mingrui to sing the fifth column song "Together in National Disaster".

Nangong Li took a deep breath, and finally came to Gao Fei with the envelope in the butler's hand, handed the envelope to Gao Fei and said, "Thank you, Chief Gao, for taking care of me over the past few days, this is a kindness from my father Nangong Lie! "

Gao Fei was taken aback for a moment, but when he tore open the envelope, it turned out to be a cash check from Citibank, USD 20?This is a huge sum, right?Gao Fei looked Nangong Li up and down seriously, and as a result, a red cloud floated on Nangong Li's face, but Nangong Li did not avoid shyly, but subconsciously puffed out her chest, Lin Shujie took a step forward in dissatisfaction , like a female leopard eager to try, declaring its sovereignty and territory.

20 US dollars is not a small number. In Gao Fei's memory, during the Anti-Japanese War of the Republic of China, there seems to be no rich man with the same surname as Nangong?Judging from Nangong Lie's attack, Nangong Li is indeed not the daughter of ordinary people.

Gao Fei turned around and held up the envelope and said to all 220 officers and soldiers of the first combat unit who came to Wuhan: "This is the 20 US dollars donated to my fifth column by Mr. Nan Gonglie. I propose to put all the money into the pension fund." In this way, the brothers in battle can kill the enemy with peace of mind, and even after serving the country, the family members will have no worries!"

After Gao Fei raised the check high up as a signal, he turned around and handed it to Xu Yongyi, saying: "Give this money to Chief of Staff Xu for safekeeping, and all expenditure details will be announced in detail! The accounts of our fifth column are clear, and We are human beings, we must be clear!"

Xu Yongyi looked at the check in his hand, frowned and whispered to Gao Fei: "Five thousand dollars can immigrate to the United States, 20 thousand is enough for me to stay away from the flames of war and become a rich man, so you can trust me? Don't tell me What nonsense that those who use it will not doubt it, and those who doubt it will not use it!"

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