Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 486 : Chapter 237 Strategic Level

[Volume 57] Chapter 486: Chapter 230 Seventh Strategic Level (1)


Chapter 230 Seventh Strategic Level

The reason why Gao Fei hates Tang Shengzhi is because he is a speculative warlord by nature, and he has no awareness of national soldiers at all. Everything is based on his fundamental interests. Nanjing is not defeated, and even the general reserve team of Purple Mountain Before it was invested, it hurriedly withdrew. With the defenders and hoarded supplies to resist the Japanese army for a week, it is completely possible to retreat calmly. Moreover, Tang Shengzhi refused to evacuate the civilians, which led to the Nanjing Massacre in history. Discarding the troops first Escaping set a very bad example for the subordinates. In the end of the Battle of Nanjing, he shirked responsibility and said that he could not command the Central Army's direct line troops.

It was so tragic for the various ministries of the defending army to defend the capital and the mausoleum of the late Prime Minister as soldiers, but they fought such a bad battle?As the commander of the garrison, Tang Shengzhi's ability can be compared with that of ordinary pig heads?Although the Chen Cheng in front of him was repeatedly defeated in the civil war, he fought to the death on the battlefield of the national war of national righteousness, and did not retreat until the last troops participating in the Wuhan battle left the theater. . Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 48637

Gao Fei snapped to attention and saluted: "Gao Fei, the fifth column of the Ministry of Loyalty and Rescue, is here to see Chief Chen!"

Chen Cheng nodded in satisfaction and pointed to the chair next to him, "Sit down! The road is full of dust and dust, and I originally planned to let you rest for a while, but the battle is urgent, and you are the general appointed by the committee!"

Gao Fei took a deep breath and said, "Thank you, Mr. Chen, I don't want to sit still. The mountains and rivers are broken, and the land is lost. How dare I sit and watch? On the day when the Japanese invaders are expelled and the islands are destroyed, I will lie on the cherry blossoms under Mount Fuji in Japan." In the courtyard, cut cherry trees and roast Hirohito’s hounds to eat! Drink the best wine in Japan and hug the most beautiful Japanese women!”

Chen Cheng looked at Gao Fei in surprise and laughed, "Sure enough, I thought you were a Confucian general, but I didn't expect you to kill a man. You're so brave. Not many people dare to think like you at this moment!"

Gao Fei disdainfully said: "If you don't even dare to think about it, then what are you talking about ideals and ambitions? With my 5000-year-old Huanghuang Dynasty, there is no obstacle that I can't get over when I am a Chinese. In history, those who wanted to invade China were either assimilated or forced to Destroyed! What is Japan, which is so small?"

Chen Cheng nodded and walked out from behind the book case, and said with a serious face: "The committee will give you an order!"

Gao Fei was startled immediately, and hurriedly stood at attention to listen. Chen Cheng said: "The fifth column of the loyal rescue team has successfully completed the mission. The column leader Gao Fei has made great contributions. The next officer has been promoted to a higher level. Gao Fei has nothing to reward. Be a role model for soldiers, award millions of national coins, and hope to work hard! The department is directly under the Supreme Military Commission, and is temporarily transferred to the Commander's Department of the Ninth War Zone. Jurisdiction over the first regiment of the gendarmerie and one part of the fifth column."

Gao Fei hesitated for a moment, looked at Chen Cheng, and said, "Mr. Chen, all the officers and soldiers who participated in the operation can be promoted to one level, but how did it become a reward of 100 million national currency when I came here? I think it's better to promote me to one level. It’s also difficult, I don’t want 100 million national currency!”

Chen Cheng looked helplessly at Gao Fei's sincere expression. You must know that the award of 100 million national currency to Chairman Jiang is really painful!But Gao Fei went deep into the enemy's rear and pretended to be a substitute to break into the Japanese puppet interior, assassinated and sanctioned Wang Kemin and other big traitors, and his ugly nude photos will be published in the newspaper soon, which is believed to be a great warning to all traitors who are ready to move!Don't collude with the Japanese. The attitude towards traitors is that they must be punished if they are not far away from the government!

It is entirely possible for Gao Fei to be promoted to the first level this time, but the biggest problem is that the highest military rank in the Military Control Bureau is Major General, and Gao Fei even wears the Lion Wake-Up Knife on his waist, so there is no way to award medals. Besides, the military rank is impossible to be promoted. Apart from Zhang Xueliang, a 25-year-old colonel, who is a young marshal of the Northeast Army, how can there be such a young officer in the government?Even Chiang Kai-shek felt that this rank was too much, but in terms of merit alone, Chiang Kai-shek thought it was not too much to give him a lieutenant general.

If there is no reward, you can't stab him to death, so I can only give Gao Fei a big prize, one million national currency!Although the national currency has been depreciating rapidly, a million is not a small amount. It is completely false for Chen Cheng to say that Gao Fei is not jealous. Already a colonel!And he is also the director of the military law department of his own Wuhan Garrison Command.

Chen Cheng didn't dare to treat this airborne director as his subordinate, because everything about Gao Fei was under the direct command of Chairman Jiang. Flying down into a storm of lightning!It has made Chairman Jiang a lot of face, turned the impossible into possible, and is good at creating miracles. Chairman Jiang is already satisfied, so he directly assigned the establishment of the fifth column directly under the Supreme Military Council, and the relationship between ordnance and logistics remained the same. Returning to the army, the intention is that our old Jiang's command is also wise. The failure of the battle has something to do with the people below. If everyone is like flying high, how can the Japanese invaders be calm?

Standing in front of the sand table, Chen Cheng smiled at Gao Fei and said, "You don't have to be so restrained, I'll introduce you to a colleague in a moment, and you need to cooperate more in the future. More than [-] people from the first combat unit of the fifth column came from Chongqing, all because of his intention."

Chen Cheng's words made Gao Fei startled, who could actually see the sky with his hands and eyes?Can it affect Chiang Kai-shek?Transfer one of your fifth column to Wuhan?

Gao Fei was thinking about possible people. A colonel who was about 36 or seven years old with a straight uniform, fair skin and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses entered the office. He first saluted and said, "Cai Wenzhi, the humble officer, is here to report!"

Gao Fei watched the person take off his military cap, his shiny hair was combed meticulously. Before Gao Fei saw this hairstyle, he felt a chill, but now he has gotten used to it a lot. Flying to the countryside is an entry, but vulgarity is not easy to follow. He is a soldier, fighting on the verge of life and death all day long. Naturally, his hair will not grow long, and he often even shaves his head!

Gao Fei could tell that this Cai Wenzhi seemed to be very familiar with Chen Cheng?Chen Cheng also saw Gao Fei's confusion and said, "Gao Fei, you have to thank Dingwu! It was he who suggested to the committee to expand your fifth column and establish an independent military base, so that your fifth column can develop from a tactical point of view. Promoted to the strategic level, you should thank him when you look back!"

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