Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 487 : Chapter 238 Wuhan Strategy

[Volume 57] Chapter 487: Chapter 230 Eight Wuhan Strategy


Chapter 230 Eight Wuhan Strategy

Cai Wenzhi hurriedly waved his hand and said, "It's better to appoint a wise leader, and Captain Gao Zong will fight the enemy in blood. We're just supporting and coordinating in the middle. I really dare not take it!"

Gao Fei was completely shocked at this moment. How could a mere colonel be able to talk to the arrogant Chen Cheng?And it is clear that you often see big figures like Chen Cheng, and Chen Cheng seems to respect him very much?What is the origin of this Cai Wenzhi?Gao Fei's hard thinking is fruitless. It can be said that Gao Fei, a famous general and celebrity of the Republic of China in later generations, may be able to know the second and third, but Gao Fei really has no deep impression on a colonel who can be regarded as a little-known in history.You must know that such high-ranking counselors who are like guests of the shogunate are usually hiding behind their backs.

Chen Cheng coughed and introduced formally: "Cai Wenzhi, courtesy name Dingwu, was an informant from Huanggang in North my country. After invading the three northeastern provinces of our country, he returned home filled with righteous indignation, and entered the ninth phase of the Whampoa Military Academy. After graduation, he was assigned to the No.13 Division of the Army in batches. Elected into the first department of the Supreme Military Council as the chief of the colonel and section, although the military rank is not high, it is an extremely important position, and he often has the opportunity to attend large-scale secret military meetings chaired by Chairman Chiang.*”

Gao Fei nodded in surprise. To be honest, he really didn't have much impression of Cai Wenzhi, but how can someone who can enter the Japanese Army Non-commissioned Officer Academy be an idler?In particular, he was directly promoted by Chiang Kai-shek. You must know that Chiang Kai-shek prefers to accept the opinions of his staff and staff in terms of strategic deployment, but in terms of tactical implementation, Chiang Kai-shek likes to be arbitrary, which is why he directly calls When it comes to the division and brigade-level headquarters at the forefront, Chiang Kai-shek is not of Fan Fan's generation in terms of strategy, so it is not easy for Chiang Kai-shek to accept his opinion, let alone relying on Cai Wenzhi's advice , Can you transfer your fifth column out of the combat organization sequence of the Military Control Bureau?Upgrade from the tactical level of the campaign to the strategic level?It's not easy!

Chen Cheng looked at Gao Fei and said with emotion: "After the great victory in Taierzhuang, Chairman Jiang arrived at Daxujia Station east of Xuzhou by train, and presided over a military meeting on the special train. Chief of Staff He Yingqin, Deputy Chief of Staff Bai Chongxi and Chen Cheng, commander of the fifth war zone Chief Li Zongren and others all attended the meeting. The meeting decided that the Wuhan area and the Zhengzhou First War Zone would mobilize the elite military force of [-] armies, send troops from Pinghan Road to Xuzhou via Longhai Road, and put them all into the Xuzhou battlefield. Kou will fight to the death! The original meeting had reached an established strategic policy, but Cai Wenzhi, who attended the meeting, directly pointed out that the Japanese army had formed an intention to intersperse, divide and surround the main force of our army on the Xuzhou battlefield. It was suggested to stop sending troops to Xuzhou. Generalissimo Jiang adopted his proposal to fight against the enemy steadily and hold decisive battles on the outskirts of Wuhan to consume the Japanese army's vital forces and strategic material reserves. Otherwise, our army would be surrounded by the Japanese army in Xuzhou at this moment. What a risk! What a risk! Chairman Jiang also promoted Cai Wenzhi to the rank of major general.”

Gao Fei looked at Cai Wenzhi and took a deep breath. No wonder the strategy of the Supreme Military Council would undergo the greatest adjustment at the last moment. Gao Fei glanced at Cai Wenzhi's rank of colonel. Cai Wenzhi smiled and said, "I told Chairman Jiang It is fine to serve as the director of the War Department of the Supreme Military Council, but I will not be awarded the rank of general before the Wuhan battle is over."

Gao Fei looked at Cai Wenzhi and didn't say anything. It's just a gimmick not to confer the title of general before the end of the Wuhan battle. Cai Wenzhi is in his thirties this year. He is a 36-year-old major general and also holds the position of chief of the combat department of the Supreme Military Council. Up, it is equivalent to waiting for the deputy commander of the theater below!That is the person who speaks loudly in front of the chairman.

Cai Wenzhi's military rank was obtained by relying on his unique strategic vision, while Gao Fei's colonel was obtained through countless bloody battles. There is no comparison between the two. Maybe Gao Fei will die in one minute. However, Cai Wenzhi, who was in the Supreme Command, was able to live very steadily until the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, and Gao Fei knew very well that no matter how great his military exploits were, his rank of colonel would be counted to the end, unless he no longer personally participated in the war. Go deep into the enemy's rear to fight, otherwise Gao Fei will always be a colonel, not a major general!

Chen Cheng smiled and said: "Dingwu has unique research and insight in strategy, while Gao Fei has expertise in tactics, that's why Generalissimo Jiang agreed to take your fifth column out of the military order and expand scale, let it become a force with a strategic deterrent force, and now the Japanese soldiers are aggressive. I believe that there is not much time for us to prepare for the battle in Wuhan! So today I invited Cai Wenzhi and Soviet advisers, that is Let's study the feasibility of the plan formulated in the previous secret meeting."

Chen Cheng smiled and glanced at Cai Wenzhi, while Cai Wenzhi looked at Gao Fei and said calmly: "Colonel Gao Fei's tactical attainments are astonishing, and he can always predict the enemy's first opportunity, which is really surprising. !Even Colonel Gao Fei can save the day in every battle, as if he has been familiar with it before. I also want to know how accomplished Colonel Gao Fei is in strategic deployment? Chief Chen and I might as well listen to Colonel Gao Fei’s defense of Wuhan!"

Cai Wenzhi's words scared Gao Fei into a cold sweat. Could this Cai Wenzhi also come from time travel?But after Cai Wenzhi finished speaking, Gao Fei felt relieved, and said humbly, "If I am not in my position, I will not seek his own affairs, and it is better for me not to speak out about strategic matters, so as not to affect everyone. Commander's strategic decision!"

Chen Cheng smiled and said: "The speaker is not guilty. Since Dingwu wants to hear Gao Fei's opinion, you might as well just say it, and let us have another reference. The current situation should be based on collective wisdom."

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