Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 488 : Chapter 239 Wuhan Strategy

[Volume 57] Chapter 488: Chapter 230 Nine Wuhan Strategy (1)


Chapter 230 IX Wuhan Strategy

Chen Cheng and Cai Wenzhi stood beside the sand table, and Gao Fei picked up his baton from one side and cleared his throat: "Sirs, Wuhan is located on the eastern edge of the Jianghan Plain, between the Yangtze River and Khan, guarding the borders of Ping-Han and Guangdong-Han. The connection point of the railway is the heartland of China and the hub of water and land transportation in the southeast and northwest. Its strategic position is very important. From a tactical point of view, the three towns of Wuhan are easy to attack and difficult to defend, and the suburbs of Wuhan, especially Jiangbei, are not dangerous to defend. Therefore Strategically, we should defend Wuhan instead of fighting in Wuhan, place the main force of the Communist Party on the outskirts of Wuhan, rely on the Poyang Lake in the south of the Yangtze River, the Jiuling Mountains, the Dabie Mountains in the north of the Yangtze River, and the hills and lakes on both sides of the Yangtze River to carry out protracted operations to contain and consume the Japanese army. One of the most powerful force and combat preparations, weapons and ammunition is on standby in Wuhan. Once a fighter plane appears, it will immediately launch a counterattack against the Japanese army in front of it, smashing the Japanese army’s attempt to encircle and attack! The Japanese army’s national strength and its strategic reserves are almost exhausted. If Our army is engaged in a large-scale war of attrition with the Japanese army under the city of Wuhan, so I dare to conclude that the Japanese army's strategic offensive in our country should stop here, even if the loss of Wuhan is irrelevant to the overall situation! The next step is to continue to fight the Japanese army in Changsha The war will develop for a long time, and the War of Resistance Against Japan has entered a stalemate."

Chen Cheng and Cai Wenzhi looked at each other in surprise?Because the strategic deployment that Gao Fei mentioned was actually the research result of the previous secret meeting. The participants of the meeting that day were all high-ranking government officials, and it was impossible for Gao Fei to know. Cai Wenzhi took a deep breath and did not wait to speak. , There was a burst of applause outside the door?Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 48839

Gao Fei looked at the door of the office, and found a Soviet major general with shiny leather boots standing at the door, looking at him with very excited eyes?Gao Fei frowned slightly, because this Soviet major general gave him a feeling of deja vu?Who is this Soviet major general?

Chen Cheng smiled slightly and said to Gao Fei: "This is Major General Zhukov of the Soviet Military Advisory Group. Gao Fei, your strategic plan is basically the same as that of Major General Zhukov and Cai Wenzhi. See the same sentence!"

Zhukov looked at Gao Fei and spoke Russian, and the interpreter standing behind him hurriedly said, "Major General Zhukov asked what military school you graduated from? Do you have any experience of studying abroad?"

Gao Fei smiled proudly and said: "I am a student of Whampoa, a member of the Communist Party of China. I am extremely proud of my identity as a soldier of Whampoa. This war was imposed on the Chinese people by Japanese imperialism. Although our army's training and weapons are not as good as The enemy, more than half of the country has fallen, but the blood of our Whampoa soldiers is not cold! Our Whampoa soldiers charge forward in every battle, with countless casualties. They also rebuild the Great Wall for the country and nation with their flesh and blood, defending the independence of the country and the freedom of the nation! It is the soul of my Whampoa army."

Zhukov nodded and said to Chen Cheng: "A country with such soldiers will never be defeated by the enemy. I believe China will be the final victor in this war!"

Who is Zhukov?Gao Fei naturally couldn't be more clear about this well-known Soviet general in World War II. Although Zhukov is still an unknown Soviet major general who took the initiative to come to China as a military adviser to avoid the domestic purges, Gao Fei Fei already felt a little bit of pressure at this moment, facing Zhukov's wise eyes, Gao Fei had a deep understanding of what it means to be a man who is worthy of a great reputation.

Zhukov served as a military adviser in China for a short time in 1938 and was promoted to deputy commander of the Belarusian Special Military District. In September 1939, the Japanese army carried out armed provocations in the Hale Ha River area, and the situation in the Far East was tense.Zhukov was appointed as the commander of the First Group Army of the Mongolian-Soviet Army, commanding the operations against Japan.He successfully organized and implemented the Battle of the Haleha River in a short period of time, and achieved a great victory of annihilating more than 9 enemies at a relatively small cost of more than [-] casualties.In this battle, Zhukov showed his talents for the first time, showing his superb commanding and organizational skills. He was good at coordinating the actions of infantry, artillery, tanks and aviation, boldly implemented roundabout encirclement, and wiped out the enemy's main force by surprise.His theory of concentrated use of tanks was also confirmed in actual combat. Zhukov triumphed over Moscow, was praised by the whole country, and was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

As a participant of the strategic deployment meeting, Gao Fei participated in such a high-level strategic meeting for the first time, but the dullness of the meeting caught Gao Fei unexpectedly. Almost everyone, including Chen Cheng, seemed a little cautious. I just realized that in this kind of strategic level meeting, everyone is responsible for every word they say.The process of the meeting also seemed very slow. People always seemed to waste time repeatedly on trivial issues, and turned a blind eye to the issues of campaign composition and tactical implementation at the strategic level?Are a group of blind and deaf people discussing the decisive battle that will determine the fate of China?It's good to be wise and protect yourself, but it seems a bit too much.

At the dinner that followed, Gao Fei was a little dazed looking at the rows of steaks, red wine, caviar and champagne, as well as the bluish vodka in delicate bottles, it seemed too extravagant!You must know that many officers and soldiers at the front are starved of food, and Jane counts the few bullets in the chamber to resist the Japanese invaders.

After a few glasses of vodka, Zhukov seemed to become talkative. He spoke a few half-familiar Chinese words mixed with a lot of Russian and had an enthusiastic chat with Gao Fei. However, Zhukov obviously dared to be angry about many things in the Soviet Union. Dare to say, mentioning it makes one feel a bit creepy and avoid it!

Gao Fei naturally knows that the current Soviet Union has basically formed a highly centralized and controlling economic system. In line with this, political power also tends to be highly concentrated. The personality cult of Stalin in the Soviet system and Stalin's arbitrary power are becoming a political issue in the Soviet Union. domain dominance.

In fact, this centralization of power has aroused the concern of some leaders in the Soviet Union. At the same time, there have always been differences among the party leadership on specific issues such as industrialization and agricultural collectivization policies.Although through several rounds of violence, Stalin had eliminated the old Bolshevik opposition who had threatened his power and line, and promoted a group of younger cadres who were loyal to him to the leadership, but his status had not yet been established. In the end, his policy propositions may still be opposed or resisted by members of the Central Committee and even the Politburo.In order to nip the new opposition in the bud, Stalin needed to launch a comprehensive political purge.

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