Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 489 : Chapter 240 The Weak Red Giant Beast

[Volume 57] Chapter 489: Chapter 240 The Weak Red Giant Beast (1)


Chapter 240 The Weak Red Giant Beast

Zhukov drank vodka like drinking water, which made Gao Fei a little stunned. Gao Fei had also made drunken gaffes before, but he never expected that Zhukov would also make drunken gaffes. They ran away, leaving only a translator from the government.

Gao Fei listened to the translator repeatedly muttering about the Great Purge, and suddenly remembered the cause and effect between the Kirov incident and the Great Purge in the Soviet Union. During the Great Purge, there was a famous joke that one day Stalin’s pipe was lost, and the head of the Cheka, Beria, caught ten thieves the next day. All of these thieves confessed that they had stolen Stalin’s pipe and that The process was full of strange and loopholes, like reading a mythical novel, but the next day Stalin found the pipe under his sofa.In fact, as early as more than ten years ago, some people in the Soviet Union strongly criticized the alienation of the Cheka staff. The Cheka spies are completely different from ordinary people. The pain of torture, there is no trace of the Bolsheviks in these ruthless agents.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 48940

Moreover, the Cheka agents have already worked out a set of experience in obtaining confessions from prisoners. Although beating is the simplest and most primitive method, it is not far from the goal to make people suffer so much that life is worse than death.The ruthless trampling and destruction of the prisoner's energy and spirit makes the prisoner lose his self-esteem and confidence, so he can get what he wants, and even rapes, tortures and kills the prisoner's family members face to face, forcing him to confess his guilt.

During the vigorous purges, half of the party members of the Soviet Communist Party were arrested, and more than 120 million people were arrested. It can be said that the Soviet system created by Lenin was completely wiped out by Stalin.

The Great Purge created a culture of terror in the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. Senior cadres of the Soviet Union did not dare to share a car with many people, because they were easily suspected of conspiracy gatherings. They did not dare and would not have real personal friendship, except for Stalin , They dare not invite colleagues to dinner at their own home, and it is also frightening to eat at Stalin's house. Although everyone desires honor, you never know where you will go after leaving that seat, whether it is home or prison.

It was Lenin's last wish to destroy the Orthodox Church. Stalin completed the systematic destruction of the Orthodox Church in the early 30s, but religious forces still operated secretly. During the Great Purge, 18 priests were arrested for preaching, of which 12 were arrested shot.

The destruction of the Soviet Red Army by the Great Cleansing was the most fatal. Marshal Tukhachevsky was recognized as the most talented general of the Soviet Red Army, and he was also the real soul of the Red Army. The theory of large-scale mechanized warfare was once far ahead of its counterparts in the West, but all of these people were shot by Stalin, so that Zhukov was horrified when he was drunk.

The Great Purge wiped out almost all of the middle and senior ranks of the Soviet Red Army. More than 67 Red Army commanders and political workers were purged, and more than 60 of them were shot. The Great Purge launched by Stalin killed three of the five marshals. People, three of the four first-level army generals, all twelve second-level army generals, 190 of the 130 army commanders, 390 of the nine division commanders out of 220 and six, and [-] of the seven brigade commanders It can be said that in any army in the world, its senior command cadres have not suffered such a large loss in any war, and even the result of annihilation of the entire army would not have suffered such a loss.

The Soviet army, which was severely damaged by the purge, quickly lost face in the Soviet-Finnish War in 1939. It took six months for the million Soviet Red Army to force Finland, which had a population of less than 300 million, to submit to the armistice. The Red Army suffered five casualties. The Soviet Union's defeat in the Soviet-Finnish War directly stimulated Hitler's military adventures in Nazi Germany.

In the Great Patriotic War that followed, the Soviets shed almost all their blood. Before the war, the number of Soviet soldiers and artillery was seven times that of the German army, the number of combat aircraft was five times, and the number of tanks was four times that of the German army. The Soviet army lost 100 regular troops, and the Soviet Union lost one-sixth of its population during the war. Even the NKVD itself, which was used as a tool for the great purge, was not spared. Its members were constantly updated to maintain Loyalty to the leader or being used as a scapegoat.Yagoda, who led the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the early stage of the Great Purge, could not meet Stalin's demands, and was replaced by Yezhov, who was more ruthless, and was arrested and executed shortly afterwards.Yezhov also suffered the same fate when he pushed the Great Purge to the end according to Stalin's will, and Beria, who was replaced, was also executed for groundlessly raping the Soviet people.

It’s hard for Gao Fei to believe that if the Soviet Union didn’t have a vast territory, a supply of up to 4000 million serviceable reserve troops, and huge material assistance from the allies, it’s hard to imagine that the Soviet Union could drag down Nazi Germany. Of course, perhaps the most important factor for victory is The Soviet system itself, and only with this system, can a country devote all its resources to war to the maximum, endure unbearable casualties, and endure unimaginable suffering.

The victory of the Soviet Union over Germany was a system in which women and children were able to build fortifications and build factories in the icy and snowy wilderness when they had only one potato to eat. This allowed a nation and a country to concentrate all their resources and strength in a huge war of attrition .

It was precisely because of Stalin's great purge that the Soviet Union entered into absolute weakness. The Soviets felt terrified of the seemingly powerful Japanese Kwantung Army, so that in the conflict at the Nomenkan, the Soviet Union exhausted all its strength and ruthlessly gave The Japanese had a stick to avoid the possibility of Germany and Japan attacking the Soviet Union. When Hitler launched the war of aggression against the Soviet Union on June 1941, 6, he declared that as long as I kick the door of this dilapidated house in the Soviet Union, it will collapse. .Hitler believed that the Soviet army, which had been decimated by the purges, was vulnerable. He believed that the Soviet Union, which had experienced the purges, had already lost its mind.

In fact, Gao Fei knew that Hitler's judgment was correct to some extent. In the history of World War II, when there was no puppet regime, the citizens of the country joined the enemy's battle on a large scale. Among the prisoners of war, only the Soviet Union organized an army to help the invaders.It is rare in history for such a thing to happen in a highly unified sovereign country.

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