Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 490 : Chapter 241 Returning to the Command Headquarters

[Volume 57] Chapter 490: Chapter 240 Returning to the Command Headquarters (1)


Chapter 240 Returning to the Command Headquarters

In fact, Gao Fei has consulted relevant materials in the Soviet Union's Great Patriotic War. At its peak, the German army had nearly 140 independent battalion-level combat units composed of Russians, and 200 regiment-level special guerrillas. combat unit.Historically, there were as many as [-] million Soviet defectors and civilians serving the German army as volunteers.

It can be said that 80.00% of the Russian guerrillas were wiped out and destroyed by the puppet army, just like the high-flying fifth column that went deep into the enemy's rear, what was afraid of was not the Japanese, but the puppet army who was familiar with the local situation, and the puppet army was not like The clowns in film and television dramas of later generations are generally incompetent, and most of the puppet troops are still quite powerful in combat effectiveness, and they are basically adapted from local security regiments and other troops.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 49041

However, due to Nazi Germany's discriminatory policy against Russians, non-Russian combat troops were allowed to form larger combat units. For example, the Kalmyks formed an independent cavalry army, and the Ukrainian puppet army formed a Outside the concentration camp, he also participated in the attack on the Soviet army. The outstanding general of the Soviet army, who was as famous as Zhukov, and the commander of the Ukrainian First Front Army, Vatudin, died in the attack of the Ukrainian puppet army.

Vlasov is one of the most controversial figures in the history of the Soviet Union. This person was a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1930. As a military adviser, he helped the Nanjing National Government to train the army and purchase equipment. He was awarded the Lenin Medal and the The Order of the Red Banner, he was highly valued by Stalin for his great feats in the defense of Moscow.

Historically, after Vlasov was captured, he quickly proposed to cooperate with Germany, hoping to form a Russian Liberation Army from the prisoner-of-war camps, work side by side with Germany to eliminate the Soviet regime, and finally establish a free Russia that is friendly to Germany.

When Vlasov treasoned, the Soviet Union was in the most difficult moment. The experienced troops had been exhausted. The recruits were sent to the front in batches, and a large number of them died or were captured in batches. They either died of German guns or died of the supervisor Under the machine guns of the team, and every straw that can be used in the rear has been sent to the front line, the once powerful red behemoth Soviet has almost reached the most critical moment.

Gao Fei knew that the aid of the Soviets might be coming to an end, because the Nomenkan incident provoked by the Japanese seemed to be a big loss for the Japanese themselves, but in fact the Japanese adventure made the Soviets feel trembling fear, because Japan and Germany are already carrying out strategic cooperation. If Japan and Germany form an alliance, the Soviet Union will be threatened by the east and west. The Soviet Union is two powerful opponents that can never win the east and west. Especially the Japanese with a powerful navy, the Soviet Union The long coastline will become the Japanese backyard.

That's why the secret treaty of neutrality between Japan and the Soviet Union appeared in the future. From the rise to the disintegration of the powerful red empire, it also experienced a process of prosperity and decline. It can be said that from 1921 onwards, all non-Bolsheviks in the Soviet Union All political parties were banned. The following year, the resolution of the Twelfth National Congress of the Russian Communist Party called for the massacre of various anti-Soviet parties, the Socialist Revolutionary Party, and the Mensheviks. Other political parties disappeared, and the Russian Communist Party became the only political party. The pressure of competition from the foreign party and the impetus for correcting mistakes are gone.

In addition to the iron curtain emperor like Stalin, he created the climax of no party outside the party, the emperor's thinking, no faction within the party, and a strange and chaotic situation. Moreover, Stalin used to use the party to replace the law and kill innocent people indiscriminately. Leaders, who implement the so-called constitutional government, have a posture of prosperity if they follow it, and perish if they go against it, which makes people shudder.

After the reception, Gao Fei was a little unhappy. Gao Fei, who originally wanted to benefit from the Soviets or Chen Cheng, was unable to speak because of Zhukov and others' excessive drinking, so he could only look for another opportunity. The [-] officers and soldiers of the first detachment all gathered in the Baijia camp in Wuhan to gather and stand by, because according to the chairman's order conveyed by Chen Cheng, the affiliation of the fifth column seemed to have undergone a huge change.

Regarding the transfer of the fifth column of the former Central Military Statistics Bureau's Loyalty Rescue Army to the Supreme Military Commission, Dai Li was also caught off guard. Gao Fei's unit can be said to be the only combat unit that Dai Li can take action at the moment.

Of the five combat units under the Loyalty Rescue Corps, only Gao Fei's fifth column has achieved a lot. Now that Gao Fei's fifth column has been transferred away, even if it is temporarily, it makes Dai Li feel very frustrated. It didn't take much effort for Dai Li to learn that this so-called suggestion was made by Major General Cai Wenzhi, Chief of Operations at the Supreme Military Council, and it seemed that this suggestion had been approved and instructed by Generalissimo Jiang before?

Dai Li naturally understood Generalissimo Jiang's intentions. According to his speculation, the transfer of the Fifth Column to the Supreme Military Council may have something to do with the recent performance of the Fifth Column. , raided the secret stronghold of the Japanese North China Secret Service, and even picked up two Japanese germ warfare experts in Shanghai, stormed the Japanese No. Since the formation of the column, this force has been fighting every household!

Moreover, the fifth column has become an unstoppable sharp blade of the Military Control Bureau, and its sharpness makes it invincible. The assassination of Wang Kemin and Pan Yugui in the heart of the Beiping Japanese theater this time shocked the world even more?And if such a sharp blade is not in the hands of the commissioner himself, I am afraid that the commissioner will not sleep well, because according to Dai Li's assessment, if he wants to prevent the fifth column from attacking, then at least two regiments of troops are needed. To defend and wipe it out or even eliminate it requires at least one division's continuous efforts to achieve the goal.

It was within Dai Li's expectation that Wei Zuo personally controlled the fifth column, and Dai Li found that Wei Zuo seemed to have plans to use the fifth column as a guard force. After all, the best defense method is to attack, and it is also to defend The Japanese launched a surprise attack with black hands, but Dai Li did not think that Chiang Kai-shek's transfer of the fifth column from the military command bureau was a distrust of him. After all, the logistics supply relationship of the fifth column was still in his own military command bureau.

The strength of the fifth column is self-evident. Dai Li has been working hard to infiltrate this small army before, but to Dai Li's disappointment, the selection process of the fifth column is very strict. Not to mention, physical fitness and combat skill assessments are almost impossible. Dai Li sent people many times to try to sneak into the fifth column when it was recruiting soldiers, but no one passed the fifth column's recruit training?

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