Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 492 : Chapter 242 Dai Li's thoughts

[Volume 57] Chapter 492: Chapter 240 Two Dai Li's Thoughts (2)


But what made Dai Li gratified was that people like Gao Fei were on his side. Although Gao Fei dared to fight hard, he had very obvious weaknesses, that is, impulsiveness and lust. Dai Li was never afraid that his subordinates were too good. He is only afraid that his subordinates have no shortcomings.

Dai Li knew very well that if Gao Fei had been under his command all along, his current rank of colonel would have come to an end. For Gao Fei, a subordinate who carried the Lion Dance Saber, Dai Li was also under pressure, and there was no reward in history. What is the end result?Anyone who is a mirror in his heart can only understand that the fifth column transferred the Supreme Military Committee, but the logistics supply relationship is still in the Military Control Bureau. This is also very beneficial to Dai Li, so that the Military Control Bureau has a lot of accounts that cannot be written off. It can be blatantly stuffed into the huge consumption of the fifth column, and almost all the weapons and ammunition needed by the fifth column are imported goods, which means that the Military Control Bureau is the only government department that has the right to purchase foreign exchange after the Ministry of Finance. It is the best result that everyone is happy with.

Dai Li summoned Gao Fei at his new home in Mid-Levels. Dai Li was very satisfied with Gao Fei's politeness, especially Gao Fei's words and positions made Dai Li very useful. No matter what position he holds in the future, he also has the brand of military command on him. In the eyes of others, he is a member of the military command bureau.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 49242

Dai Li gently turned the blue and white porcelain teacup lid with his hands thoughtfully, and seemed to be a little absent-minded: "Our Military Control Bureau is also the same as the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Soviet Union, the Gestapo of Germany, and the intelligence agencies of any country. Only in this way can we ensure the effective use of resources, but our current strength is still too weak, and we face too many enemies, including our own internal party, and external ones such as terrorists and Japanese traitors. The Japanese are foreign invaders If it doesn’t work, amputation can still be used to heal the wounds, but gangsters and traitors are internal worries, this is the most terrifying, so our military command should help the committee to share the worries and solve the problems. They are all military commanders in their eyes.”

Gao Fei naturally knew what Dai Li was referring to. Is this an advice or a warning to him?Dai Li is the same as Chiang Kai-shek, and even many places are learning from Chiang Kai-shek. He attaches great importance to the loyalty of personnel far beyond his ability. This is also the common cognition of intelligence professional institutions.

Dai Li pointed to the exquisite and unusual teacup on the table and continued: "This is Yuan blue and white, there are not many in the world, and I believe it will become rarer after this war.

While Dai Li was talking, he seemingly unintentionally dropped the teacup of Yuan Qinghua on the ground, and immediately the teacup with cicada wings was thrown into pieces. The main reason for the hype is that the real cultural relics with grades belong to the state and are absolutely not allowed to be auctioned or traded. Any transaction and possession are illegal, so the partial prices of yuan blue and white have become The focus of the hype.

Precious is also precious, but in the final analysis, it is just a fragile dead object. Antiques in prosperous times and gold in troubled times are all rare things, but they are easily broken, and Gao Fei still feels very sorry.

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