Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 493 : Chapter 243 Lan Feng Dangerous Situation

[Volume 57] Chapter 493: Chapter 240 Three Lan Feng Dangerous Situation (1)


Chapter 240 Three Lanfeng Dangerous Situation

Dai Li said with a blank expression: "No matter how precious a commodity is, it will only be valuable to our military command when we need it. In other words, the military command will fully support you, starting from materials and intelligence. All in all, this is an intelligence world, without intelligence your fifth column can only bang its head against the wall, your special operations need precise intelligence support. e”

Gao Fei nodded earnestly. He knew that Dai Li was admonishing himself, implying that he had an inseparable relationship with the military command. Gao Fei naturally knew that he wanted to make a real difference with the military command, unless the military command bureau died or he himself became the military command bureau. On the day of the director, as the saying goes, if you want to leave, you must first secure your position.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 49343

The next day, when Gao Fei returned to Chen Cheng's Wuhan Garrison Commander's Department, he found that almost everyone had very strange expressions?

Since the office has not been arranged yet, Gao Fei can only choose to go to the small meeting to take a short break before walking to the door. Gao Fei is stopped by the confidential secretary Wu Na, and Chief Chen Cheng informs Gao Fei to go to the big meeting to attend the meeting?Gao Fei is still very uncomfortable with his status as the Supreme Military Council, referred to as the army directly under the Supreme Command, especially the words Supreme Military Council Military Law Supervision Department on the armband, which is actually equivalent to the highest level of military affairs of the National Government. Law enforcement power is limited to all people below the supreme leader and his wife.

Moreover, the military uniform designed by Gao Fei has also been approved by Chiang Kai-shek. As long as the combat needs, the fifth column can make its own military uniform, but the style must be reported to the Ministry of Military Affairs.

The atmosphere in the war room was very tense. Chen Cheng glanced at Gao Fei who was suspected of being late and continued: "The No. 14 division of the Japanese bandit Hara Kenji is extremely arrogant and tried to report that he was severely injured by me in Pei County. The enmity of the first division, so the speed of the advance was extremely fast, and I appointed Cheng Qian, the commander of the first war zone, to concentrate his forces to annihilate the No. 14 division of the Japanese army in the salient area between Neihuang, Yifeng, and Minquan!"

When Gao Fei heard what Chen Cheng said, he immediately fought a cold war. This was the prelude to the famous Battle of Lanfeng!The main force of the army of more than a dozen divisions failed to encircle and wipe out a division of the Japanese army, creating a unique incompetent combat power in the Second Sino-Japanese War, so that they had to use water instead of soldiers!

Chen Cheng looked very high-spirited and said: "The commissioner ordered Li Hanhun, the head of the No. 20 Ninth Army Corps, to command the No. 70 Fourth Army and the No. 60 Fourth Army's 20th Division as the East Route Army, marching westward from Shangqiu. .Order No.70 Seventh Army Commander Gui Yongqing to command the No.20 First Army as the West Route Army, marching eastward from Lanfeng. Order the Third Army Sun Tongxuan Department and the No.90 Group Army Shangzhen Department to be the North Route Army, in Ding The vicinity of Tao, Heze, Dongming, and Kaocheng cut off the Japanese army's retreat to the north bank of the Yellow River, and ordered the commander of the Eighth Army Huang Jie to command the Eighth Army, the 20th Division of the No.14 Fourth Army, and the No.[-] Fourth Division. Stick to Dangshan and Shangqiu, stop the Japanese reinforcements from Xuzhou along the Longhai Road, and encircle Kenji Doihara's No.[-] Division on all sides!"

Chen Cheng took a deep breath and said excitedly: "Since the beginning of the war, our army has never completely wiped out the Japanese infantry regiment. If we can wipe out the Japanese No. This precedent will inspire the morale of our army and the people!"

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