Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 495 : Chapter 244 Lan Feng Dangerous Situation

[Volume 57] Chapter 495: Chapter 240 Chapter 1 Lan Feng Dangerous Situation ([-]) ([-])


Chapter 240 Four Lanfeng Dangerous Situation ([-])

However, this is already an established strategy. For Gao Fei, a crow's mouth, why did he not believe in the best of circumstances, but he still wanted to listen to Gao Fei's mourning?Chen Cheng was a little depressed at the moment, did Gao Fei suffer from paranoia?Living in so-called conspiracy theories all day long?Could it be that people from their military background are like this?I believe that this battle of Lanfeng will not be as Gao Fei expected. The elite main force of the Central Army of more than a dozen divisions has not eaten a Japanese division alive?Although the Japanese have absolute air supremacy, the ground artillery fire is also very fierce. After all, there is only one division of troops. Many of the troops participating in the war are composed of veterans who retreated from Nanjing. They are also equipped with Soviet-style weapons. Naturally, their strength is not high. Weak, far from being comparable to ordinary motley crews.

Gao Fei's so-called strategic point of view dispelled everyone's interest. After Chen Cheng announced the key points of the defense operations of the various ministries outside Wuhan, as well as the specific deployment of the two forts of Shipai and Madang along the river, the meeting was dismissed in a hurry. Cai Wenzhi originally I also wanted to chat with Gao Fei, but found that the participants didn't like Gao Fei, a lucky little colonel with no background.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 49544

That night, Cai Wenzhi visited Gao Fei, and the two talked over wine all night, and Cai Wenzhi didn't leave until dawn!As for what the two talked about?No one knows.

Sure enough, on May 5, the troops under the jurisdiction of the First War Zone began to attack the No.21 Division of the Japanese Army according to the order. The Eighth Division regained Neihuang after a series of bloody battles, and the No.14 Seventh Division of the No.70 First Army regained Yifeng with the main force. Then the No.70 First Army and No.80 Fourth Army fought more and more bravely. After two days of bloody battles, the villages of Ximaoguzhai, Yanglou, and Helou were recaptured, which dealt a heavy blow to the Doihara Division of the Japanese Army. As a joke after dinner.

However, as the three-way army progressed smoothly, the worry on Cai Wenzhi's face became heavier and heavier. Cai Wenzhi actually visited Gao Fei at night because he was worried that the No. 14 division of the Japanese army would gather troops to defend and counterattack, because once the Japanese army No. After the 14th Division was encircled on all sides, they did not take advantage of the favorable terrain to defend and wait for reinforcements. Instead, they were defeated first in order to attract the elite main force of our army to attack, repeatedly consuming the vital strength of our army. Although the No.70 First Army and No.70 Fourth Army attacked They made frequent gains, but the officers and soldiers suffered heavy casualties. Although the No.14 Division of the Japanese Army suffered consecutive defeats, its main force did not suffer losses, and the encirclement circle was also lengthened.

What Cai Wenzhi was most worried about finally happened, and it also verified Gao Fei's worst prediction that day. Some of the attacking three-way army slowly tried to advance, some were like wind, thunder and lightning, and some even feared the enemy, so they surrounded the Japanese army. No. 14 divisions of more than a dozen divisions were the only two armies that really put pressure on the Japanese army, and the Japanese No. 14 divisions also began to concentrate on attacking the Yangguji and Shuangtaji areas. No. The position of the 20th Seventh Army was breached, and Gui Yongqing led his troops back to Kaifeng and Qixian County. The No.80 Eighth Division took over the 80th Division to defend Lanfeng. After retreating, he also abandoned the city without authorization and fled on the night of the 23rd, causing the Japanese army to occupy Lanfeng, a strategic point on the Longhai Road, without a fight on the 24th.At this time, the 16nd Division of the Eighth Army, which was guarding Dangshan, was attacked by the Japanese army. The division commander, Bai Huizhang, also ordered to abandon its position and flee westward. The No. 24 division of the Japanese army occupied Dangshan on the [-]th, and the entire battle situation suddenly reversed. .


Chiang Kai-shek arrived in Wuhan in person and ordered all the ministries to start the general offensive before dawn on the 25th. At the same time, Chiang Kai-shek also warned the generals of the armies that this Lanfeng battle was related to the entire anti-Japanese war. The armies of Hu, Li, Yu, Gui, and Song should follow Xue The task indicated by the commander-in-chief is to wipe out the enemies in Lanfeng, Sanyizhai, Lanfengkou, Chenliukou, Quxingji, and Luowangzhai before dawn on the 26th of tomorrow.Those who shrink back and attack weakly will be severely punished according to the law. For example, those who have made outstanding achievements in the battle or wiped out the enemy and captured the most prisoners will be specially rewarded. The First Battalion of the Fifth Column of the Department was sent to the Commander's Department of Cheng Qian's First Theater as a supervisory role.

Gao Fei led his troops before boarding the train, and Xue Yue commanded the Yudong Corps to launch a fierce attack on the No.14 Division of the Japanese Army, participating in Yu Jishi's No.70 Fourth Army, Li Hanhun's No.60 Fourth Army, Song Xilian's No.70 First Army, Gui Yongqing's No.20 Seventh Army moved from east to west, and ordered Hu Zongnan, the head of the No.17 Army, to fight to the death. In particular, Gao Fei, the captain of the fifth column directly under the Supreme Military Commission and the head of the Military Law Supervision Department, came here Supervisor.

On the night of the general offensive, the No.70 First Army took back Lanfeng Station. At dawn on the 26th, the No.70 Fourth Army took back the Luowang Station. The No.70 First Army stormed the Japanese positions outside Lanfeng, and the No.60 Fourth Army captured Luowang Episode 70, under the personal supervision of commander Song Xilian, the No.20 First Army continued to attack fiercely, captured the outer points of Lanfeng with the tactics of crowds, and then regained Lanfeng.

The recovery of Luowang Station and Lanfeng restored Longhai Road to traffic, and more than 14 trains loaded with supplies that were cut off near Shangqiu were able to withdraw to Zhengzhou. The main force of the No.20 Division of the Japanese Army shrank to the vicinity of Sanyizhai Surrounded by the Eastern Corps, the bandit Yuan Xianer seemed to be able to beat Gui Yongqing smoothly, and launched a counterattack against the No.20 Seventh Army that night. What made Doihara Xianer very proud was that Gui Yongqing once again acted arbitrarily before the battle. The troops were ordered to transfer their positions to Yangguji and Hongmiaojian areas, discarding radios and weapons and ammunition along the way. The situation was quite chaotic.

Gui Yongqing missed the military plane twice in a row, and caused the friendly forces to fall into tactical passiveness. The generals who participated in the war at the front had a lot of words about him, especially Xue Yue, who was filled with righteous indignation. He sent three telegrams in a row demanding that Chiang Kai-shek severely punish Gui Yongqing. Gao Fei of the Commander's Department was also in embarrassment, the military police?Supervisor team?law enforcement team?The Military Judiciary Supervision Department is an extremely unpopular job on the front line, and what they do is professional behind-the-scenes work!

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