Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 496 : Chapter 245 Lan Feng Dangerous Situation

[Volume 57] Chapter 496: Chapter 240 Five Lanfeng Dangerous Situation (1) ([-])


Chapter 240 Five Lanfeng Dangerous Situation ([-])

When Gao Fei arrived at the frontline headquarters of Xue Yue, the commander-in-chief of the No.19 Army, Xue Yue had already arrived at the No.70 Fourth Army Yu Jishi's headquarters to supervise the battle. Due to the collapse of Gui Yongqing's No.20, the siege was once again suffered. Failed, the encirclement on all sides was torn out a huge gap twenty kilometers wide. ~~

Yu Jishi's No.70 Fourth Army had already lost nearly one-third of its strength after continuous attacks. The .14 Division and the No.16 Division formed a two-sided attack.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 49645

Kenji Doihara, who is covered in dirt and full of gunpowder smoke, has a tired face at the moment. Kenji Doihara is no longer the head of the secret service who ran amok in the Northeast and pocketed 200 million dollars into his own pocket. His fat face is full of tiredness and exhaustion. The look on his face, the scene when he was summoned by the North China Dispatch Army Terauchi Shouichi is still vivid today, using the first part of the No. The headquarters of the regiment created a fatal gap in the deployment of the troops in the first theater and the fifth theater of the Chinese Communist Party, and then quickly broke through the layers of the Chinese army's blocking, thus directly pointing the troops to Wuhan, where the Chinese Nationalist Government is located. Gathering and annihilating all the main forces of the squadron in Wuhan and forcing the Nationalist Government to form an alliance under the city has achieved the strategic goal of forcing the Nationalist Government to surrender.

The wailing wounded, mules, horses, and human and animal corpses were strewn all over the place. The number of casualties was no longer an important concern of the staff officers. When did the imperial army of the Imperial Japanese Empire be so miserable?Under the projection of the imperial army's ground-to-air firepower, the Chinese soldiers still rushed up on the corpses of their comrades like crazy, wave after wave, the tactics of the imperial army were lagging behind rigid enough, but The tactics of the * team are even more backward and rigid. They lack decent firepower, and they don’t even have artillery preparations before the assault. They only rely on infantry to charge repeatedly at the front of the position and use grenades to fight for the position inch by inch. Such an enemy makes Doihara Kenji Deeply fearful and creepy, such an enemy can be defeated, but it will never be conquered!The blood of the Yamato nation and the blood of the Chinese nation are both red. If one side in this war is destined to fall completely due to excessive blood loss, then it will definitely not be the Chinese!

Moreover, under the continuous fierce battle, although the No.14 Division has been replenished many times, the troops are exhausted after continuous battles, the weapons are too worn out and cannot be replenished, and the morale is low. , before the Nanjing Xiaguan massacre, the Chinese Communists surrendered easily, and even raised their hands and handed in their guns after a few hits. However, with the successive victories of the Imperial Army, the Chinese Communists are less and less willing to surrender Now every battle is like a sea of ​​corpses and blood. Kenji Doihara is also worried about whether the empire can achieve its strategic goals after the Wuhan Raiders?

If this continues, Kenji Doihara clearly realizes that the empire will be dragged into the abyss of protracted war, which is what the Empire of Japan fears most.

If it weren't for the incompetence of some generals in the central government, the No.14 division was really almost wiped out, and the five regiment flags of the four infantry regiments and cavalry regiments belonging to the division were almost ordered to be burned. How far has the crisis reached?Such a battle is simply too difficult.

Gao Fei arrived at the frontline command post of Xue Yue, Commander-in-Chief of the No.19 Army almost at the same time as Chiang Kai-shek issued the order, so Gao Fei was ordered to carry the order to the headquarters of the No.70 Fourth Army. It can be said that the battle situation at this moment is already extremely critical Xue Yue is a famous anti-Japanese general in Gao Fei's mind. Regardless of the special circumstances of the civil war in later generations, at least on the battlefield of the national war against foreign invasion, they are heroes revered by thousands of people. The real first mission of soldiers is to expand the territory , The second is to protect the environment and the people. The martial arts and honor of the soldiers all come from the national war. There has never been a recognized famous general in the world who was born in internal friction. Therefore, everything is for the independence of the country and the nation in resisting the Japanese invasion. Soldiers who have fought bloody battles for freedom should be respected regardless of party affiliation.

Yu Jishi was also an Iron-Blooded General. At this moment, the No.70 Fourth Army, which had all been replaced with Soviet weapons, amazed the Soviet advisers. Xue Yue and Yu Jishi walked out of the command post to welcome Gao Fei. Although Gao Fei's rank was not high, he was just one Colonel, but his identity is difficult to ignore. The Supreme Military Council is directly under the captain of the fifth column, the colonel and director of the Military Law Supervision Department, and he even came to the front line with the commission letter. Is it to deal with disadvantages in combat?Or does the appointment need to adjust the deployment again?

Both Yu Jishi and Xue Yue broke out in a cold sweat from the rear remote control of Chiang Kai-shek. Generalissimo Jiang is notoriously headstrong. Once he made up his mind, he also hit the south wall. Turning back, but this is not the most terrifying thing, that is, hitting your head badly and not turning back!It will also crash until the sky falls apart.

In fact, neither Xue Yue nor Yu Jishi had any ill feeling toward Gao Fei. After all, Gao Fei was one of the few true heroes of the Nationalist Government, and he stood alone in Yanziji, Nanjing, telling the Japanese with cannons during the Japanese army's entry ceremony The squadron is still fighting, Nanjing has not yet fallen, and the subsequent surprise attack on the Japanese No. [-] Troop Station is even more beautiful. Such a person is a general who can fight. If Xue Yue is replaced, he can give Gao Fei a division, but It's not that he was transferred to the boring job of colonel and director of the Military Judicial Supervision Department.

In fact, what Xue Yue didn't know, Yu Jishi knew very well, that is, Gao Fei's fifth column was too scary. In the heart of the Japanese army in Beiping, they dared to punish Wang Kemin and other big traitors. On the contrary, if they wanted to assassinate, who would be able to stop them?Moreover, Chairman Jiang has always been worried that the Japanese will plot against him, so the fifth column is not only a sharp spear for offense, but also a thick shield for defense, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

However, the arrival of the Colonel and Director of the Military Law Supervision Department of the Supreme Military Council still shocked almost all the generals. If Gao Fei brought more than just a handbook, then some people would have to move their heads, Xuzhou Before the war, Han Fuju was killed to boost the morale of the army. This time the battle in Wuhan is imminent, so there will be another unlucky guy who will bump into the muzzle of the committee member, right?For a while, even the officers of the No.70 Fourth Army, who fought very well, were a little insecure. Although the No.70 Fourth Army fought well, it was only relative!

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