Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 497 : Chapter 246 Lan Feng Dangerous Situation

[Volume 57] Chapter 497: Chapter 240 Six Lan Feng Dangerous Situation (1) ([-])


Chapter 240 Six Lanfeng Dangerous Situation ([-])

Gao Fei snapped a sharp salute and said, "Hello, two officers, the humble fifth column colonel Gao Fei welcomes you! Please give me your instructions!"

Xue Yue said with a smile: "The famous Gao Fei, when I saw him today, he is indeed a worthy man under his reputation. Not bad, not bad! This is Lieutenant General Yu Jishi, commander of the No.70 Fourth Army."

Yu Jishi was very satisfied that Gao Fei didn't bring out the embarrassing position of colonel and director of the Military Judicial Supervision Department. Originally, the brothers were working hard in the front, so who would want someone to put a gun on the back of the waist?

Gao Fei took out the Chiang Kai-shek award sealed with wax from the document bag, handed it to Xue Yue with very respectful hands, and said, "Mr. Xue, this is the commissioned order, please read it for me!"

When Xue Yue glanced at Yu Ji next to him, he took the grant with both hands and took a deep breath, as if he had stabilized his mind. When he opened it, he felt a feeling of darkness in front of his eyes, because the meaning between the lines in Chiang Kai-shek's handbook was extremely strict, so It is said that the number of enemies near Lanfeng is no more than five or six thousand at most, and I can't besiege with twelve divisions.Even if it is conquered, it will be a laughingstock for thousands of years in the history of warfare.Please be resolute and quickly draw troops from the Sixth Division or above to serve as a reserve team in the rear, and designate the three armies of Li Tiejun, Li Hanhun, and Yu Jishi to be responsible for sweeping out the remnants of the enemy in front of you.Even if I break through a few points and rush out of the encirclement, I can fight with them in the field, so it is more feasible.At this time, the enemy army on the east road will rush westward within two or three days, and go straight out of Xuchang and Zhengzhou from Zhoukou, and the rear will be in danger. , It is easy to annihilate.Wu Xi made a decisive decision and implemented it this evening. While rearranging the front line, he deployed troops just in case. He also conveyed this intention to Xue Boling and Hu Zongnan, determined to follow through without any delay.

When Xue Yue handed the letter to Yu Ji, it was obvious that Chiang Kai-shek's letter was a little too late, and Gao Fei immediately fought a cold war, because although the Chinese army is gathering, from a strategic and tactical point of view, the Japanese army Only two divisions have mobilized dozens of squadrons to chase and intercept. Now the seven divisions of the Japanese Central China Dispatch Army, which is pressing up from the outside, have formed a strategic encirclement of the main force of the first theater.

It can be said that the westward advance of the No.14 and No.16 Divisions of the Japanese Army seriously threatened the safety of Zhengzhou and Pinghan Road, where the commander-in-chief of the First Theater Command was located.

Although the first war zone has hundreds of thousands of troops with nearly 1937 divisions, and most of them are the so-called main forces directly from the central government, it can't resist the westward advance of the Japanese army's two multi-division regiments?What will happen?Gao Fei took a deep breath and looked at Xue Yue and Yu Ji who seemed to be in a state of uncertainty. It was no secret that water was used to replace soldiers. He once suggested that Chiang Kai-shek break the embankment of the Yellow River to prevent the Japanese army's strategic attack. On April 7, 1938, when the Chinese army's pursuit troops attacked the defeated Japanese army near Tuiyi County on the Taierzhuang battlefield, Chen Guofu also sent a letter to Chiang Kai-shek, preparing to attack the Japanese army in Henan Province. The North Dyke of the Yellow River was broken near the mouth of the Qinhe River in Wuzhi County, but he suggested countermeasures in order to fear that the enemy would break the embankment to restrain us.

The failure of the Lanfeng battlefield bombing finally made Chiang Kai-shek decide to blow up the Yellow River embankment and create a water barrier to prevent the Japanese army from advancing westward. A lot of preparatory work, such as the evacuation and transfer of the people, but the war is so bad that the army can't take care of it. Who can care about the life and death of the people?

When the Japanese army occupied Sui County on June 6 and was approaching Lanfeng and Qi counties, Cheng Qian, the commander of the First War Zone, decided to break the embankment, and asked Chiang Kai-shek for instructions through the director of the attendant office, Lin Wei, and got Chiang's verbal consent.However, Cheng Qian and others were well aware of the serious consequences of this move, so they asked for instructions in a formal telegram, and it was not implemented until Chiang Kai-shek approved it in a telegram.

And Gao Fei, who returned to the commander-in-chief of the first war zone, finally knew his mission. In fact, it was to urge the troops below to implement it thoroughly, lest there be so-called illusions and women's benevolence in the basic troops. For such people, military law supervision is required. Colonel Gao Fei was directly arrested and executed.

It was the first time for Gao Fei to receive an order from the chairman of the committee, but he didn't expect that the point of the gun was not outside, but inside. For Gao Fei, killing people is easy, but saving people is difficult!If it is true that the Yellow River was blasted open like in history, then hundreds of thousands of people's lives will be lost, but the people in the counties are dispatched to evacuate themselves?Is it equivalent to informing the Japanese invaders of our battle plan of using water instead of soldiers?And there is really not so much manpower and material resources to do any pre-evacuation.

Cheng Qian, commander-in-chief of the First War Zone, immediately convened a meeting of the Yellow River Water Conservancy Committee and related military and political personnel to study the location of the embankment breach, and finally chose Zhaokou County, No. At that time, the embankment was dug to release water, and at the same time, the commander-in-chief of the first war zone was moved to Luoyang. Gao Fei, who attended the meeting, was also a little surprised, because the location of the breach in history was clearly Huayuankou?How did it become Zhaokou County?Gao Fei led his first brigade to Zhaokou, Xing County immediately, because Shang Zhen ordered an engineering regiment of Wan Fulin's army to carry out construction.

When Gao Fei rushed to the embankment at Zhaokou, Xingxian County, it was already the morning of June 6. Due to the terrain, Xia Weimin, the head of the engineering regiment, saw the embankment Gao Fei was on, and took three steps at once. Erbu ran over and fell to his knees with a plop, crying, "Sir! I'm so humble and incompetent! This embankment is really strong, and there's not enough explosives. Now it's the dry season, and it's really impossible to finish the project on schedule! Sir, please forgive me!"

Gao Fei was also very helpless and said: "Commander Xia, I just came to see the actual situation. In addition, I hope to send someone to notify the nearby county government office immediately to notify the people to evacuate!"

Xia Weimin, who was so frightened that his legs were weak, stood up with the help of the adjutant, followed closely behind Gao Fei, and kept complaining about various difficulties. Gao Fei frowned as he watched the surging Yellow River, obviously □□ County Zhaokou is not a good location for the breach. Even if the breach is blasted, the amount of water will not be too large. If you want to flood the entire army, you need to let the Yellow River burst into floods. Hundreds of thousands of people in the entire Yellow River flooding area will die It will also become a foregone conclusion!

Gao Fei knew that Wuhan would definitely urge Shang Zhen again severely today, so he immediately asked Cheng Qian, the commander of the first war zone, to call in a military police regiment to inform the nearby counties and people in the Yellow River flooding area to start moving, so as to reduce the risk of the Yellow River breaching. loss.

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