Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 498 : Chapter 247 Replacing Soldiers With Water

[Volume 57] Chapter 498: Chapter 240 VII Replacing Soldiers with Water (1)


Chapter 240 VII Substitute Water for Soldiers

Gao Fei was also deeply helpless about the strategy of using water instead of soldiers. If the main force of the Japanese army would not be replaced by water, the main force of the Japanese army would drive straight in. If the Japanese army's strategic offensive is prevented, then China will really face the danger of national subjugation and genocide.

However, if water is used instead of soldiers, hundreds of thousands of people will die for this. Should they risk the destruction of hundreds of thousands of the elite main force of the Communist Party and the failure of the Battle of Wuhan, or sacrifice hundreds of thousands of people?This is indeed a very difficult choice, and sacrifices are inevitable, but ordinary people are undoubtedly in the most vulnerable position in wars, and they are often the ones who sacrifice the most. The war is ruthless!It is difficult for people born in peaceful times to imagine the horror of war!He would rather be a dog in a prosperous world than the misery of people in troubled times. Gao Fei, a displaced refugee, had seen too many, so many that he was completely numb to the point.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 49847

However, what made Gao Fei dumbfounded was that a regiment of military police sent to evacuate the people was beaten up by the local people, and in some places they even fired guns and killed people?Gao Fei understands the plot that the homeland is difficult to leave, but if the Yellow River bursts, tens of thousands of lives will be lost in an instant, and the lives will be gone. What's the use of those dead houses?Gao Fei was dumbfounded when faced with this unexpected problem?In just two days, the evacuation was met with desperate resistance from the common people?

Gao Fei decided to be a villain once, and use all the power in his hands to do something wrong!Since some gendarmes were beaten and guns were robbed, Gao Fei immediately asked the three armies and the No. Large-scale villages and towns were directly burned in the name of violent resistance, and people were directly forced to relocate. If the counties in the Yellow River flooding area did not carry out large-scale relocation within 30 hours, the county administrative officials and police chiefs would be arrested immediately.

Dozens of counties suddenly fell into chaos, and Gao Fei's notoriety suddenly skyrocketed!Looking at the village in flames and the desperate expressions of the crying villagers looking three times at the gunpoint of the military police, Gao Fei also slowly closed his eyes. He knew why many people were unwilling to leave their homes until they died, because when refugees sold their children It's hard to survive even if you sell a girl. You travel thousands of miles and end up in a foreign land. Thousands of people flee from disaster. Only two out of ten or three out of ten can survive in the end!Is it right or wrong for me to be a villain now?Gao Fei shook his head helplessly looking at the angry people who were forced to relocate.

Sure enough, when Gao Fei was busy relocating the people, Chiang Kai-shek made a phone call directly to the Army Headquarters, and strictly ordered Shang Zhen, Commander of the No.20 Group Army who was supervising the battle at the Army Headquarters, to strictly supervise and implement it!

On the one hand, Shang Zhen sent someone to ask Gao Fei, who was not doing business properly, to return to the levee immediately for supervision, and personally took Wei Rulin, the chief of the staff department, to supervise the work, and sent an infantry regiment from the No. stone base.But until 30:[-] p.m., when the water was released, due to the serious inclination of the gap and the blockage of the waterway, it was unsuccessful.

Shang Zhen urgently mobilized a large amount of explosives and dug the gap again, but failed. The Japanese army’s offensive was already aggressive. The Supreme Military Council and the First Theater were extremely anxious about this. The New Eighth Division, which blasted the Yellow River Iron Bridge, sent an additional infantry regiment. Jiang Zaizhen, the commander of the New Eighth Division, observed Zhaokou in Xingxian County and immediately suggested breaking the embankment at Huayuankou. Chiang Kai-shek and Cheng Qian approved it.

Gao Fei knew that the time for the breach had finally come. Watching several trucks transporting explosives drive up the levee, Gao Fei took a look at the rushing Yellow River and walked down the levee a little decadently. Maybe what should happen in history will still happen, even if I tried my best to stop it, and I'm afraid it will be nothing in the end.

If history is a parallel straight line, then all my efforts here are either useless in the end, or it may cause unpredictable changes in the well-known history!

There was a loud bang, and then a loud bang like a galloping horse pierced the sky. Gao Fei waved his hand weakly, knowing that this would be the consequence, but he didn't have the slightest ability to avoid this disaster from happening?Gao Fei felt a kind of powerless decadence coming from the sky, and he was a villain in vain, but in the face of this monstrous disaster, human power is weak, as a soldier, he can't protect the environment and the people, so he wants to use the people's support to protect the people. Is it an honor to sacrifice to temporarily stop the enemy's pursuit?Absolutely not, is this a forced and helpless choice?If Gao Fei is allowed to choose, Gao Fei would rather choose to die in battle and die with the enemy in order to serve the country and the nation and fulfill his duty as a soldier!

The big breach of the Yellow River, from some perspectives, blocked the pursuit of the Japanese troops dispatched from North China, which violated the instructions of the base camp and crossed the limit, and changed the Japanese army's marching route for the Battle of Wuhan. It also saves you the pain of being chased.However, hundreds of thousands of Chinese people who were supposed to be protected by the squadron lost their lives, tens of millions of people went bankrupt, and countless people were displaced.

In response to the Japanese army's re-decision to advance west along the Huaihe River to the Dabie Mountains and to jointly attack Wuhan along the Yangtze River, in order to avoid fighting on the plains with the enemy's mechanized troops, prevent the enemy's mechanized troops from advancing westward along the Longhai Road, and achieve a transcendent pursuit of our army, On the suggestion of the First Theater, the Supreme Command decided to blow up the Huayuankou Levee to flood the Japanese troops advancing westward.In this regard, Li Zongren once said that on June [-], because the embankment at Huayuankou was bombed, the Yellow River and the southeast flood area suddenly became a swamp country, and the enemy suffered a great loss of supplies, so the enemy's plan to advance westward along both sides of the Longhai line was rejected by us. High Command was completely shattered.

However, the Nationalist government is very aware of the political, economic, and moral impact of this move, so while digging its mouth to release water, Cheng Qian, the commander of the first war zone, publicized to the outside world that after the enemy occupied Kaifeng, they continued to commit crimes in the West. □A bloody battle nearby.Because our army resisted to the death and the position was strong, the enemy failed in the end, so they dug the embankment of the Yellow River to the north of Qinghai in an attempt to destroy our position and drown our army.

Chiang Kai-shek, who had false teeth and was full of lies, met the Japanese who had never told the truth. When the credibility of both sides was not high, an unprecedented public opinion war was launched. You scolded me for appearing on the stage. The Nationalist government, which is not at the top, also saw the shamelessness of the Japanese in the scolding battle. It can be said that both sides are equally indifferent, and Gao Fei inevitably fell into a short-term decadence.

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