Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 705 : Chapter 393 Bloody Battle on the City Wall

[Volume 57] Chapter 705: Chapter 390 Bloody Battle on the City Wall (1) ([-])


Chapter 390 Bloody Battle on the City Wall ([-])

"Can soldiers who have lost their honor and fighting will still be called imperial soldiers? They are simply ashamed of the four words imperial emperor. If the martyrs learn that their descendants are like this, they will definitely be furious Crawl out of the grave, let you lie down, they show you what is called a soldier, and you senior commanders here are completely stupid commanding, stupid!"

Neiji Okamura's roar made all the officers above the regiment captain feel ashamed. The usually arrogant Machi□ Ryoki also lowered his head at this moment, wondering what he was thinking, while Saito Yahei was expressionless and his eyes were a little empty. He hadn't had a good night's sleep since the second general attack, and his eyes with dark circles seemed to have been severely beaten. txt. Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 70593

The only deer-headed mouse with two annoying eyes dripping around is Dohashi who is extremely uneasy, but Neiji Okamura seems to have a particularly good attitude towards Dohashi.Not only kindly patted him on the shoulder to encourage him to continue to carry forward the brave spirit of the previous battle, but the No.20 Second Division will strive to defeat Nanchang for the first time in order to make up for the huge loss caused by the previous command error.

Dohashi was taken aback for a moment, always feeling that there was something in Neiji Okamura's words?But Okamura Ningji's spring-like smile made Dohashi finally dispel his doubts. It seems that His Excellency the Commander is understanding!

After the meeting was over, Miyata Toshijiro sighed helplessly as he watched Dohashi leave happily, while Saito Yahei beside him was puzzled and said, "My Chief of Staff, what's the matter? Do you also see Is that guy in Tuqiao not pleasing to the eye? I really don’t understand what happened to your Excellency Commander? It’s obviously because of that idiot. The whole regiment was wiped out, and then they went on a desperate and blind attack, resulting in almost half of the casualties of the No. 20 Second Division, is such a guy worthy of your Excellency Commander's praise?"

Miyata Toshijiro glanced at Saito Yahei expressionlessly and said with a deep breath: "Saito-kun, please hold your breath, you didn't listen to Commander-in-Chief asking him to continue to carry forward the brave spirit of the previous battle , and asked the No.20 Second Division to try to break the battle of Nanchang for the first time? To make up for the huge loss caused by the previous command error? Said that the report on the loss of the report may have been sent by the Central China Dispatch Army to the military headquarters, the wartime base camp, and the staff headquarters. Saito-kun, have you ever seen someone kill someone with a smile? If nothing else, the military department is also continuing to search for it. A person of sufficient status bears the responsibility for the huge losses in this battle, didn't you realize that the rank of Lieutenant General Tuqiao matches well?"

Yahei Saito took a breath of air. Apparently, Dohashi didn't know that he was about to die once. After all, the father of Hiroshi Yoshino, captain of No. 80 Fourth Regiment of Infantry, was a well-known vengeance in the empire. Obviously, it is impossible for Yoshino Heiji to let go of the idiot Dohashi who killed his son once.

Neiji Okamura spent two full days mobilizing all the ministries participating in the general offensive, punished a group of lieutenants and assistant officers who were disadvantaged in combat, ordered them to perform crimes and meritorious deeds, and shot dozens of cowardly soldiers. Shocking the morale of the entire army, Okamura Ningji decided to give all the [-] supplementary soldiers he brought to the Sixth Division, and positioned the east of the city as the main attack direction, mobilizing and assigning them to the [-]st Division, the [-]st Division, and the [-]st Division. Most of the heavy artillery and all the tanks of the [-]th Division carried out the third general attack in the east of the city.

As long as Okamura Ningji breaks through the defensive position of the city wall in the east of the city, the effect of the Chinese defenders on occupying Jiuling and the main peak of Mufu will be weakened to the greatest extent. Capture the commanding heights nearby, and then attack condescendingly, but this method does not seem to work in Nanchang. First, the attacking troops at the two main peaks of Jiuling and Mufu suffered too many casualties. A squadron, the troops participating in the attack so far have not figured out what kind of new weapon this is.

The second is that the Chinese squadron violently blocked the artillery fire, causing the second echelon to suffer more losses than the first echelon. The Chinese defenders were equipped with a large number of automatic continuous fire weapons, which were very dominant in close-range hand-to-hand combat, and Soldiers who have participated in hand-to-hand combat have an impression that almost all the officers and soldiers of the Chinese army have a Mauser pistol that only other officers of the Chinese army have, and the fighting will of the Chinese soldiers is extremely tenacious. There are no artillery on the main peak that can threaten the attacking troops.

That being the case, why must the two main peaks of Jiuling and Mufu be conquered outweighed the gains?Therefore, Neiji Okamura decided to deploy an infantry regiment from the [-]st Division to conduct a diversion attack on the main peak of Jiuling, and deploy an infantry regiment from the [-]th Division to conduct a diversion attack on the main peak of Makufu. Seizing the opportunity to switch between the two highlands, Okamura Ningji is more willing to give his subordinates more space and leeway in tactical command. After all, only those who are on the battlefield know what they should do, so that what they need !

The main forces of the 26st Division and the [-]th Division were transferred to the east of the city to join the general attack on the east wall of the city. The head of the Sixth Division, Ding Liangji, complained a lot. In the second general attack, the Sixth Division lost [-] chariots and more than [-] officers and soldiers before and after the east of the city. Only then did they completely clear the second flank positions on the way to the attack, and put the Chinese defenders on the third city wall defense line. The Erdao was destroyed, and Zhangjiangmen also collapsed almost half of it. The direction of Guangrunmen also knocked out the flank positions of the Chinese defenders.

The combat can be described as extremely difficult. The Chinese army got a large number of electronically controlled pre-fabricated anti-personnel anti-personnel landmines from nowhere, and caused a lot of damage to the attacking imperial army. Manpower transported and rescued, and now it was ready for the final battle to break through the city wall, but Neiji Okamura transferred the [-]st Division and the [-]th Division?What the hell does this even mean?

Saito Yahei seemed to turn a deaf ear to the anger of Machi□□Ryoki. In Saito Yahei's own words, if you want to take advantage, you have to be completely shameless, and only shameless can take advantage.

Neji Okamura handed Zhangjiangmen to the Sixth Division and Guangrunmen to the [-]st Division. The [-]th Division was the general offensive reserve team of the campaign, which was personally controlled by Neji Okamura. For Nanchang Cheng Okamura Ning, the secondary is bound to win!

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