Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 706 : Chapter 394 Bloody Battle on the City Wall

[Volume 57] Chapter 706: Chapter 390 Bloody Battle on the City Wall (1) ([-])


Chapter 390 Bloody Battle on the City Wall ([-])

After two days of rest, in the early morning of April [-], Okamura Ningji took command of the Sixth Division headquarters in Nanwu Township and launched the third general attack on Nanchang City. txt e-book download txt.

With the coordination of Ningji Okamura, various departments and arms of the Japanese army also launched the most violent attack. The two air wings of the Japanese Army, Navy and Air Force and the Chinese dispatched fleet dispatched a total of 120 seven attack aircraft and escort aircraft. At four o'clock, a full-scale air raid was launched on Nanchang, and various artillery groups belonging to the Japanese army also began to carry out fierce shelling on Nanchang.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 70694

Gao Fei, who sits in the underground warehouse of the Central Bank of Nanchang, has already learned from the suspension of the Japanese army's attack that there must be an important person from the Japanese army to come to inspect, and this important person is not a member of the so-called royal family with false duties, it is very likely that the No.11 Army Ningji Okamura, the commander of the army, or a higher-ranking Japanese general, such as the commander of the Japanese Central China Dispatch Army, Hata Shunroku?Otherwise, there is no right to terminate the ongoing general attack of the Japanese army.

Taking advantage of these rare two days, Gao Fei transferred the wounded at the front and re-adjusted the city defense. There is a large square near Zhangjiang Gate in the east of the city, named Zhongzheng Square, which was built by Chiang Kai-shek when he launched the New Life Movement in Nanchang. The place where the foundation stone was laid and the speech was made. This square was actually built on the basis of Nanchang Xiaobingtai. There are streets running through the center in eight directions: southeast, northwest, east, south, west, and north. Dong here is like an eight-petaled orange.

This is where the defense center of the street fighting in the east city of Nanchang lies. Before that, Gao Fei reinforced the street fortress, opened up the gap between households, and sealed all the windows and doors of the houses along the street. The rubble and debris are more easily used by the defenders. While increasing the firepower of the bunker, the defenders organized fifty death squads in squads, all equipped with submachine guns and a large number of hand grenades. At that time, these fifty death squads were lurking behind the Japanese army and began to carry out urban guerrilla warfare against the Japanese army.

Before the start of the war, the two 50-man units of the Special Operations Brigade, which operated with the division headquarters, had already been broken up into pieces, and a ten-man team began to travel day and night around Nanchang, constantly attacking scattered Japanese soldiers and signal soldiers. , Blow up the Japanese military supplies, reconnaissance its command organization and artillery positions, and transmit useful information back to the division headquarters by radio.

The only unscathed in the whole division is Li Guoren's light armored regiment. Twelve of the 82 TB-26 tanks were allocated to Huang Junjie's first brigade defending the east of the city. Huang Junjie deployed all twelve tanks in the In Zhongzheng Square, use the ruins of the building as a natural shelter, drive the tank into it as a fixed firepower point, or dig a large pit on the ground at an inclined angle, so that the tank only exposes a camouflaged turret, clearing the shooting area A large number of bombing points and electronically controlled landmines were arranged to prevent the main position of the east of the city from falling, and the Japanese army quickly penetrated into the city by virtue of its superior force.

The remaining 26 TB-32 light tanks and [-] A-[-] medium tanks of the light armored regiment are all hidden in the girls' high school, and they are on standby together with the armored infantry of its two reinforced battalions. This is the last one Gao Fei has mastered. It's the reserve team. It's more appropriate to say it's the reserve team rather than the counterattack force. The Japanese tactics are no longer new to Gao Fei, and Gao Fei predicted that once the Japanese army made a breakthrough in the east of the city, it would be inevitable. Putting all the attacking power into the attack along the breakthrough, then I will give the Japanese army a large-scale comprehensive counterattack at the Zhongzheng Square in the preset position, block the Japanese breakthrough with artillery fire, and use [-] tanks of the light armored regiment to press up on it. , Using infantry squads to attack on the two wings and behind the Japanese army, and wiped out all the Japanese troops that broke in. As the saying goes, it is better to cut off one finger than to hurt its ten fingers, which taught the Japanese a hard lesson.

However, the intensity of the Japanese army's general attack in the early morning of April [-] was far beyond Gao Fei's expectations. The Japanese army's violent bombing was concentrated in the direction of Guangrunmen, and the Japanese army used the new Type [-]-[-] Hundred-pound explosive bombs, hundreds of catties of bluestone strips were blown up and flew hundreds of meters before falling. The smoke column vacated in the air would not disperse for half an hour. Many defenders were shocked alive during the fortifications. dead.

The bombardment of the Japanese army also shattered Zhangjiangmen. At 150 o'clock in the morning, a burst of shelling with a very special sound made Gao Fei feel a little alert?Because the earth seems to be shaking with this shelling?What is the sound of artillery firing?Although the Japanese [-]-type and Japanese-style [-]mm howitzers are powerful, it still takes time to smash down the strongest city wall at the East Gate of Nanchang.

Sure enough, the bad news came that the Japanese army invested a new type of large-caliber cannon in the east of the city, which was fired at the east city of Nanchang from at least [-] kilometers away. The Japanese army only carried out five rounds of shelling, and Zhangjiang Gate collapsed as a whole. Li Weiguo, deputy of the first regiment of the garrison, and He Xinyu, chief of staff, all the defenders of the same company died heroically. The Japanese army was storming the city wall, trying to find a breakthrough from the collapsed Zhangjiang Gate.

After Gao Fei heard the news, he was shocked. Many people in history, including later generations, almost sneered at the ground weapons used by the Japanese army in World War II. The equipment of the same period is on par, but there is a Japanese heavy field cannon that was finalized in 1936, which is an out-and-out exception.

This 150 mm caliber Type 1935 cannon can be regarded as the most powerful of all six-foot-caliber ground artillery in the countries participating in World War II. Even the French "Schneider" m59 and the American m-150 "Long Tom" The [-]mm caliber cannon, which is famous for its long-range shooting, cannot be compared with it.

Gao Fei estimated that the only type 150 150mm caliber cannon that was able to shoot Zhangjiangmen in the east of the city from 140 kilometers away from the east of the city was probably only the Type 52 26mm caliber cannon. mm, the caliber of the barrel is 150 times, the maximum range is [-] kilometers, and the weight of the projectile is [-] kilograms. It seems that the Japanese are really interested in themselves. You must know that the Type [-] [-]mm caliber cannon Japanese In history, a total of only [-] were made, and the number can be described as phoenix. The Japanese army was able to transfer all these sharp weapons to Nanchang for the siege, which shows its urgency.

Gao Fei immediately ordered Shen Yingxiong to send a report to the special operations unit in the event, and in any case, he must destroy the Japanese Type 150 [-]mm cannon at all costs.

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