Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 710 : Chapter 398 Shocking the enemy

[Volume 57] Chapter 710: Chapter 390 Eighth Shocking the Enemy (1)


Chapter 390 Shocking the Enemy

Neiji Okamura responded to the request of the head of the Sixth Division Machi □ Ryoki. All the fuel for the Imperial Army Air Force was imported from Southeast Asia and the United States. It can be said that every drop of oil is like blood. The aerial bombs used were also transported thousands of miles from the mainland. How could such a large-scale bombing be decided by the commander of his No. 11 army?Among them, the coordination of the military headquarters, the Military Command Bureau, the General Staff Headquarters, and the commander of the Central China Expeditionary Army, Hata Toshi, was required.

However, since his subordinates have made a request, Okamura Neiji, as the commander of the army, cannot categorically refuse, even if it is beyond his ability. For Okamura Neiji, he does not want to leave his subordinates with a He is the guy who used the blood of his subordinates to pave the way for himself to be promoted. Even if he really thought so, Neiji Okamura hoped that he would not be so open-eyed.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 71098

When the offensive and defensive battles in the eastern part of the city were the most intense, especially when Yamaguchi Maekawa, the commander of the No.40 Seventh Regiment of the Infantry, Okamura Neiji had personally arrived at the headquarters of the Sixth Division, the fierce battle for the city wall came out greatly. Unexpectedly, Neiji Okamura likes to read ancient Chinese books on the art of war very much. As long as it is related to the way of using soldiers, he will read them. Sun Tzu's art of war is always on hand.

Neiji Okamura believes that the entire history of China is a history of wars. The Chinese nation is not a nation that eats grass at all. It was originally a country developed by ethnic integration and massacres, but later the rulers of different dynasties in this country Using the technique of ignorance to castrate the blood of this nation, turning them into sheep that eat grass.

However, now the Great Japanese Empire seems to be forcing the Chinese to go back to the era when they were full of enthusiasm and stimulate their animal nature deep in their bones. During the cold weapon war, [-]% of the casualties of the most elite troops would collapse, and the modernization In a war, if an army has more than [-]% casualties, it will fall into chaos and collapse, but this logic ends with the Chinese garrison in Nanchang. Every Chinese garrison must be completely killed before they can occupy the position. This is too scary for someone like Neiji Okamura who has a very strategic vision, especially the soldiers of the new division reported by Sakei Omori, Anan Keiji, Machi □ Ryoki and others actually have a military force. Arms professional skill weapon operation level and honor armband similar to the German army?

So far, Neiji Okamura was deeply shocked. The capture of Nanchang brought Neiji Okamura too many different things. Neji Okamura even dared to assert that many of these things were brought to the empire by this What the disgraceful nemesis Gao Fei did, if given time, Gao Fei will definitely become a confidant of the empire, so no matter how high the price is, to wipe out Gao Fei's new division in Nanchang seems to have temporarily lost the strategic initiative , But the actual blow to the squadron is amazing.

The onslaught of the Japanese army in the east of the city affected Gao Fei's heart. The Type 150 20mm caliber cannon equipped by the Japanese army was a super killer for the Nanchang defenders. Feiyang collapsed, and Gao Fei was forced to withdraw the defensive troops on the city wall and in the cave, because only in this way could the casualties of the troops be reduced to the minimum. I was too worried, because the combat effectiveness of the No.20 Second Division under Tuqiao's command was really far from that of a standing division like the Sixth Division.

Therefore, the battle in the south of the city was still able to withstand. In addition, the No. 20 Second Division's offensive troops lacked fierce artillery fire, and the pressure on the defenders was relatively small. It was obvious that the strong attack had turned into a feint attack, but Gao Fei also instructed Zhang Lingfu not to relax the defense of the two main peaks of Jiuling and Mufu, in case the Japanese army suddenly counterattacked, and transferred Zhang Lingfu's third regiment as a reserve team to the city center. Prepare to reinforce the east of the city at any time, so Zhang Lingfu only has two battalions of mobile troops left besides the Second Regiment in the west of the city, which has only a few Japanese troops harassing and pretending to attack. For this reason, Zhang Lingfu asked Gao Fei for instructions. There is an abnormality in the main peak highland, can it be given the power to mobilize the supplementary regiment?

For Zhang Lingfu's request, Gao Fei refused. The supplementary regiment, like the light armored regiment, is the foundation of life, and it must not be used unless it is a last resort. Gao Fei is very clear about this, so he The order given to Zhang Lingfu is to use the existing troops to strictly guard against death, if the enemy does not move, we will not move, and if the enemy wants to move, we will have artillery fire!

With the firepower of the heavy artillery regiment directly under the Gaofei Promise Division and the first battalion of the Tenth Artillery Regiment as support, Zhang Lingfu can put his heart back in his stomach. The lethal power of the 150mm grenade and the 120mm grenade is amazing, especially for the Soviets. The shells of the 120mm caliber howitzer have many layers of prefabricated fragments, and the explosive power of the multiple charges is large. Only one round of artillery fire ensures that the Japanese attacking troops on the attacking slope will never come back.

Gao Fei knew that this adjustment was just to deal with the main attack direction of the Japanese army in the east of the city. If the Japanese army moved the Type 150 [-]mm caliber cannon to Guangrunmen, it would be equivalent to extending the attack front by as much as two kilometers. If the city wall is bombarded and collapsed, the entire eastern defense line will be in jeopardy. Even a professional papermaker himself cannot afford to paste so many holes, so Gao Fei considers letting the Japanese army enter the city at the breach of the collapsed Zhangjiang Gate. Carry out street fighting inside and implement tactical counterattacks, taking this opportunity to kill more of the living combat forces of the Japanese army.

After checking the situation of the Japanese attack on Guangrunmen, Gao Fei concluded that the Japanese army had probably transferred the Type 150 [-]mm cannon, which they regarded as a treasure, to the direction of Guangrunmen in the east of the city. If Guangrunmen was successfully attacked by the Japanese army Breakthrough, where there are only less than three companies of defenders, the Japanese army is bound to attack Zhongzheng Square along the street.

Gao Fei put his hand on the Zhongzheng Square and said to Chief of Staff Shen Yingxiong: "Chief of Staff Shen, you go to the brigade of the First Brigade to take command and order Huang Junjie. Alternately cover and retreat step by step, leading the Japanese army into the preset position of Zhongzheng Square, but the first brigade must block all the Japanese troops in Zhongzheng Square, stick to the front and cooperate with flank attacks, plus harassing operations behind the enemy, the purpose is to do as much as possible It killed and wounded the vital forces of the Japanese army."

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