Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 711 : Chapter 399 Each Conspiracy

[Volume 57] Chapter 711: Chapter 390 Chapter 1 Each Conspiracy ([-])


Chapter 390 IX

What Gao Fei didn't know was that at the same time, Machi Ryoki, the commander of the 30th Division of the Japanese Army, also sent Ushijima Mitsuru, the commander of the [-]th Brigade of the Infantry No. The main force of the division followed the will to resist and crushed the central government in one fell swoop, and with the troops of the [-]st Division, made a surprise attack on Zhongzheng Square, which extends in all directions in the central area in the east of the city. Outflank, because the squadron has a bad problem, that is, once the back road is cut off, it will fall apart. As long as the attacking troops can completely capture the Zhongzheng Square, then everything will be carried out according to the direction of the previous plan.

Although the casualties of the troops were so great that the commander of the division, Machi Ryoki, did not dare to ask, but after all, on the first day of the general attack, he broke through the city wall position of the Chinese Communist Party. It was unimaginable before. After all, the battle for the outlying positions has been fought for eight days, and the battle of the castle wall is ready for ten days of fierce battle. Unexpectedly, Commander Neiji Okamura brought The Type 150 150mm caliber cannon is so powerful. The seemingly indestructible city walls of Nanchang City are so vulnerable to the Type 71199 [-]mm caliber cannon.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers [-]

Suddenly, a combat staff officer yelled in surprise, Machi Ryoki glared at the staff officer who lost his composure, and the Japanese staff officer who realized that he had lost his composure was still very excited and said, "Your Excellency, Commander, the Chinese army Withdrew from the city wall position, our infantry No.13 Regiment and the Infantry No.30 Sixth Brigade's Infantry No.20 Third Regiment and Infantry No.40 Fifth Regiment are attacking the city through the breakthrough, the [-]st The division also broke through the Zhongzheng blockade in the direction of Guangrunmen, and marched towards Zhongzheng Square, please allow me to express my sincere congratulations to you who broke through the Nanchang city defense first!"

Ding □□Liangji heard that Nanchang’s city defense had been broken through, and he felt as if he had been beaten with chicken blood. He paced back and forth in the headquarters and said excitedly: “I didn’t expect that! The steel-like defense would be completely destroyed within a day. Collapse? It's shocking, it's really shocking, I sent a report to His Excellency Neiji Okamura, the warriors of my loyal and brave Sixth Division broke through the Nanchang city defenses and entered Nanchang city to chase and wipe out the remnants of the enemy! Forward the telegram to His Excellency the Sixth General Hata Toshi of the Central China Dispatch Army Command!"

Anan Weiji, who was in the headquarters of the Sixth Division, was also very excited, and said with emotion: "This is also completely possible. After all, the Chinese army only has the strength of one division. The imperial army used more than 300 troops to besiege Nanchang. All the heavy artillery and tank units of the dispatched army have concentrated more than [-] combat aircraft from the army and navy aviation units, and have completely mastered the air supremacy. Today's second large-scale bombing dropped a total of nearly [-] tons of bombs, and the artillery fired [-] large-caliber grenades. More than [-] rounds, this is the most violent firepower projected by the emperor since the Tiananmen Incident, and the entire east of Nanchang City was razed to the ground."

The entire headquarters of the Sixth Division was boiling, as if the battle would end in victory in the next second?The only one who remained calm was Sakyo Omori, the chief of staff of the Sixth Division. He picked up the phone to call the command post of the No. 13 Infantry Regiment, but there was only one staff officer inside. To supervise the battle on the front line, do you want to capture Gao Fei alive and slash the general to capture the flag?

Zuo Kei Omori was so angry that the top of his head suddenly burst into smoke. Did that bastard Morikawa Masamori think it was a samurai duel in the Warring States Period?Kill the General and Capture the Flag?A wing captain is not in his command position?Then the troops below can be imagined. The staff officer of the command post of the Infantry No. 13 Wing couldn't tell whether the squadron was retreating in a planned way, or was it fleeing and collapsing?

Therefore, Zuo Kei Omori called the command post of the Infantry No. 20 Third Regiment, which was entering the city through the breakthrough, but it could not be confirmed, because the retreat of the successive resistance and the collapse and escape are fundamentally two different tactics. The meaning and nature, Zuoqing Omori smelled a hint of conspiracy from the sudden retreat of the squadron, but in this environment and atmosphere, Zuoqing Omori is still inconvenient to raise his own doubts, so as not to spoil everyone's interest.

Neiji Okamura received two telegrams from Ryoki and Yahei Saito, both claiming to be the first to break through the Nanchang city defense. Neiji Okamura has long been accustomed to this kind of feat. Isn't it all his military exploits by Neiji Okamura?What can't be defeated for a long time, the Nanchang city wall defense of the new division of the Chinese garrison collapsed within a day as soon as Okamura Ningji went out!For a while, Neiji Okamura was also a little bit flustered.

Kagesa Shakiaki, who had just been beside Neiji Okamura, had a gloomy expression on his face. He was not at all moved by the so-called dawn of victory, but kept looking at his watch. His "ghost-killing" combat unit had sneaked into Nanchang City. Approaching the intended target, Gao Fei has carried out "beheading" operations for the Imperial Japanese Army many times, so this time Kagesa Akiaki named the action unit "Slaying Ghosts", which is exactly what it means.

Just when the Japanese were ecstatic, a ten-man special operations unit that had already changed into Japanese military uniforms was moving behind the Japanese army. Tang Yao found two trucks that seemed to be full of ammunition through the binoculars. The escort of twelve Japanese soldiers carried by three-wheeled motorcycles and a car?This is obviously a very important supply, when to search on foot to find it?So Tang Yao raised the attention of carjacking.

After the Japanese military convoy turned a corner, the three-wheeled motorcycle by the Japanese military police walking in the forefront suddenly braked and stopped. It turned out that there were two imperial soldiers lying on the side of the road, a soldier and a lieutenant officer?As soon as the car was parked, the well-trained Japanese military police began to deploy defenses near the ammunition truck according to the usual training. The Taisho 11-year light machine gun on the side three wheels also found a shooting position on the side of the road and began to guard.

A Japanese captain cautiously walked towards the two motionless corpses. During this period of time, the Japanese army was often attacked by various booby traps, especially the dead Japanese soldiers who were killed were often used to effectively kill A few Japanese, who were afraid of being bombed, also began to become cautious.

Suddenly the two corpses came back to life, the four Mauser pistols in their hands exploded like popping beans, and the mp-30 submachine guns in the hands of eight people who suddenly appeared on the left side of the road beat the unprepared Japanese army to a bloody mess. Corpses are everywhere, and a 37-to-[-] or [-]-to-[-] result may be hard to find on a frontal battlefield, but a [-]-to-[-] record in a small-scale ambush by special operations forces behind enemy lines is nothing.

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