Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 712 : Chapter 400 The Hero Goes to Death

[Volume 57] Chapter 712: Chapter 1 The hero dies ([-])


Chapter [-] The Hero Goes to Death

Tang Yao quickly cleaned up the battlefield and dragged the corpses of the Japanese army to the side of the road. However, one of the three Japanese trucks was destroyed during the battle, and two of the three side three-wheeled motorcycles were also destroyed. Fortunately, Tang Yao's special There were only ten people in the combat team. After the division of labor, the ten-member Japanese military police escort team continued to drive to the rear of the Japanese army along the dirt road that could only accommodate one vehicle.

Among the members of Tang Yao's combat team, except for Tang Yao who can speak fluent Japanese with a Hokkaido accent, the rest of the officers and soldiers can only speak a few words to cope with it. Therefore, Tang Yao stipulated that he, the lieutenant, should answer inquiries on the way to avoid unnecessary firefight.Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers 71200

After inspection, Tang Yao found that what was carried on the vehicle turned out to be a special arson bomb with a caliber of 150mm?After looking at the documents on the body of the Japanese captain who was killed, it turned out that it was the shells delivered to the Japanese Type 150 [-]mm cannon. What an eye-opener!There is no place to find if you break through the iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get it!

But where is the Japanese Type 150 [-]mm cannon position?Tang Yao didn't know, so he had no choice but to smear a lot of blood from the corpses of the Japanese soldiers. Several team members pretended to be wounded soldiers, and with the bullet holes on the vehicles, he believed that they would be able to get away with being attacked.

Sure enough, the convoy escorting heavy artillery and grenades was attacked by the Chinese assault team. Many guard posts of the Japanese army were released on guard without consideration, and they also enthusiastically pointed out the shortest route to the artillery positions for Tang Yao. The system and the alert system invisibly provided Tang Yao with convenience, because the checkpoints of the Japanese army had received orders to cooperate with the heavy artillery and grenade transport convoy before, so the attack on the convoy also made the Japanese army very nervous.

As the road cards of the Japanese army became more and more dense, Tang Yao estimated that he seemed to be getting closer to his destination. Sure enough, after bypassing a large hill, Tang Yao discovered that the so-called artillery position of the Japanese army was actually set up in a depression?The roaring and firing is obviously a field heavy howitzer?

Before driving to the roadblock, a Japanese military police sergeant waved a signal flag to signal him to stop and pull over. Tang Yao was startled. The Japanese army didn’t check it all the way. It was evening now, and the Japanese army’s defenses should be the most relaxed. How could there be a problem at this juncture?

Just as depressing as Tang Yao was the 30-man "ghost-slaying" death squad commanded by Major Takeo Asakuchi. Because Kazuo Yamamoto's kamikaze special forces were reorganized and supplemented, the task of surprise attacking the headquarters of the new division of the army in Nanchang was the task. It was completed by the secret agents of Qimei agency organized by Kagesa Haruka, who had a feud with Gao Fei.

Ying Zuo Zhenzhao's hatred for Gao Fei can be described as restless eating and sleepless nights. The physical damage Gao Fei brought to him made him extremely inferior. From the past, he looked in the mirror more than a dozen times a day, and now he dare not look in the mirror. Gao Fei dismantled the majesty of the Mei Agency and made the imperial army of the Japanese Empire lose face, so this one-shot revenge must be avenged!

However, the 30-member "ghost-killing" death squad commanded by Takeo Asakuchi who sneaked into Nanchang City also encountered trouble. The city was almost in ruins. They were shot by the defenders several times because they could not answer the password. Casualties, the Chinese soldiers don't care how you speak, as long as you can't answer the password, a shuttle of bullets will sweep over. The Chinese military police uniform on Takeo Asakuchi seems to have no effect at all. Now Takeo Asakuchi understands why the arrogant Kazuo Yamamoto Hearing the name Gao Fei is more of a helpless sigh.

However, Takeo Asaguchi knew that the squadron preferred to use the local Bank of China as the headquarters when defending the city, because the Bank of China is often the strongest building in the local area, so according to the city map of Nanchang City, Takeo Asaguchi commanded the troops to quietly Interspersed under the night, the target went directly to the location of the Bank of China.

And Tang Yao, who was waiting on the side of the road, seemed to have no intention of checking and inquiring after discovering that the Japanese military police had stopped him to make way for him?Go away on your own?After taking a closer look at the Japanese artillery positions, there are various antennas densely erected everywhere about a road away?This is clearly the location of a very high-level headquarters of the Japanese army! ***The Japanese army was so bold that they set up their headquarters near the heavy artillery positions?Aren't you afraid of being overwhelmed by the heavy artillery in the city?

Tang Yao pretended to be standing by the side of the road smoking a cigarette. Sure enough, after a while, several black cars drove past like lightning. The Japanese military police waved at Tang Yao's vehicle. I called the artillery position very responsibly to confirm, but I was scolded because the batch of shells was more than an hour late than the scheduled time.

Passing through the checkpoint at the intersection, Tang Yao discovered that the Japanese army's commander was located on the reverse slope of a hillside. On the hillside was a large piece of huge granite tens of meters high. No wonder it couldn't be found. Howitzers are also likely to be difficult to hit the target, unless a large-scale air strike is carried out.

The Japanese Type 150 30mm cannon position is located on a relatively flat place on the hillside. Unlike the howitzers in the depression, the cannon needs a good shooting line of sight and angle. Facing the Japanese artillery group with at least [-] heavy artillery pieces, Tang Yao looked at the Japanese command post in the distance again. This time, it was originally a suicidal death battle. The principle of combat is to attack more and more important targets. They have come to this point, what reason does Tang Yao think he has to let go of such a good opportunity?

So Tang Yao slowed down the speed of the car, and after explaining the task to the deputy captain, the six "Japanese military policemen" on the two-wheeled motorcycles began to turn towards the direction of the Japanese command post. Tang Yao, who was sitting in the first ammunition car, Looking at the detonator under his feet, one of the detonating wires was directly connected to the ammunition box behind the car.

When there was still about 150 meters away from the Japanese Type 150 [-]mm cannon position on the hillside, Tang Yao ordered to stop, and the second car, which was caught off guard, evaded and stopped, and Tang Yao got off. The Japanese army kept yelling at the driver, yelling at the broken car, and kicking the tires of the car. In the distance, the Japanese artillerymen on the Type [-] [-]mm cannon positions watched the excitement.

The driver of the second car also complained repeatedly. Tang Yao gave the driver of the second car a look. The knowing driver put into gear, stepped on the clutch, and sped straight down like a tiger descending a mountain!

Just as the second ammunition vehicle was speeding up towards the firing position of the Japanese Type 150 150mm caliber heavy howitzer, Tang Yao and the driver also jumped on the vehicle and rushed straight to the firing position of the Japanese Type [-] [-]mm cannon.

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