Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 713 : Chapter 401 The Hero Goes to Death

[Volume 57] Chapter 713: Chapter 1 The hero dies ([-])


Chapter [-]: The Hero Goes to Death

Realizing that there was a problem, the Japanese artillery had no time to stop the ferocious firepower from intercepting them. Only sporadic shots from [-]-type rifles and southern-type pistols could not stop the ammunition trucks that were going crazy like beasts. Moreover, even if the Japanese army had enough firepower, they Have the guts to shoot at an ammunition cart full of high-caliber shells?

As a result, for a while, the Japanese artillery on the Type 150 150mm caliber field heavy howitzer position and the Type 71301 [-]mm cannon firing position scattered like birds and beasts. , now escape is the most critical. e Anti-Japanese Blood Sacrifice Mountains and Rivers [-]

However, there are also neurotics who refuse to escape. For example, Lieutenant Imai Hongichi, the captain of the Type 150 [-]mm cannon brigade, held his saber high as if he was about to split the car. Team member Li Fangjiang looked at each other in dismay?

When the wheel ran over Lieutenant Imai Hiroichi and caused a jolt, Tang Yao was convinced that the one he had just met was absolutely insane.

The difference between a warrior and a dead man is that a warrior has his own socialist ideals and goals to fight for, while a dead man is narrowly defined for the benefit of some small group or even an individual. Desperate, warriors sacrifice themselves for others, just like standing on the battlefield against aggression, warriors are invincible and fearless of death, because they know very well that the nation-state has come to a critical juncture, anyone can be timid, and everyone can retreat. After all, life is only once, but soldiers You must not be timid, and you must not retreat, because a soldier who takes a step back is an abyss. If no one is willing to stand up at the critical moment of the nation-state's peril, then the country and the nation are really hopeless. the value of existence.

Fortunately, when the Chinese nation is facing a critical moment, there are countless passionate young people like Tang Yao who have stepped forward. They take death and sacrifice very lightly, because they don't want other people's national flags to fly on their own land after many years, and their own The younger generations were trampled by the iron hooves of foreign invaders, bloodshed and even sacrifice for this is extremely worthwhile. The meaning of the existence of soldiers is to expand the territory and expand the territory. They are born for war. To this day, all the Chinese people can't talk about any honor!

Don't you see, the Han Dynasty ended in the army!The weak crown is tied with the long tassel!Don't you see, Ban Dingyuan!Juyu Qingqi urges Zhanyun!

After Li Fangjiang was shot, Tang Yao resolutely took over as the driver, sang the song of the new division and rushed to the position of the Japanese Type 150 [-]mm cannon. Coming here on Qingqi Juechen, the detonator in Tang Yao's hand was covered with blood, which was splashed from his body, and a [-]-type heavy machine gun from the Japanese army's security position was shooting desperately at the car he was driving .

Tang Yao pressed the detonator desperately, but there was no response at all?Damn, the jolt must have shorted the wires or the connectors have come off, is this all about to end?Tang Yao slowly closed his eyes with infinite regret and unwillingness.

Suddenly, the Type [-] heavy machine gun fired a series of bullets with white ballistics at the slowly stopping car?The Japanese officer operating the Type [-] heavy machine gun was stunned. It seemed that an idiot loaded a row of armor-piercing incendiary bombs into the machine gun?The Japanese officer glared at the ammunition hand, while the ammunition hand looked innocently at the ammunition preparation man beside him!

boom!Boom!Boom boom boom!

After bursts of violent explosions, the Japanese Army's Type 150 [-]mm cannon fired all five guns on the firing position and turned into a pile of scrap iron. The flying cannonball was detonated during the collapse, and it was as dazzling as a festival firework. Several Japanese officers and soldiers on the position of the Japanese Type [-] heavy machine gun who were blown into the sky by a flying cannonball didn't figure out until their death that it was the other party. Whether the ammunition cart was detonated, or whether it was detonated by an armor-piercing incendiary bomb, I am afraid it has no way of knowing.

The explosive shells from the Type 150 150mm cannon firing position even flew to the Type 150 [-]mm field heavy howitzer position, and the ammunition vehicles that broke into the Type [-] [-]mm field heavy howitzer position were also detonated. Then a chain reaction of big explosions was triggered. The roaring explosions and the explosive ammunition were like holding a large-scale fireworks show.

Parts of the cannon, as well as human body stumps and broken arms, fell half a kilometer away. They had just arrived at the division headquarters of the Sixth Division, and brought the commander of the Central China Dispatch Army, Commander Hata Toshi six, to issue a letter of commendation to the city. Neiji Okamura stared dumbfounded at the big explosion in the distance?In the flames of the explosion, Neiji Okamura's face looked very ferocious?

Standing on the side, Machida Ryoki seemed at a loss, while Anan looked gloating. How could the artillery positions behind the front line be attacked by Chinese guns?This is simply unbelievable, if it is such a tragic accident caused by misoperation?Neiji Okamura shook his head helplessly. There must be no such accidents that damage the reputation of the imperial army. Even if it is an accident, it must be said that it was destroyed by the Death Squadron of the Communist Army?

The violent explosion made Ningji Okamura feel the waves of air rushing towards his face, and the five team members commanded by Feng Jun, who were blocked outside the checkpoint of the division headquarters and were preparing to negotiate, discovered a large group of Japanese generals Zhong Xinggong The moon seems to be surrounding a person?Only a hundred meters away?Looking at the panic-stricken Japanese sentries, Feng Jun quickly opened fire and killed several sentries. Six people formed a fire assault triangle and went straight to the position where Okamura Ningji and others were located.

The Japanese army also immediately discovered this small assassination unit, so they came from all directions. The six-man team walked around while shooting fiercely at the approaching Japanese army, and used two Taisho 11-year machine guns to shoot at Okamura, which was getting closer. Ning Ci and others shot, but the unlucky Taisho 11th year quickly got stuck, so Feng Jun took his mp-30 submachine gun and fired bursts, rushing to kill the Japanese soldiers who came up without any scruples, and the five players blocked Feng Jun with their bodies!Create opportunities for him.

Bullets flew across, and blood spattered. The combat staff, adjutants, and security officers of the Japanese army rushed forward as if risking their lives, forming a circle of people. In the burst of blood mist, the six people fought tenaciously until they ran out of bullets, and finally fell down less than ten meters away from Neiji Okamura.

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