Anti-Japanese blood sacrifice mountains and rivers

Chapter 714: Chapter 402 Hit the point

Chapter 714: Chapter 1 hits the nail on the head ([-])

Chapter [-] hits the nail on the head

Feng Jun knelt down on the ground with one knee, the submachine gun in his hand made a cracking sound, and a lot of blood flowed out from the bullet holes on his body. He tried his best but couldn't lift the mp-3o submachine gun, which seemed to be extremely heavy. Looking at the Japanese general who came slowly, Feng Jun said in a weak tone: "Tell me, who are you?"

Okamura Ningji faced the Japanese assassin who almost put himself to death. He was still fighting tenaciously after seven or eight consecutive bullets to his limbs and torso. Lieutenant General Neji Okamura, Commander of the No.11 Corps of the Central China Dispatched Army.”

The corner of Feng Jun's mouth twitched and said, "It's a pity that it was almost there. Second Lieutenant Feng Jun, deputy captain of the Fifth Action Team of the First Operations Brigade of the Special Operations Brigade of the New First Division of the National Revolutionary Army."

After finishing speaking, Feng Jun tried his best to lean against a car with thousands of windows and holes, stood up unsteadily, jammed the window of the main car with a submachine gun, hooked the gun strap to his body, and whispered to himself: "Lao Tzu You are a Chinese, even if you die, you have to die standing up!"

Blood dripped down Feng Jun's fingers to the ground. Neji Okamura stood there for half an hour. Sixty or seventy imperial soldiers were killed in the battle just now. Lieutenant Gu Sen and more than 100 combat staff officers from the commander to the major of the Sixth Division were killed, especially the director of the combat staff, Zuoqing Omori, also fell to death in a pool of blood. They used their bodies to form a flesh and blood defense line just now. , Feng Jun’s four magazines with more than [-] bullets did not hurt Neiji Okamura and others. In such a costly battle, Neiji Okamura almost thought that he would die, but he was not dead, and his life was very difficult.

The 11 staff officers accompanying the No.29 Army of the Sixth Division have been killed or injured. The staff officers of the Japanese are different from the staff officers of the Chinese. It is very different. The staff officer in the Japanese army is not a title of a position, but a qualification. In the Japanese army, only army university graduates can serve as staff officers.

The Japanese Army University School was established in 6, began to recruit students in 1882, and began to have graduates in 1883. There were only less than ten students in each of the first ten sessions. In 1885, the No.1899 session was closed for two years due to the Sino-Japanese War. Afterwards, the number of graduates stabilized to about 13 per session, and increased to about 19 in the first phase of No. 9 in 20. After that, the scale of graduates began to expand until the fourth phase in 50. The last phase of No. 1941 in 1945 The .60 round reached 120 people, and the previous nine rounds had the largest number of people with less than [-] people.

That is to say, in the 6 years since the establishment of the Army University of the Japanese Army, there were only less than 60 graduates, and an average of only about 50 people were able to serve as staff officers each year. Eligible to apply for Army University School.

Therefore, staff officers in the Japanese army are regarded as the best in the world. Japanese society pays attention to background, and the Japanese army does not have higher education institutions than army universities. It is a unique phenomenon, because only staff officers can climb up within the Japanese army.

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